coming2atvnearu wrote:
... the Editorial is the only time that users have any communication whatsoever with the staff. It is absolutely invaluable to the site and it should be #1 priority every week with no exceptions.
I totally agree with this statement. The editorial is one of the things I look forward to every week. Usually I am disappointed at some of the lame questions they answer, but every once in awhile there is a question that gets answered that actually has quite a bit of meat to it.
On the minus side some of the "meaty questions", though ... even when they answer something important and say "they'll look into it ...", many times nothing seems to get done about it anyway.
For instance, the 2 new stocks that they were going to put into the stock market ... it still took them weeks to implement it ... even though they first put it in the news, and then answered a question in the editorial about why it wasn't active. If you're going to answer a question about it ... at least put it at the top of the "to do" list for the next week.
On a lighter note, the top 4 things I look forward to are (in no particular order):
1: Lenny Conundrum
2: Editorial
3: Mystery Pic
4: Better than You
(I'd have to think longer to put them in actual order)
I haven't been good at the Better than You game for what seems like a year ... but I still have hopes that a game I am good at will show up.

(I actually have won twice in my neopets life ... only the bronze both times, though.)