Editing Talk:Disappearance of Krawk Island

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*[http://images.neopets.com/pirates/disappearance/balance/t59v4w.png day one]
*[http://images.neopets.com/pirates/disappearance/balance/t59v4w.png day one]
*[http://images.neopets.com/pirates/disappearance/balance/u89cy3.png day two]
*[http://images.neopets.com/pirates/disappearance/balance/u89cy3.png day two]
*[http://images.neopets.com/pirates/disappearance/balance/h8d42s.png day three]
*[http://images.neopets.com/pirates/disappearance/balance/9vp032.png day four]
*[http://images.neopets.com/pirates/disappearance/balance/ju294u.png day five]
*[http://images.neopets.com/pirates/disappearance/balance/2hc3bm.png day six]
*[http://images.neopets.com/pirates/disappearance/balance/x4iv9s.png day seven]
*[http://images.neopets.com/pirates/disappearance/balance/b8tfv9.png day eight]
*[http://images.neopets.com/pirates/disappearance/balance/hu54qv.png day nine]
*[http://images.neopets.com/pirates/disappearance/balance/z9h380.png day ten]
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== McGill's captions ==
== McGill's captions ==
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After retrieving:
After retrieving:
<blockquote>Ahh, I see ye have returned with a magnificent plot of land... yes, magnificent indeed. By the time I've worked the magic of me bountiful architectural engineerin' skills, why, ye shall hardly recognise the islet that ye brought back just a few hours earlier... which, verily I assure thee, shall be a good thing. You may run along now -- I've got boundless duties that need attending -- but be sure to return tomorrow, when I'll have plenty for you to do.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Ahh, I see ye have returned with a magnificent plot of land... yes, magnificent indeed. By the time I've worked the magic of me bountiful architectural engineerin' skills, why, ye shall hardly recognise the islet that ye brought back just a few hours earlier... which, verily I assure thee, shall be a good thing. You may run along now -- I've got boundless duties that need attending -- but be sure to return tomorrow, when I'll have plenty for you to do.</blockquote>
===31st July===
Before retrieving:
<blockquote>Just as I were sayin', don't it look simply fabulous thusfar? Granted, I came across a few... *ahem* technical obstacles while tryin' to realise me vision for the new Krawk Island, but it's these sort of challenges that truly bring out the best in a talented artist such as meself. Now get goin'! After all, 'twould be a shame if inspiration struck and there were nothin' for me to work with...</blockquote>
After retrieving:
<blockquote>Hmm, that's an interestin' plot of land that ye just brought back. I suppose they can't all be beauties, eh? Oh well... the ability to take less-than-ideal materials and transform them into a breathtaking spectacle is just the sort of challenge that gets the creative juices of a true artist such as myself flowing. Leave me be now, I need to think... certain you're here tomorrow, though, or someone else shall reap the benefits of doing your work for you.</blockquote>
===1st August===
Before retrieving:
<blockquote>At last, the time to show ye the latest round of revisions has come. Pretty excited, eh? It's totally understandable... okay, ready? Ta-da! Don't you just love it? Seems the new layout has created a squabble between the Food Club competitors an' the Golden Dubloon, but aye, there's no reason why such skirmishes should get in the way of art, right? Let 'em suffer -- we're talkin' about genius here!</blockquote>
After retrieving:
<blockquote>Ye might want to be lookin' into repairs for that ship of yours... by all appearances, the poor thing barely had the wherewithal to return in one piece. Oh well, at least ye brought me plot o' land back in marvelous condition. I've yet to be makin' a final decision as to what I'll do with this plot, but as long as ye aren't nosy and annoy me, I may grant ye a chance to see what I have up me sleeve in good time. For now, grant me my peace, but be sure to come back tomorrow, though.</blockquote>
===2nd August===
Before retrieving:
<blockquote>'Ere, have a look! As you can see, I took the plot that were containin' the Smuggler's Cove an' got rid of that abomination, electing to create a new cove elsewhere. After all, if there's gonna be any smugglin' happenin' on Krawk Island, ye can rest assured that it'll be on me own terms. Pretty clever, eh? Well, I'm just getting' started... find me more land to work with, an' I'll show you what I'm really capable of!</blockquote>
After retrieving:
<blockquote>Ahh yes, the Dubloon-O-Matic! I definitely have to be findin' a place for that straightaway! While I'm still weighin' the pros and cons of convertin' me holdin's to NP, devaluin' dubloons via mass production, an' then issuin' a decree that bans their use on Krawk Island, I'd say at this moment me inclination would be not to bother. After all, once the island's restored I'll be fabulously wealthy an' powerful anyway... we'll see. In the meantime, avast with yer pesterin' and come back when you're of use to me tomorrow.</blockquote>
===3rd August===
Before retrieving:
<blockquote>So, that Dubloon-O-Matic turned out to be more of a rascal than I were anticipatin'... each time I found a place for it, the new location obstructed the lovely view of the sea that I have from me mansion! Well... as you might be imaginin', the entire episode had me rather peeved, but in the end me architectural genius naturally came up with a sensible solution...</blockquote>
After retrieving:
<blockquote>Well, well... would ye look at this beauteous plot o' land! While I don't be havin' any specific plans for the land itself, these resources on the land will be perfect for the crown jewel of Krawk Island's restoration. What will that be? Avast, swabbie... all in good time. Ye can rest assured, however, that the splendour of this particular facet of the island's rebuilding is sure to make jaws drop all across Neopia... now run along an' get some rest, so ye have plenty of energy for doin' me biddin' tomorrow.</blockquote>
===4th August===
Before retrieving:
<blockquote>Alright, so... I've given it some thought an', since you've been so accomodatin' of me requests, I've decided to share what's in store for the materials from that new plot of land. See, me ragged ol' shanty is hardly befittin' a lofty personage such as meself anymore, so I've decided put those resources from the islet you brought back toward the buildin' of me governor's mansion. Once completed it'll be a sight to see, that's for sure!</blockquote>
After retrieving:
<blockquote>Ahh, I see that ye have brought back the islet containing the academy... yes, a very crucial part of me plans for Krawk Island's restoration. A well-trained regiment capable of keepin' me interferences to a minimum as I go about me day-to-day responsibilities is absolutely vital to the island's future. Speaking of interferences, if you'll be so kind as to leave me to my work, I'll get back to restorin' the island now... come back tomorrow, though -- ye shall be far less annoyin' to me once there's work for ye to do.</blockquote>
===5th August===
Before retrieving:
<blockquote>As one can see, I've made some overdue renovations to Cap'n Threelegs' Swashbuckling Academy, which the cap'n will find most beneficial. I like that cap'n -- seems like a real obedient sort of fellow, the kind I don't anticipate givin' me any problems... so, the island -- she's really startin' to come in nicely, eh? *puts index finger to lips* Shush-- ye can save all the niceties 'til after seein' the finished product, 'kay?</blockquote>
After retrieving:
<blockquote>We're gettin' down to the last of the islets, are we not? You know, as demandin' as Krawk Island's restoration has been, I almost feel as though I'm goin' to miss puttin' me prodigious talents to use. Who knows, perhaps if I grow tired of wringin' every last bit of profit out of this island, maybe I'll seek out another Neopian land in need of a touch up. Tyrannia, perhaps? Aye, maybe not... for now, leave me to me ponderin' an' come back tomorrow when I can be findin' somethin' productive for ye to do.</blockquote>
===6th August===
Before retrieving:
<blockquote>At last, me restoration of Krawk Island is nearly complete! I've got a few last minute details, such as postin' me croni--I mean, allowin' me loyal friends to get situated before the mad dash back onto the island begins. Once everythin' is... *cough*under control*cough* then the ceremony to proclaim me governor of Krawk Island may be proceedin'. It won't be long, though, so check back soon!</blockquote>
After retrieving:
<blockquote>It seems we're still waitin' on those last few plots to be comin' in... as if mastermindin' the entire project and overseein' its execution isn't enough -- apparently I have to hop in a dinghy and row these islets back to shore meself, too! *sigh* Competent help is so hard to find, especially when ye have dedicated yourself fully to the true expression of an artistic vision like I have... </blockquote>
===7th August===
Before retrieving:
<blockquote>The ineptitude of those carryin' out me plans has reached a level that not even I, in all me greatness, can overcome. Alas, another day has come an' gone and the final stage of Krawk Island's renovation remains held up by the retrieval of the very last few plots of land. It now appears as though the all-new Krawk Island's unveilin' shall happen no sooner than tomorrow. You'd better be there to make sure you don't miss it, though - after all, this IS the debut of the greatest architectural achievement in Neopian history...</blockquote>
After retrieving:
<blockquote>Soooo... despite the last few plots not reachin' harbour yet, I have been assured *scoffs* that me glorious restoration of the new and improved Krawk Island shall be unveiled tomorrow. Honestly, I've learned not to be trustin' a word these so-called assistants tell me. However, given the possibility (however unlikely) that the island's restoration will make its debut tomorrow, it would be behoove ye to be there, just in case.</blockquote>
===8th August===
<blockquote>At last, me restoration of Krawk Island is nearly complete! I've got a few last minute details, such as postin' me croni--I mean, allowin' me loyal friends to get situated before the mad dash back onto the island begins. Once everythin' is... *cough*under control*cough* then the ceremony to proclaim me governor of Krawk Island may be proceedin'. It won't be long, though, so check back soon!</blockquote>
==Sudoku challenges==
Just thought that I'd mention that the Sudoku challenges aren't actually based on the day of the challenge, they're actually based on which challenge you're completing.  I logged onto a side to test something in a different browser and, despite being the fourth day of the sudoku steps, it was still the simple 4x4 square set.  Not sure if this is noteworthy enough to add to the article but I thought I'd mention it here. Essentially, I think TNT wanted to be sure that any players were given the chance to learn along with it to their best ability, so if they could get the smaller ones but can't now get the big ones, they still had the chance to do the smaller ones, even if they started late. -[[User:Cath|Cath]] 01:48, 4 August 2011 (CDT)
:Heya Cath, nice to see you again! The references to "each day's puzzle" and the like means "the puzzle released each day", but I'll try to make it clearer =). --[[User:Macbeth|Macbeth]] 03:08, 4 August 2011 (CDT)
:Is [http://pinkpt.com/neodex/index.php?title=Disappearance_of_Krawk_Island&action=historysubmit&diff=68523&oldid=68477 this] better? --[[User:Macbeth|Macbeth]] 03:20, 4 August 2011 (CDT)
::Nice to come back and say Hi... Seems like everything's still making headway. Yeah, I think that looks better.  Is that the case, that you can catch up if you're behind by being able to do more than one puzzle in a day?  Because that's what I'm getting when I read it.  I know that a lot of this won't be known for sure until this section of the event is completed but, generally, you would have to be there every day to complete all of the island chunks.  Even something that just said "The challenges had to be completed in order.  A user missing a day or starting late would, respectively, pick up where they stopped or from the beginning regardless of what the new challenge for that day was."... -[[User:Cath|Cath]] 12:13, 4 August 2011 (CDT)
:::Yeah, that's what I've been getting from the boards. If you miss a day (say, day three), the next day you are told that you can retrieve two islands. The first puzzle will be day three's, and the second puzzle will be day four's (the new one for that day). So if you started, say, five days late, you would be able to do five day's worth of puzzles - ie five puzzles - on your first day. --[[User:Macbeth|Macbeth]] 12:25, 4 August 2011 (CDT)
Wow, that's crazy!  So making sure that I've been doing it daily is pointless :(  That doesn't seem very fair for the people who do it regularly.  I wonder if the prizes are different... Oh well. Silly to get upset about, anyway. -[[User:Cath|Cath]] 12:35, 4 August 2011 (CDT)
:Well, I guess they thought a one day window to do something was a bit tight, time zones and things considering. How about it, anyway, will you be sticking around to edit some? --[[User:Macbeth|Macbeth]] 12:41, 4 August 2011 (CDT)
::I'm trying to edit the Rainbow Fountain page as we speak... I'm having issues with rewording it in a way that makes sense and deciding what info is necessary... plus, despite having been around that long ago, I didn't actually ever use it as a sponsor event, so I don't have the first-hand knowledge of how it worked.  I'm going to try... I really like helping out but I often don't have time.  I'll probably come and go a bit but I will make an effort! We'll see how that goes. -[[User:Cath|Cath]] 13:19, 4 August 2011 (CDT)

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