What I see here is a die-hard PP fan trying their best to disgrace Neo and make it seem like an overrated pile of trash.
I had a look at PP, and many other sites in the same category as it and Neo, and out of all of them, Neo is the one that proves to be most interesting, fun and addictive (in a good way

). And you must remember something very important. 300k users is a bloody massive load, but I can bet that TNT recieve more bug reports, complaints, comments, un-freeze requests, reports, return items requests, compensation requests, every week. I mean, there are roughly over 20 million active users on the site for goodness sake!
When PP begins catering for such a large expanse of users, I will be sitting by and laughing as they try to keep up with their promise of no banner ads, no excessive downtime, guaranteed item returns, minimal glitches and whatever else they claim to do that Neo does not do. The staff probably won't even be able to chat on the boards any more, for fear of their thread being flooded with "OMGzrz!! CaN U LyKe GiMmE a MiLLIOn PoWeR BuX!?!?! PLZZZZ!" Don't say it won't happen, becuase by the time they reach that many users, there will be a lot of these kinds of people.
Powerpets is most likely a good site. I wouldn't know as I have never played it. But if they ever plan on reaching the status of Neo, they will seriously need to reconsider their promises. In fact, I can PROMISE YOU that before they even reach 40 million accounts the following things will happen:
*the site will be swarmed with cheaters, scammers, hackers (yes hackers, like ad0)
*downtime will be a more frequent occurence
*the staff will not be so generous in returning all items lost in glitches since glitches will happen a lot more often
*the staff will be expected to update a lot more frequently for fear of being labelled as boring.
*The staff will not post very often on the boards.
*Ads will reign terror over the site, much like they do on Neo
*A site similar to PPT called Brown Barking Dog will be put up, where masses of PP users will complain about unfairly lost accounts, ads, scammers, and anything else they find innapropriate or unfair
Maybe that was a bit harsh, but it's the truth. The more you cater for, the harder things become, and sometimes, the worse the end product becomes (McDonalds is a perfect example).
So just a friendly notice to everyone. If PP ever reaches such a massively high status, be prepared for a full assault of new fluffy PP merchandise and KFC Promotions.