Escape to Kreludor

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Revision as of 01:27, 8 March 2006 by Jacob (talk | contribs)
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Gorix and Cylara have just jettisoned out the side of the Virtupets Space Station in an attempt to flee the evil Dr. Sloth. Unfortunately he has noticed their escape and sent his Virtupets Fighters to stop them! You must help our heroes defeat the fighters and escape... to Kreludor!

  • World: Kreludor
  • Game Type: Puzzles
  • NP Ratio:80 NP per 100 pts scored

How you play

Move the Escape Pod by clicking on the square you wish to move to. It can only move one space at a time, however. Once you have moved, the Virtupets Fighters will then move to intercept you. Click on your escape pod (or press Space) to fire torpedoes out either side. Use wormholes to teleport to a random location, and collect gems for bonuses. Comets are indestructible - avoid them at all costs!

External Links

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