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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:57 am 
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Location: in the past, the present and longing for the future
One: I think this is pretty :) I like how you adjusted the image and picked that 'burst' bit out. However, I think you might want to do something more with it. The effect placed on the image is great - not too much, yet not too little; the text may be a little problem. I'll have to agree with Silja on the plainess of the text; you may have made it so that the picture stands out, but the text still really catches my attention. It just sticks out.

Two: Wow. I really like the colours of this. It looks a little plain, but the effect is still good. The theme is quite original and the plain text just fits in. Well done. The thing I would consider about this set is the border. To me, it looks a little too thick; perhaps reducing it by a pixel or two would be better.

Three: This is a beautiful set. The image you have chosen sticks out from the pretty background. I do think that the subtext isn't that well chosen; from a butterfly image, I would think of something more...elegant, perhaps. On whole, minus the subtext, it is a pretty set, but there is something I feel that makes it a little flawed. I'm not too sure of what it is, but it may be the font choice for the word 'Jane'. The swirls get to me a little.

Four: Awww, the sheep is so cute! It's a pretty cute set, but I really would say that the colour scheme is a little strange. I'm not saying it's not good, I think it's pretty well done, the background is nice and swirly, suits the 'confused' theme. But there are really things that are missing in this set. Perhaps the dimensions of the signature is too large. I also don't really agree with the font choice here. It's a pretty font, yes, but I would think something more bubbly could be used, as opposed to the current one.

Five: Okay, I can see what you did. Sort of. I think it's acceptable. Actually, I quite like this set; I like the simplicity of it. You don't need a lot of effects to create a nice set; I like the effect of this set, I'd say it's a job well done. The thing I would improve on this would be the placement of the text and perhaps the font choice. Personally I think the font is a little thick. There might not be other places to put the text, but do consider another font that would 'suit' this set.

Six: I absolutely adore this set. It's so fabulous! I really like the effect you put on the image and the diagonal lines, though I would still consider lowering the opacity a little more; it looks a bit scratchy. If that was the whole intention of it, I absolutely would not go against it; it's awesome. There isn't much I can say about this wonderful set, but I do feel that the subtext may be either a little out of place of a different font choice would fit better. The good thing about the original image is that it would look good in scratchy or smooth; another well done on finding the wonderful image!

Seven: Pretty! I love the image you have chosen to work with for this set. It blends in very well with the black background and the colours are adjusted fairly well. However, I would consider the fonts more carefully! For starters, I really think the text 'Steven' is out of place. It just feels out of place. The effect on it isn't bad, but I find it a little difficult to see the top. I would also consider making the signature a little smaller, there's quite a lot of space in it even though it was meant to be plain. Also consider the text placement on both the signature and the avatar, they too, seem to be sticking out.

Eight: I like this one a lot, I think it's very beautiful. The effect used on the rose is very applicable in this set and I really like it! I feel that you must teach me how to do that. In this set, I would consider the colours of the border; maybe something that matches the colours of the set, perhaps a darker shade of red. I would also try to fade the text a little to blend it in the signature. On whole, an incredibly beautiful set.

Nine: I tried very hard looking for the first image, but I can't find it. Maybe you put it on top of the image or whatever, but I don't know what you did with it. It's a very nice set, but for some reason, it doesn't appeal to me as something amazing. I hope no offence was taken. Putting my own view aside, this set is a job well done. The effect you've used matches well and it's a nice effect. However, the text seems to be a little out of place, I do feel it could be placed somewhere more suitable.

Ten: The first thing that struck me was that the sig is too large for this. Also, the text on the av should probably not be seperated and have the border cut a little bit of it away. The background is plain, but the colours match, so that's good. I can see the effects on the background and I think it's pretty good, even though it's a little plain. Maybe spice it up a little since the coke-can isn't really fancy or anything. Also, I think the word "Coca-Cola" above "life tastes good" isn't really that necessary since it's already on the coke can. I also feel that there must be something more you can do to it. As much as you want this set to be plain, the effect isn't as good as the plain-ness landscapes sets give.

Eleven: I praise you on how you managed to make the colours fit in, in the image. I found it a little difficult to have a pink background with the image, yet you managed to somehow fit them in quite well. There's a colour crash in this set; the yellow just doesn't look like it's home. Maybe some effect can be added to it, or maybe a different colour choice. It's up to you. I also feel that the sig is a little large; reducing by a few pixels won't kill the set. I also don't really agree on the text placement on the av.

Twelve: The text on the av may seem out of place at first, but then I realised that it's probably a good place to put it. Sometimes if I find it troublesome to put text on the av, I just leave it. It looks fine just with the waterfall, but you might want to shrink it more so more of the image can be seen. Again, I agree with Silja's comment on the text on the signature. It really strikes me as something...not smooth, as opposed to the soothing waterfall. You can consider another font choice and the way of blending the text. You also might want to put it somewhere else too, it's somewhat hogging too much attention on the signature.

Thirteen: So bright! The colours all match and the background is very well done. The font choice, however, you might want to consider it again. Returning to the brightness. I really feel that it shouldn't be that bright. I do agree that the effect is good, but it's far too bright for my liking. And the white doesn't blend in the pink. The av seems a little plain and the white makes it look even brighter. It is a nice set though. Sometimes it's necessary to have thick borders, but I do think the slanted side's border is too thick compared to the rest.

Fourteen: The colour scheme is pretty good. It gives a snowy feeling. Maybe this is just me, but I do think the text is far too large and hogs too much attention. I must admit, at first, I really couldn't see the skate until I saw the original image. The section you shrank is well selected, the text placement on the flying ice is good, I like that a lot. On the av, again, the text hogs far too much attention.

Fifteen: I'm not sure where I should look at first; the people, or the sparkly things behind? Make either one stick out to be the centre of attention, not equal. I like the funky border on this set and the text choices, but they just don't feel in place. Also, I do feel that more effects could be used on the image rather than just cut it out and stick it on. On whole, it's a pretty set and has a nice effect to it, well done.

Sixteen: Text is far too large and hardly visible. I like the effect you've put on the image and it's a pretty image to work with. I do feel, however, that more can be done with the background instead of being satisfied with the blue sky that comes with the image. I would also consider the border of this set; somehow the black border doesn't really go well.

Seventeen: Preeetttyy! I can't stress how much I like the avatar and what has been done to the image. It just appeals to me as something wonderful. I love how the text "she...dreams always..." is placed on the signature. It might seem out of the place, but I think it's really well done. It's a very nice style. However, the text 'Hitomi' could have placed somewhere else or removed. Just the "she...dreams always..." would have been absolutely acceptable. 'Hitomi' just seems really out of the place; nevertheless, the colours match very well and I like the effect put on the tet - white background, lines, etc.

Eighteen: The first thing that strikes me in this set is the border; it's far too thick even though it's blended in. The text placement is good and the effect isn't bad. There's just something missing in here. It's pretty good and the colours match, but it just looks a little too blue. I really do feel that the attention on the person should be brought out more, rather than being equal with the background.

Nineteen: Love this a lot. I admire your skills of drawing this, it's something that I'll never be able to do no matter how much I try. Anyway, I quite like this vector art; the set is plain, but it's good like that. Any more add to it would ruin it. Even if it's plain, there isn't a feeling that something's missing, absolutely amazing. I envy the person who will be using this set.

Twenty: I feel like everything is a seperate element and just pasted together in the set. It has a nice colour theme but the things you did to the background is far too much. Choose between glow and drop shadow. It must have taken you time in this set, but it doesn't give me an impression that you did do much; it just looks like everything is just put together. i do like effect on the text, however. The sig really could be smaller; I feel you really can do better with adjusting the places of the images. On whole, it's a pretty set with pretty colours, I like it.

Twenty one: Too much swirls on the signature. I like how thin the sig and av are. Usually I would say this is too small, but everything just seems to fit here. The large text on the sig is too large for the size of the signature. Honestly saying, the signature is fabulous without the large text (but do shorten it). I suggest that a different font choice and reduce the size of the text. Effect on the image is very well done, I love it very much. The av do appear to me, however, as a button. Like those that you put on webpages to show you're an affilate or whatever.

Twenty two: Plain, but acceptable. I feel that more can be done to the background without hogging too much attention from the person. The text is also a little large. At the moment, it seems fine, but it really snatches the attention away. You could make it blend in with the background a little by turning the opacity down. I also like the border, it seems to fit well with this set.

Twenty three: What's the font for 'princess"? I really like it. Also the butterfly behind it. I think this is very pretty and it suits the theme quite well. However, I think the signature can be shorter so there is less space. You can do something about the space, but I can't think of what. Maybe text to blend in, patterns?

Twenty four: "Back in Black" is too large for my liking, also, it can be placed better. Nonetheless, this is, on whole, a nice set. I think you've done a good job cutting out the cars; they're very neat and tidily cut and put on the set. The avatar is fine, but maybe more of the car can be seen? The text can also be smaller too. I also like the stars around the cars. I swear I have nothing against using the pre-made patterns in photoshop, but that blue just doesn't suit being a background in it. I'm sorry if I've hurt its feelings, but the colours just doesn't go well. You could have chosen something closer to the colours of the cars.

Twenty five: Text placement! "Icey" really can be placed somewhere better. It doesn't even have to be on the sig. I quite like the font of the subtext, what is it? This is another plain set. A little too plain too. I feel that you really could have done something to the background and the image. The cut outs are fine. I can understand the difficulty of making sets with paint, but there can be more to the set and I feel that it really is lacking things.

This is really difficult, but I pick: Four, Ten, Twenty and Twenty four.

memories of yesterday; because you've left me at the beginning

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 4:51 pm 
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Ahhhh, Flame is rating! *can't believe it*

The image is pretty cool looking, and I like the small grid effect you added. The black and white text is a little dull looking though...I suppose the main font works, but I don't like the subtext all that much

It's very 'vintage' looking (though I'm not positive that's the correct word...) I love the cutouts, and the solid white border around the whole thing works very well with them. Awesome job, very original.

Very pretty. Good image choice. I don't have any problems with the av. But the sig's background is maybe a little too busy considering the font you used. You'd have to maybe make the font stand out a bit more against the background.

Hm...It's okay. But it's all rather empty, and the border is very plain. I think if the height of the sig would have been smaller it would've looked a bit better. The main font is sort of dull...Choose something more interesting next time? Also, maybe choose a background that better goes with the image.

Looks sort of graint to me. But overall, it's a nice looking set. It might've been better to make the text a bit stronger though. And I think this one might've looked cool with rounded edges at the corners.

It's gorgeous. Love it. You chose a wonderful image, and the subtle diagonals and text set it off perfectly.

Hm...Sort of plain. The av text needs to be moved into the empty space in the top left to fill it... The subtext in the sig is hard to see on my monitor. The border on this is also sort of boring. Maybe a double border would've set it off better.

Pretty. Simple and elegant. I'm not very fond of the dark colored border though and the text...might've been better to lighten them up a little bit.

Very pretty. Good placement with the image of the girl. It also has a 'dreamy' look...but a different sort of dreamy look than I normally see. It could maybe use some subtext to fill the bottom right corner...Oh, and I love that border you did, where it's just a lighten version of the image. I can't say I've seen it before.

I normally don't judge on spelling, but in this it's rather obvious. In the av 'coka' should be 'coca', and in the sig 'taste' should be 'tastes'. I don't like how the text in the av leaves such a large gap. The image placement was a cool idea, but I think the can could have been brough up and over to the left a little more so you could see the text on the can better...

Ah, mustard yellow mixed with pink and purple. Not a good combo. Though I se where you got it from in their hair colors...Ick. Definitely change the colors of the amin font. The text in the av it a little hard to see..And...yeah.

Simple and pretty. Don't like the floating text in the av....And in the sig, the area below the subtext looks a little empty, though I do like its placement under the main text. I also like the rounded edges you put on the sig.

Woah, too much contrast. I'd lessen it a little. Don't like the awkward cut out on the right sife...I like the border you chose, as well as the subtext. Very original. But again, too much contrast. Leaves an unnappealing white blob in the center of the sig.

Very simple and clean looking. I like the scanlines. The font you chose with the white and blue glow it cool, but it's a little bit too large for the size of your ab and sig. I don't like how 'skate' covers the blade in the av. I also don't like the placement of 'to' in the sig.

Cool looking. The placement of his head in the ab is a little awkward, but I do loke how you colorized the writing. I also like all the scribbles in the sig. The thing I probably don't like most is the word 'god'. Doesn't stand out quite enough I think. Or it could just be how curly the G is.

The image looks sort of grainy compared to the original. I don't like the dark border. It's too 'sharp' I guess I could say in comparison to the soft look of the image and the dont. The font was a cool idea, but I think it needed to be bround out a little more that it is.

Definitely original. I have no problems with the av. I adore the text placement and design with it in the sig. Something bothers me about the main text placement though...maybe move it up a bit?

I am strangely attracted to this one for some reason. I think it's the blue glow around the edges and the placement of the sig text. Definitely a good job there. I'm not so fond of the subtext though. I also think 'DM' should be in one of the lower corners of the ab to fill the space.

Very nice. The simple lines and the fact that you drew it makes you really look at it for a while. I think the sig is a little empty though with the empty sky in the middle, though I can't say I'm really all that sure of what you could possibly do to fix it.

It's really sort of empty looking, despite the detail in the background. And despite the sort of 'princess' theme, all or the images son't really go together that well. I don't like the N in the av, because I can see it go into the 'i'. I think you just cut out a section of the sig for the av? I also don't like how hello kitty's head is chopped in half. I think maybe keeping the hello kitty image a larger size would've helped fill the space. I don't really like the main font either...clashes with the brownish shade of the background.

Twenty One
I want to steal this set and use it for my own. XD I love the thinness of the sig. In the av, the white in the text is too strong. In the sig, the black should've been a deep purple. That's it.

Twenty Two
It's a bit plain, but not bad. Should've maybe taken a bit off of the bottom of the av. In the sig, the main text is too close to the left edge. I like the border...Yeah.

Twenty Three
Sort of bland and greyish looking. I love your font placement and choice in the sig. The background is okay, but the pink has a greyish tinge to it I don't like. There's also that huge empty space that looks odd.

Twenty Four
Yay! Someone made me a set! lol. Anyway, cool image choices and placement of the cars. The font looks like one I used to use in my sets, but I can't remember the name...Hm. I think a dark blue of grey background would've looked better in this. I also don't like the subtext much. The black and white stands out too much and doesn't really go with your main font choice...

Twenty Five
Spiffy picture. I love your font choices. It's all a little empty though. I don't like the squares cut out of the corners either...I think rounded edges might've looked better, because everything else in the set is smooth and round looking.


And a very very huge warning to Twenty Four.


Last edited by Flame on Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:25 pm 
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Flame you've got number 20 twice, and since you're voting one of them out, you might want to change that ;)


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:49 pm 
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InsanePlushie wrote:
Flame you've got number 20 twice, and since you're voting one of them out, you might want to change that ;)

*shifty glance* I have no idea what you're talking about. :)


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 3:28 am 
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  1. An interesting theme, but it doesn't look like much has been done with the original picture besides adjusting the levels and adding a dot overlay and a bit of a motion blur. The white text on this is way too bold, as is the heavyset display font on the signature, try some more muted colors and a lighter font. 6/10
  2. I wish you would actually share the images, rather than just say they came from the program. It's very ambiguous how much work you actually did, because for all I know the pictures came just that way and you did hardly anything. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time, but even so, I have my doubts about how much work you actually did, because the background definitely looks like it was made through AutoTrace, and silhouettes are relatively easy to vector. But I'll give you this, it's very striking and original, it certainly looks nice. 6.5/10
  3. See my comments above, unlike brushes, the vast majority of tubes are PICTURE STAMPS. Using a tube is not making something from scratch, it is using a source picture. As for the rest of this, the brushwork is nice, but I think the color scheme is a little odd looking, the cyan is really just too bright. 7/10
  4. This is very cute, and I like how homemade it looks, it's rather charming. My only suggestion would be the fonts, they look very awkward next to all the handdrawn elements, you might have gone with a handwriting-type font, or actually just written them out yourself. 8.5/10
  5. It really looks like all that was done was to add a dot overlay layer and adjust the levels, and add text and borders. It's really just too plain, and the way the text is positioned makes it very hard to read, especially on the avatar. 6/10
  6. As with the above, overlaying patterns and adjusting the levels is not really a lot of work. However, I think this set's saving grace is the elegant and creative display text on the signature. 7/10
  7. At first glance I thought this was a rather nice set, and then I saw the source picture and realized that it was just tinted blue and had a dot overlay added. I don't feel that watery reflections are very hard to make, especially not in Photoshop, and doing it yourself would have given it an extra kick. Other than that, there's no border on the avatar, which looks awkward, and font used for the display text is a bit unfitting. 6/10
  8. I like the hazy look of the picture, it's very romantic looking. The texture overlay really clashes with the water drops on the left side, making it all look very grainy, try toning it down a bit on the left. I actually think the dark border and text make a nice contrast, but it should probably have been a dark shade of red rather than a true black. 8.5/10
  9. This looks very cute, I the ambient light effect. The red ribbon on the left side of the signature is rather distracting, you might want to just crop it out. 9/10
  10. This set looks rather odd, the contrast between the red and the brown is really distracting. I'm really not fond of all the white in this set, the words "Coca-Cola" are way too abundant, it only really needs to be in each element once, repeating it is just overkill. 6/10
  11. The extraction on this set is rather sloppy, I can see a lot of leftover yellow all around, particularly in the hair. The color of the display text on the signature leaves a lot to be desired, I think a darker pink would have looked much nicer. 6/10
  12. Again, this is just a cropped picture with a pattern overlay and minor level adjustments. 6/10
  13. This is a very interesting combination of effects. Like the others, I'm not very fond of the bright border, it looks very chaotic. It was a cute idea to have her grabbing the cut-off corner of the signature, but the extraction on her hand is so sloppy that it looks like it was just a mistake. 7/10
  14. Yet another cropped picture with a pattern overlay. Another problem I have with this particular set is the size, it's very cut-off looking since the signature is rather short.
  15. Hm, I'm getting a strong sense of déjà vu :P. As for the set, it's all rather confused looking. I understand your logic in having all the overlays, but they're very messy and too vague to look mathematical or artistic. And my last complaint is that the scribbles and color choice really obscure all the text on the signature. 6/10
  16. I rather like the grungy overlay, but other than that, there's not much to this set; the text is hard to read... 6.5/10
  17. The avatar in this set rather reminds me of a certain style of Livejournal icon, which is an interesting application. I think the signature is a little confused looking since there's hardly any differentiation between the foreground and background. Also, one more little nitpick would be to adjust the colors so they have a little more presence, they're rather flat and dull looking the way they are. 8.5/10
  18. Interesting colors here, the border is very unusual, I kind of like it. The image quality is rather questionable though, there's some halo-ing around the edges, which looks like oversharpening, it really brings out the wrinkles on his face and makes him look old. 8/10
  19. A very nice simple image, I commend you for drawing it all yourself. I think the strong pattern overlay in the sky is rather distracting, but this is otherwise a very charming set. 9/10
  20. Everything is very cute, but it's rather boring; the swirls don't really make much of a background, and I can see that the avatar is a direct crop of the signature. Redoing the small section of the avatar where the "i" is left over would have looked much nicer. 6/10
  21. This is very nice, I like how minimalistic it is. Overall I really like this set, but I think your choice of font in the signature is a bit off, the fancy script really disrupts the sleek look of the set, I would go for a plainer font. 9.5/10
  22. What really bothers me about this set is the colors. The black and white photo has a slight greenish tint, while the rest of the set has is a sort of muted ochre; and the photo is predominantly black, while the rest of it is all light shades. Not to mention the plain background and minimal effects on the whole thing. 6/10
  23. Cute, but I 'm not fond of all that empty space in the upper right section of the signature. The colors are a little bit dull, you might want to adjust the levels so they're brighter.
  24. Not a bad job making the silver car black, but there are a few areas that show it's been altered: the headlights are blue, and that's a giveaway that the colors have been altered. Since you took the time to extract the cars I would recommend you find them a more interesting background, I recognize that immediately as a preset fill pattern. 7/10
  25. This is just a cropped picture with text and a border. I commend the unusual text positions, but much more could have been done with this picture. 6/10
I vote out 5, 7, 14, and 25.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 6:05 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Flame (or anyone), you overlooked my question...and I'm really itching to use J Reu:

If a set is made for us, when are we allowed to use it?

(Also, Marissa...he really can't help but look old...he's 27. :P)


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 12:51 am 
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Sorry, DM. The answer to that question is that you can use the The round is over. :)

The sets will be deleted off of the PPTTG Album account in 24 hours.

Eidolon, Robert, Kidwaiy, Bangel, Jasujo

The above cannot participate in Round 2.

Round 2 Requirements
-Make a blog
-No green
-Dimensions must be between 300x300 and 425x425.
-Must have text
-It has to be possible to code it (though you don't actually have to code it)

You have 4 days. PM the blog to me when you are finished, as well as the original images and program you used. Also, once you have PMed me, you cannot change your entry.

Post questions here. :)


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 5:00 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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And I already made a blog for this! Hopefully it don't have any green. <__<


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 5:22 pm 
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Flame I send my entry, but I won't be here til monday, because I'm going to Disney (paris), so could you put it on the PPTTG photobucket account?


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 7:27 pm 
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I made it to the next round, even though my set was pretty bad (I'm sorry for hurting everyone's eyes with the hideous pink and yellow!). My next graphics will have nice colors only, ok? :P

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:15 pm 
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InsanePlushie wrote:
Flame I send my entry, but I won't be here til monday, because I'm going to Disney (paris), so could you put it on the PPTTG photobucket account?

I'll do it. No worries.


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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 1:32 am 
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Flame wrote:
Eidolon, Robert, Kidwaiy, Bangel, Jasujo

The above cannot participate in Round 2.

When someone is eliminated, can you please say who was what number? We don't know who made which set and therefore just saying the names doesn't tell us which sets didn't make it. :) Thank you.

I'd like to know who made that awesome sheep set. <3

Image Image
<3 Divas rock! Click to join. <3

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:29 am 
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I was the one who made the sheep set XD

I could make it my set I suppose. I dunno. I don't really need a new set, but there's nothing to do with the poor sheep now!

edit: question answered.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 1:01 am 
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Jasujo wrote:
Flame wrote:
Eidolon, Robert, Kidwaiy, Bangel, Jasujo

The above cannot participate in Round 2.

When someone is eliminated, can you please say who was what number? We don't know who made which set and therefore just saying the names doesn't tell us which sets didn't make it. :) Thank you.

I'd like to know who made that awesome sheep set. <3

Eidolon - 4
Robert - 7
Kidwaiy - 10
Bangel - 14
Jasujo - 20


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 1:45 am 
Beyond Godly
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Is it just me? Or did you change the password to the album?

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