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Kreludor main map

Kreludor is the only moon of Neopia. Unlike the Space Station, it is a natural satellite with a weaker gravitational pull than the planet. The pull fluctuates between around a fifth and a third of that on Neopia, while the atmosphere is around twenty per cent lower quality.

Kreludor is the home of the Grundos and is where Dr. Sloth originally found them. Dr. Sloth also established a mine on Kreludor to obtain its famous, rare mineral, Kreludan metal, which is essential for construction of evil robots.

Areas of Interest


Main article: Team Kreludor

Maybe the most underrated team in the league, Kreludor is not to be trifled with. Though they took a year off in 2007, they came back stronger than ever placing 6th, 4th and then 2nd. This is a solid team that you can expect great things from.


  • Kreludor appeared in the first Caption Competition, before it was even considered part of Neopia.
  • Kreludor was officially introduced to Neopia on May 5, 2004
  • On June 21, 2007 a Meteor crashed into Kreludor.
  • The Kreludor Neopedia article was released on October 19, 2007.

External links