Snow Faerie's Quest

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The Snow Faerie's Quest is a quest game in which Taelia asks users to bring her food items to use as ingredients in her spells. It was first released on January 7, 2001.

How to Play[edit]

After clicking on Taelia's Igloo, the player will be taken to the main page for the game. There they can then click the I will help you! button to start a quest. Taelia will present the player with a list of two to four items that she needs and will also give the player a time limit in which the quest must be completed. The time limit is randomly select for each quest, but it is usually somewhere between 1 and 2 hours.

To complete the quest, players must place at least one of each of the requested items into their inventory and then return to Taelia. They can then click the I have your ingredients! button to finish the quest. Unlike normal Faerie Quests, players are allowed to use the Shop Wizard while completing a Snow Faerie's Quest.


After completing a Snow Faerie's Quest, users are rewarded with a randomly selected snowball, a randomly selected item, and between 1,000 and 2,500 Neopoints. Additionally, after completing their first quest, users will unlock Taelia as a challenger in the Battledome and also receive the following avatar, released on December 22, 2004:

Taelia.gif Taelia the Snow Faerie
Complete a Snow Faerie's Quest.

Unique Items[edit]

There are several unique items that can only be obtained by completing a Snow Faerie's Quest:

  • Taelia Statue
  • Taelia Usuki
  • Taelias Tips
  • Taelias Token

External links[edit]