Azure wrote:
Wow.. people who have nothing else to do but bash other people... You could state your "opinion" but just say it in a polite way...
Anyways, watch 60 minutes tomorrow (Sunday Night) and there's the proof that she did get sick. They were taping the rehearsals and what happened after the infamous ho-down...
I don't think I said anything impolite about her... But anyway...
I don't have 60 minutes here, but you mentioning brought me to do some research...
CBSNEWS website wrote:
Her father Joe Simpson, who manages the careers of both Ashlee and her older sister Jessica Simpson, said it was his decision to use the pre-recorded music, called backing tracks, for vocal support when it became apparent during dress rehearsals that acid reflux disease had swollen Ashlee's vocal cords.
Simpson ran off the stage when her voice began to fail her then, too, and Stahl and her cameras captured the moment, which turned out to be a preview of what later unfolded on live television.
The singer said the glitch occurred when her drummer hit the wrong switch and cued the wrong music track. She also said it was the first time she had ever used a backing track.
This is all in relation about whats going to be shown on 60 minutes tommorow....
1. Her dad is taking the blame.
2. I guess thats why she was always looking at the drummer... Maybe he was the one who had to press the tape button.
3. Does anyone buy this??