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Revision as of 20:50, 30 June 2007 by Macbeth (talk | contribs)
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Neopia, the Universe, and Everything

"It's unknown if this planet is within our own solar system/galaxy, or an entirly different one."

Considering environmental conditions are similar to Earth's, it cannot be in our solar system. There is not much to support it may be in an "entirly [sic] different [galaxy]", either, as Earth as we know it does not exist in the Neopets Reality, except in the odd break-the-forth-wall Neopian Times articles.

*sigh* This article needs a really, really major overhaul. A really big one. --Macbeth 15:22, 15 Jun 2007 (UTC)

Had to laugh when I saw the topic title :D. Considering the fact that the Neopian climate can not be compared to the one on Earth, I think the environment section needs to be deleted. It contains just speculations of what the climate would be classified as if Neopia was Earth.--Demon 16:30, 15 Jun 2007 (UTC)
Yeah, the entire article needs to be taken back to the drawing board. Along with figuring out a way to standardise the World articles in general... *sigh* Another note hastily scribbled on a post it for my fridge, I suppose. :P
We should have some sort of NeoDex post-it board... Some sort of Flash front for a database where editors can put up post-its of notes to do... --Macbeth 20:55, 15 Jun 2007 (UTC)
New sections really are needed, aren't they? I don't think we should delete the environment section, due to it being nessesary to point out the oddities in climate differences in Neopia (The Ice Caves connecting in a path to Tyrannia, a desert, as an example). We only need to have summaries of course, as the main details of environment can be given in each worlds main article.
The mentioning of Earth in "Environment" isn't nessesary, as we should just have to mention the climate in general. In fact, the only sections which should even mention Earht is the beginning ("Neopia is a planet similar to Earht" as example) and a section debating where Neopia exists in the universe, and if it is in the same one as ours.
On "post-it notes", we do have our user pages, which can be used as such (and have been used). We also have the community portal to discuss what needs to be done, and the goals and collaborations section on what we need to be working on collectively. And of course their is the basic construction category we can always visit. Do these suffice? --Jacob 01:48, 16 Jun 2007 (UTC)
Oh, yes, there is just something quirky and friendly about post-it notes. :P --Macbeth 14:16, 16 Jun 2007 (UTC)
This whole article needs a rewrite, i will type one out and see what you guys think before editing the page. --Hespitinmysoup 23:47, 29 Jun 2007 (UTC)
As long as you don't take out any of the data which is already on the article, you are free to edit it as you please. --Jacob 00:58, 30 Jun 2007 (UTC)
Please, feel free to be bold :¬). We can always iron out the creases later ;). --Macbeth 01:18, 30 Jun 2007 (UTC)
Ok, it isn't that great but it is what i put together so far, So i am going to continue working on it, and as for Enviroment section of the article, I am highly skeptical about putting it in the article... It seems Out of place. --Hespitinmysoup 01:30, 30 Jun 2007 (UTC)
We just need to throw a few things back and forth and watch as an article takes shape ;). 'Tis the wikying way. --Macbeth 01:43, 30 Jun 2007 (UTC)
As a quick note I would like to say that i do beleive Kreludor and Virtupets do count as worlds. --Hespitinmysoup 01:50, 30 Jun 2007 (UTC)
I will get my message past these edit conflicts eventually xD!
No, we don't, do we? I tend just to enter it by hand. I could make one (a 'main article' template), if it would make you happy ;). Yeah, I agree that Kreludor and the Station are worlds, but as they were not on the planet itself ("It's life, Jim, but not as we know it."), I thought that that should be noted. --Macbeth 01:54, 30 Jun 2007 (UTC)
No it wouldn't be neccesary, just pointed out there wasn't one, and now thinking on it does make sense counting out Virtupets and Kreludor XD.--Hespitinmysoup
Alrighty then... We do have selection of templates in use. Some of them are not, some of them are a bit... Odd. Heh. Oh, and a guide to templates. I feel so special. :P --Macbeth 02:14, 30 Jun 2007 (UTC)

Blah...don't have time to rewrite your rewrite, but i see some things i would like to put back in which you took out. all in due time... --Jacob 04:34, 30 Jun 2007 (UTC)

All that was taken out was the Enviroment piece... it seemed REALLY out of place, as we do not even know if Neopia has a similar enviroment like that of the planet Earth. If you would like to integrate it, it doesn't neccesarily have to be re-written, Check the history and you can copy and paste it if you want. --Hespitinmysoup 04:45, 30 Jun 2007 (UTC)
I think Jacob meant rewriting that passage from the history. Because, lets face it, that section was quite awful. I think something should be included on the topic of the environment, but as for what... :/ --Macbeth 20:50, 30 Jun 2007 (UTC)

On World Articles

Fairfax? I think I've cracked it. We're riding on the wrong side of the road.

Oh, I mean, I think I've cracked the World articles. Basically, as I think we have all sussed, we need a sorta infobox template a la the games pages. The main problem, here, has been representing the worlds. Well, TNT, those clever devils, handed us the answer. How about the world placards on the world games pages?[1-20]

They exist for all worlds (including mini-worlds) minus Jelly World (it has a page, id 13, of course, but no image). They are just the right size to head an infobox template, methinks. --Macbeth 21:55, 21 Jun 2007 (UTC)

I don't know...I don't think King Hagan's face properly portrays the land of Brighvale. :o If all else, we can simply manipulate the images we've uploaded into smaller versions, be it the "thumb" tag (if the wiki coding is ever updated), or by reuploading a smaller version (as i've done with the images on the Neopia article). On a template, yes, it can be done, but i'm hesitant on the design. would it simply incorporate the "see also" section we've created thus far? and speaking of templates, some have already been created...just not used, or edited right. I pretty much dropped it thus far. :S --Jacob 22:10, 21 Jun 2007 (UTC)
Well I... Oh. I thought I had gotten somewhere. :/ --Macbeth 23:19, 21 Jun 2007 (UTC)