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The grumpy Yurble made his debut during the Lost Desert Plot. After the plot was completed, he reappeared as the janitor of the Hall of Heroes in the Altador Plot.

Plot Info

Lost Desert Plot be added...

Altador Plot

Foreman janitor angry.gif

In the Altador Plot he seems to thus far be pretty useless. The only time clicking on him has been nessicary in the plot so far was to push the button next to him. He has, however, said some interesting things during this plot:

  • Before you turn on the lights in the Hall of Heroes, he says, "You know, maybe the gears have just gotten dirty or seized up, it's been so long since the button was used. If there were some way to grease the gears, the button might do something again."
  • After you turn on the lights in the Hall of Heroes, he says, "Argh! Now it's light and I'll have to go back to mopping instead of guarding this button! Curse you!"
  • Right after you join the Astronomy Club, he says, "Hm, so you joined an Astronomy Club, eh? That sounds like fun. I wish I had the time to join a club."
  • After you form the Sleeper constilation, he says, "HEY! Stop leaving the lights on in the observatory! It's wasteful! I CAN'T STAND WASTEFULNESS!! RAAARGHH!!"
  • After you form the Dreamer constilation, he says, "Those lights above each statue sure are pretty when they light up. I wonder what they mean?" He shakes his head. "Oh well, too much cleaning to do, no time to figure it out."
  • After you form The First to Rise constilation, he says, "HEY! What's the big idea putting your grubby hands all over the windowsill?! I have to clean those things, you know! Were you raised in a barn?!"
  • After you form the Farmer constilation, he says, "It sure is interesting watching those lights on the ceiling light up. What are you getting up to in that observatory, anyway?"
  • After you form the Dancer constilation, he says, "My favorite underground dance club got closed down by that stinkin' Archivist! GRAARGH, THAT MAKES ME SO ANGRY!!!" He hurls his mop to the floor and stamps his feet.
  • After you form the Wave constilation, he says, "Ah, you lit up the gems above Marak, the Wave. It's so soothing going down to the seaside and watching the ocean. Just the thing I need when I descend into uncontrollable rage."
  • After you form the Gladiator constilation, he says, "Punch Club?! You went to Punch Club without me?! RAARGHHR! I LOVE PUNCH!! I WISH I HAD SOME RIGHT NOW!!!" He foams at the mouth and growls incoherently.
  • After you form the Collector constilation, he says, "I've been reading this great book, '101 Ways to Calm an Infuriated Yurble.' It has a lot of good ideas for keeping my cool when I get upset about something. Although some of the ideas AREN'T SO GREAT!!" he shouts. "Whew, almost blew my top there."
  • After you form the Theif constillation, he hurls a book of Lenny Conundrums to the floor and shouts, "RARRRGHH!! THESE CONUNDRUMS ARE TOO HARD!! I'LL CRUSH THAT LENNY IF I SEE HIM!!"
  • After you form the Gatherer constillation, he says, "Wow, it's getting really bright in here with all these gems lighting up on the ceiling. Only two left! I wonder if anything special happens when all of them are lit up. Now that would be something to see."

This gives you a bit of insight into the mind of the Foreman.


  • When the LDP prizes were released and the winners revealed, it was said the Foreman's toenail polish was missing, stolen by theives. The hunt is still on for the dastardly villains responsible, and those who have any information are to contact the Sakhmet Royal Guards immediately.
  • A Plushie has been made of him, and his Cudgel is available for use in the Battledome. Both of which were prizes from the Lost Desert Plot.
  • On May 4, 2006, The Foreman (called the Yurble Janitor) was featured in Better Than You in the game Attack of the Slorgs with a score of 1500. The prize was a Pink Slorg Back Pack. Quoted saying...

Argh! Disgusting Slorgs! They've ruined my herb garden for the last time! How am I supposed to enjoy the relaxing scent of lavender now? ARGH! *splat* *splat*