NeoDex:Image use policy

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Revision as of 02:03, 17 April 2006 by Jacob (talk | contribs) (a template)
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The following guildelines are strongly encouraged when uploading images for use in articles for this encyclopedia.

  • In most cases, an image for use on the wiki should be a PNG uploaded via the Upload file page.
  • Images should be optimized for the web and their size should not exceed 100 kilobytes.
  • Images' dimensions should be approximately the same size as on the official site and never exceed 600 pixels in width.
  • JPEG format is generally only desirable for "live action" pictures.
  • GIF formats are only desirable in the rare case of an animated GIF picture.
  • BMP formats are never desirable.
  • When uploading the file, be sure to give it a meaningful name which describes its content and more importantly, its use on the Wiki, as in this example:
"some_guy32.png" is not meaningful. "Jeran_photo.png" is more meaningful.