stampsyne wrote:
Rude people are a part of life. I had somebody claim to be poor and ask that that I give them codestones out of my shop. I was steamed for awhile. I let off steam and felt better. That is one thing about PPT is that rude people, fisher of clues, cheaters, and scam artists are usually ignored; outside of the occasional helpful person answering a question. They drift off and usually don't come back.

EDIT: Thanks Plushie. I thought my quick and positive response back would generate hope, but the outcome is more like a nightare.
I was frozen *about* a week ago, they said i was 'using multiple accounts to obtain neopoints'
they frozen my sister too, prolly cause i gave her a Starry P/B as a gift so she could paint her cybunny

ah well, she and i restarted, we STILL didnt get a response from TNT
she got a great start with 450k though, TCG redeem codes, looooonnnngggg story

Morningstar wrote:
plushie wrote:
I'm new myself, but a member for 2 weeks about (?)
i'm taking a guess it was the durn sidebar beta-testing

even jazz_invincible joined for that
Perhaps people are jumping on board in the hopes of rubbing elbows with borovan. But, you and stampsyne are right--each of us was new here at one time or another.
And, PPT is a great place to get support--even if you don't ever get unfrozen, you do get the sympathy and understanding of others here.
thats true too, i've made plenty of friends, and met some real nice people

i got *some* support about my account getting frozen, but i didnt much mind, four painted pets was hard to care for anyways with keeping scammers off my back also xDD