Altador Cup VII

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The seventh instalment of the Altador Cup competition will be played in the summer of 2012. On the 15 May, the countdown to the sign-ups process began, with information on two teams being released per day. Sign ups will open midday on 25 May.

Team biographies

Leading up to the Cup, The Neopets Team slowly released press information on each team, two teams per day:

  • Team Faerieland
    'Getting Down To Earth
    After a biting remark from Tandrak Shaye, the Faerieland team decided to celebrate their status as an earthbound land — with a road trip! As of this report, they have been travelling for six months, seen seven lands, and eaten an astonishing quantity of Chocolate Cloud Cookies. "I never knew the Lost Desert had so many pyramids," Valtonous Rea tells us. Team captain Kakoni Worrill promises that Faerieland has been training while on the road.
  • Team Kiko Lake
    Kikos Never Get Cold Feet
    How's Kiko Lake these days? Sunny and warm, "Poke" Cellers assures us with an enthusiastic bounce. The Kiko Lake team has taken advantage of the weather with a rummage sale this weekend. They're hoping to raise enough Neopoints for new equipment and transportation to the Cup. "We'll be lucky if the weather holds," the team captain adds, glancing at the puffy white clouds overhead. "We'd like to get in some field practice this week too."
  • Team Mystery Island
    The Law Of The Jungle
    Because Mystery Island hasn't had a shakeup to their team since Year 10, it came as something of a surprise to hear rumours of a retirement. There's plenty of great talent looking to move up from the jungle Yooyuball leagues, but when asked who on the Mystery Island team was thinking of retiring, team captain Volgoth just grunted and said, "Not now." When reporters pushed for a firm answer, Volgoth growled... and the question was dropped.
  • Team Shenkuu
    Victory: Our Cup Of Tea
    Tea ceremonies or Yooyuball practice? "Why not both," Mirsha Grelinek says with a smile. She and Antola Maeir have extensive duties at the Lunar Temple, but that hasn't cut into their practice time. "We just schedule practice around the tea," Mirsha continues, smoothing the front of her kimono. "Finding a balance is important; we follow a philosophy of moderation to help achieve inner peace. Uh, we still want to win this year, of course."



