I've been knocking an idea around recently about the Pink Poogle Toy site.
As you know, at the minute, there are three areas of PinkPT - the
Neodex, this forum, and a
blog at the root domain. No one is writing for the blog (unless I'm very much mistaken, anyway), it just a bunch of old posts looping around and around (a "blog roll", haha). The current main page for PinkPT therefore looks very unloved - compare it
to how it looked circa 2009, or to how Jellyneo looks today. It just doesn't reflect the level of activity on other parts of the site.
It would be nice to make the site look like that again, but it would require a lot of content generation that we simply don't have. Instead, how about we make the main Pink Poogle Toy home just a prettier landing page? This is my idea:
It's just a rough version I made today and yesterday, but I hope it conveys my meaning. My idea is that it would fill your screen (it's quite a trendy way to do websites front pages at the moment - big, full screen graphic 'banner') and the different items added to the planet would take you to the different site areas. Where a link would take you could appear in a sort of balloon - a bit like the
old version of the Neopets Explore Map. In this example, I was thinking the stack of books for the Neodex, the desert scroll for the blog roll, and the radio tower for the forums (that owes a bit to the old RKO Pictures ident).
Anyway, it's just a suggestion to make the Pinkpt main page more fun. What do you think?