The Snowager

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The Snowager guarding it's treasure.

The Snowager is the great terror of the Ice Caves. Cold as ice and extremely mean, pray you never feel the force of his frosty breath. Keeps a large treasure pile in his cave, which he always sleeps upon. A well known fact of The Snowager is that he is infact an overgrown Snowickle.

Plot Summaries

NeoQuest II

The Snowager in NQII.
Main Article: NeoQuest II

The Snowager is an NPC in NeoQuest II, and contrary to his terrorsome roll in the Ice Caves, in the simulation he Terror Mountain's roads of avalanches, which are actually the ship's data routes. He is imprisoned by Scuzzy and it is the job of Rohane and his party to defeat Scuzzy and free the him. After Scuzzy is defeated the Snowager is free and reveals himself as a sentient program in charge of maintaining the ship's computers, but that a virus has been installed and now has control of the ship's computers.


Difficulty: {{{Difficulty}}} Starting HP: {{{StartingHP}}}
Arena: {{{Arena}}} Released: {{{ReleaseDate}}}
Status: Unknown Challenger ID: {{{ID}}}
Found by: {{{FoundBy}}} be added...


During Fight...

  • (unknown)

After Win...

  • (unknown)


  • (unknown)


  • (unknown)


  • (unknown)

Snowager's Cave

The Snowager sleeps between 6-7 AM, 2-3 PM, and 10-11 PM, Neopia Standard Time. During these times, it is possible to sneak in and grab a prize from the pile of treasure he rests on. Prizes range from Neggs to medicine to plushies. The Snowager can also wake up and deal damage to your pet, or even to all of them. Being blasted by the Snowager will reduce your pet's HP to zero. Being blasted by the Snowager may also earn you an avatar.


  • be added...

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