Hi, I'm Puma. My real name is Mark. I'm presently a self-proclaimed editor here at Neodex (Meaning I asked for an account and gave myself such a title).
I'm very much into web design, as well as other oddities like Marine Biology and pilot school and stuff. ;)
Long ago, I asked for an account. Then it happened.
I like for things to be fun, diverse, and creative. Always try to do what's never been done before!
I'm presently conducting and leading several solo-missions here on this wiki. You're welcome to join, just don't get caught.
- Get Fansites to partner with Neodex
- The Daily Neopets (Check)
- Jellyneo (Semi-check)
- SunnyNeo (Check)
- Update articles
- Remove 'Items' trivia (Fyora was featured in 62 items as of 2006... Cool?)
- Re-write plot or update plot summaries
- Remove anything that thinks it's still 2006
- Modernize and wiki-iffy everything
- Conquer Wiki and take over everything (In progress, it's a long process)
What else?
I love Felix the Cat, Sonic the Hedgehog and all that stuff.
Various teams I've supported, or still support:
I'd like to see Neodex move into a bright future, there's potential for so much more! (And then there's the fact that you're not allowed to say "Neodex", or link to images from it on Hmm...)
Last section
In order for the above navigation to appear, I needed at least four sections. I'll probably add something else here later on, but until then, I wish you a good day!