Qasalan Expellibox

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Qasalan Expellibox
Qasalan Expellibox
ID # 905
World Lost Desert
Category Luck & Chance
High Scores
Game Page

The Qasalan Expellibox (a portmanteau of expel and box) is a daily game where the user may deposit a scarab in a machine reminiscent of a bagatelle board in order to rid Qasala of an infestation of scarabs stemming from events in the Lost Desert Plot. Users who do this have a chance to win Neocash. The machine relocates scarabs down a series of tubes (which players are reminded not to clog) and away from the Lost Desert, where they will not longer bother the Qalasans.


Landing Odds Prize
Jackpot 6.25% 5000 NP or 150 NC
Neopoints 31.25% 100, 250, 500, 1000, or 2000 NP
Item 31.25% Receive an item
X 18.75% Get nothing
Skull 12.50% Pet gets Sneezles, Reptillioritus, or lose HP

List of Items

  • Abysmal Window
  • Altadorian Bread
  • Brightvale Guide to Stained Glass Windows
  • Cobrall Dagger
  • Completely Non-lethal Sandwich
  • Curses of Qasala
  • Dehydrated Ham and Eggs
  • Enhanced Solar Gauntlet
  • Honey Filled Olive
  • Icky Fruit
  • Intricate Qasalan Dagger
  • Jug of Fresh Phearade
  • Laugh Grenade
  • Minor Healing Scroll
  • Mummified Banana
  • Mummy Burrito
  • Pimplepepper
  • Qando Pita
  • Queela Bomb
  • Queela Crisp
  • Salt Mote
  • Sand Grapes
  • Samd Squash
  • Scarab Cookie
  • Scarabug
  • Scroll of Serpents
  • Spirit of the Ruins Fizz
  • Tome of Selket
  • Twirly Fruit Grog
  • The Qasalan Royal History


  • The Qasalan Expellibox is also featured in the NC Mall as a background for Neopets.
  • If the page is visited after already playing the game once in a day, the message would say "What are you doing?! You can't just dump them in there! It's a series of tubes! Bring that scarab back tomorrow and you can deposit it then."
  • If you try to play the game more than once in 8 hours, the message would say "Hey, that wasn't a real scarab! Guards! Get this beguiler out of here! Come back tomorrow to deposit another scarab.

See also