{{shadowgamers character seems to have dissapeared}}
Blitz hearing this command, did not want to approach Halcin, especially to use a power that he has never heard of. Still, he needed to hide, somehow. He walked near Halcin, as everyone seemed to horde around her, and just stood next to her for the while. Some of the members of their "party" had dissapeared without notice. Halcin was still their, he could hear her breathing heavily next to him. A thought ocurred to him at that moment. Nestling the Amber amulet closter to him, he stared intently on what seemed to be nothing. Gazing deeper into the emptiness, he saw what he wanted.
A faint, ghostly silhouette of some of the missing party members. It looked like Yang had shaded himself with his amulet, and Halcin and some of the others had dissapeared with her. He liked this new ability, and found out more of its uses. He saw the guards from afar, they were stalking over to the site of the breakout, and approaching with some sick looking weapons. An even farther look beyond them showed the clear water again, in which they first landed. "Well, we can't go back there." Blitz thought. He ended his technique of sight and focused on the task at hand.
Thinking quickly, he didn't need to become invisible, just not notable. He ran over to the fallen guards, and donned one of their garments, and clothing the body with his. He lie face down into the blistering sand, staying still, barely even letting a breath escape. Having done this before to escape guards in the bazaars, he's had years of practice, and it was almost natural to him. He lay there, looking up slightly at the people still visible to the natural eye, and knew they were about to either get caught, or dissapear just as he and the others had done.