Hubrid's Hero Heist

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Hubrid Nox has stolen all the Heroes from the Neopets TCG...all part of his evil master plan to make sure that him and the other Villains will not be opposed when they try to take over the whole of Neopia!

In this game (which is based on the Neopets TCG of course!) you play the Poogle Apprentice, a young sorcerer in training who has just found out about Hubrid's evil plans. It is up to you to reclaim the Heroes and save the day. It's not going to be easy however, Hubrid's Ghost minions will try to stop you every step of the way.

How to play

To play, use the arrow keys to move, and the space bar to cast your shrink spell. When you shrink an enemy, they remain small for a few seconds, then run over them to squish them. Press the up/down arrow and the space bar together to cast a teleport spell - handy for getting out of trouble! There are 6 heroes to save.

External Links

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