Shoyru_Lover wrote:
Was the article edited? When I skimmed it... I only perceived a bit negative near the end... although I think it's unintentional due to certain phrasing.
Honest opinion... I think nani was trying to make a commentary... however some of the choice of words could have been... better...
It's an interesting read... but to me it seems like what Nani is trying to achieve is a personal take on the situation... I interpreted "rivarly" as more of a jovial thing... (correct me if I'm wrong).
Nani is quite young yes?
Although Nani... if you ask for advice from people... be prepared to take on board what they say... it's a bit strange when someone asks for advice then argues back

Heh, at least someone is making sense to me. I haven't edited the article since I posted it, and yes the whole "rivalry" thing was more of a "Oh, look, PPT's at it again" sort of thing than a "I wish we had the power to shut down that awful site!" sort of thing. I don't think the Pink Poogle Toy description was anything more than friendly teasing, which is what I tried to express in the article. And I must re-state that I would totally be on the side of PPT if there ever were to be an all-out war between Neopets and PPT (I don' t think there currently is). The article was written more for the non-PPT community wondering what the heck was going on. It was an editorial, but even though I am a strong PPT supporter I tried to explore why some members of TNT felt the way they did. As I have said, I had only one direct source, and I tried to interpret what she said as accurately as possible. If anyone has a conflicting TNT source, I would be happy to edit the article to include their views.
When I asked for constructive criticism, I was looking for more specific comments rather than stuff leaning towards "the general idea is stupid" end of the spectrum.
I guess there's an inherent danger to directly posting this to PPT, in that obviously the people here will feel very strongly in a certain way (pro-PPT). I don't believe there was really anything negative towards PPT in what I wrote, but I'm sorry that I offended some of you and I will try to change the article to use less strong wording.
The point of the article wasn't that PPT is doing anything wrong, or that we should change in any way. I was just saying that I think some staff members misunderstand what goes on here, and that I understand why they feel that way, but I think that they are wrong. Obviously everyone here has misinterpereted my standpoint. And that's probably my fault; in trying to be neutral in my writing it became unclear who I was for. I will try to change it later, probably tomorrow.
I want to work for Neopets too.
Oh, and SL, I'm 12.