Deep Catacombs

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The Deep Catacombs are an area beneath Neopia Central under a statue of a poet. It is also know as Neopia's Arts and Literature Centre or the Art Centre. It is the location of several contests, the How to Draw pages, and two shops, Ye Olde Coffee Shoppe and Collectable Coins. The latest issue of the Neopian Times are distributed here by a Chia.

Art Gallery

The Art Gallery displays fan art pictures of Neopets and Neopia sent in by users. Each week, a new page or two of twelve images each is added to the gallery. Pages are often themed after Neopet species for their pet days or after events such as Hallowe'en or Christmas. The current Art Gallery replaces a previous Art Gallery that ran for 387 pages.

Users receive a prize for having their work exhibited in the gallery - 10,000 NP, a trophy, and a rare item. Work can either be submitted electronically through an online form or to the address:

Neopets.Com Picture Contest,

P.O. Box 10060,
Glendale, CA,


Poetry Contest

The Poetry Contest updates with five new poems weekly, submitted by users. Like the Art Gallery, these poems are often themed after events and pet days. Poems of various forms are chosen, but typically are between 25 and 75 lines. Poems must be site-related, and are submitted online.

Users are advised that acrostic poems (e.g. the first letter of each line spelling out NEOPETS) aren't likely to be chosen. The prize for having your work featured is 1,000 NP, a trophy, and a rare item.

Storytelling Contest

The Storytelling Contest is a collaborative storytelling game where the first few paragraphs of a story is published and users are invited to continue the next few paragraphs. One of the submissions is chosen to follow the first few paragraphs, and after a second part has been chosen, users submit the next part, and so on, throughout the week. Each winning submission earns its author 2,000 NP, a trophy, and a rare item.

External links