
From NeoDex
Revision as of 21:38, 17 May 2006 by Jacob (talk | contribs) (trivia, external links)
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Ghosts are the spirits of Neopets or Petpets that have died, yet from some reason become restless. The Ghost Lupe is a good example of such a spirit. Also, Hubrid Nox takes advantage of the spirits restless state and uses them to do his bidding. It's also believed he is behind the ghosts who steal Neopoints from the Money Tree (though it's unsure if the ghosts who steal and GIVE to the Money Tree are the same).

While most ghosts are bitter in their nature, some have accepted their lot in life and even helped other Neopets, like King Coltzan III. Also, most Neopets or Petpets may not be ghosts at all, but coloured to look like one from a Paint Brush.


  • The day of May 17, 2006 was randomly dedicated to ghosts.
  • Random Events involving ghosts...
    • A Ghost cackles insanely and steals (varying amounts of) Neopoints from you...
    • A Ghost comes out of the ground and stares evilly at you...

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