Moltara City

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Moltara City is a Neopian world discovered on November 12, 2009 by the Atlas of the Ancients crew. It is located in the other side of Neopia. Moltara City is the biggest part of the land of Moltara. The other part of Moltara is Moltara Caves. Moltara City consists of Tangor's Workshop, Cog's Togs, Molten Morsels, Town Hall, and Lampwyck's Lights Fantastic.


The weather in Moltara is always hot, including in the wintertime, because of the volcano lava existing there.


  • When visiting Lampwyck's Lights Fantastic, the user would receive an Empty Lantern, which cannot be sold, traded, or donated.
  • Moltara City and Moltara Caves are home to the Worm Quest, relating to the afore mentioned Empty Lantern recieved from Lampwyck's Lights Fantastic.

External links

  • Caption Competition: #1060

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