Bringer of Night

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The Bringer of Night's Gallery of Evil portrait

A Moehog demigod of death and destruction, the Bringer of Night was locked away in a tomb in the Lost Desert following his slaughter of an ancient Bori civilisation. Unrelenting and impossible to be reasoned with, he has no compassion, and is only interested is destroying everything in his path. In addition to being large, imposing and powerful, he has the power to summon an army of undead warriors during the night, which disappears when the sun comes up.

He became one of the antagonists of Hannah and the Ice Caves plot after the sarcophagus in which he was imprisoned was retrieved to aid Galem Darkhand in obtaining a priceless, magical jewel deep inside of Terror Mountain, that the Bringer wanted himself. He was eventually killed after destroying the magical jewel he sought.

eZDULk <a href="">pkchnrhgtgsh</a>, [url=]epqowtgfupfe[/url], [link=]yljrmfgjcrlg[/link],


Difficulty: {{{Difficulty}}} Starting HP: {{{StartingHP}}}
Arena: {{{Arena}}} Released: {{{ReleaseDate}}}
Status: Unknown Challenger ID: {{{ID}}}
Found by: {{{FoundBy}}}

Known as The Bringer in the Battledome. Capable of using the Faerie Ability Drain Life and normal ability Berserk Attack.


During Fight

  • (unknown)

After Loss...

  • (unknown) (random During Fight quote)

After Win

  • (unknown) (random During Fight quote)


  • (unknown) (random During Fight quote)


  • (unknown)


  • (unknown)


  • There are two Battledome Equipment which were given as prizes at the end of Hannah and the Ice Caves. One is The Bringer Plushie, capable of doing a maximum of 16 icons of damage. The other is The Golden Bringer Plushie, believed to be an upgrade of the original, but it's unknown what it does.

External links

BE Stat Limit.gif
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