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[[Image:BruceyBPlot8 city.gif|frame|Brucey B and his friends discover the Lost Desert after almost giving up hope.]]
[[Image:BruceyBPlot8 city.gif|frame|Brucey B and his friends discover the Lost Desert after almost giving up hope.]]
'''Brucey B and the Lucky Coin''' is a plot which began June 12, 2001 and ended July 10, 2001. During the course of the plot the [[Lost Desert]] was released, along with many new [[Game]]s, [[Item]]s, [[Shop]]s, [[Petpet]]s, and other items of interest.
'''Brucey B and the Lucky Coin''' is a plot which began June 12, 2001 and ended July 10, 2001. During the course of the plot the [[Lost Desert]] was released, along with many new [[Game]]s, [[Item]]s, [[Shop]]s, [[Petpet]]s, and other items of interest.
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==The Plot==
==The Plot==
===The Lucky Coin===
===The Lucky Coin===
It was the '''Annual Neopian Cheat! Championships''', with a prize of over 250,000 [[Neopoint]]s, a giant [[trophy]] and the title of '''Neopia's Biggest Cheat'''. [[Neopet]]s from all over [[Neopia]] attended to play [[Cheat!]], including famous Cheat! players [[Brucey B]], [[00 Hog]], [[Princess Fernypoo]] and even [[Capara]].
It was the '''Annual Neopian Cheat! Championships''', with a prize of over '''250,000''' [[Neopoint]]s, a giant [[trophy]] and the title of '''Neopia's Biggest Cheat'''. [[Neopet]]s from all over [[Neopia]] attended to play [[Cheat!]], including famous Cheat! players [[Brucey B]], [[00 Hog]], [[Princess Fernypoo]] and even [[Capara]].

Most noticeable was Brucey B, who picked up the right cards and made all the right moves, and was wearing a golden medallion around his neck. After every hand Brucey would kiss his [[Lucky Coin]], just to make sure his amazing luck never rubbed off. With the help of his coin, he was able to imagine a card in his head and it would be the next card he picked up. Brucey breezed through the quarter-finals, the semi-finals, and then to the final itself.
Most noticable was Brucey B, who picked up the right cards and made all the right moves, and was wearing a golden medallion around his neck. After every hand Brucey would kiss his [[Lucky Coin]], just to make sure his amazing luck never rubbed off. With the help of his coin, he was able to imagine a card in his head and it would be the next card he picked up. Brucey breezed through the quarter-finals, the semi-finals, and then to the final itself.

The final was over in 20 minutes and Brucey had demolished both his opponents, Capara and 00 Hog (which is the only recorded time 00 Hog lost his cool and calm composure). Brucey was delighted at finally winning something. He could not stop thinking of the thousands of ways he could spend his prize money: A new yacht, a golden [[NeoHome]], and all the food he could ever dream of eating. Young Neopets would recognise him wherever he went as the most famous Cheat! player in the whole of Neopia!
The final was over in 20 minutes and Brucey had demolished both his opponents, Capara and 00 Hog (which is the only recorded time 00 Hog lost his cool and calm composure). Brucey was delighted at finally winning something. He could not stop thinking of the thousands of ways he could spend his prize money: A new yacht, a golden [[NeoHome]], and all the food he could ever dream of eating. Young Neopets would recognise him wherever he went as the most famous Cheat! player in the whole of Neopia!
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Brucey couldn't resist the offer of even more Neopoints, and with his lucky coin around his neck he couldn't lose. He received a telephone call from Capara , who congradulated him on winning. When he said he was going to play a private game of Cheat!, Capara immediately forbid him from going, and he should put the money in the [[National Neopian]] instead. Nothing could convince him however, and he appeared at the game the next day. It was dusk when Brucey arrived at the mysterious house he had been given directions to. He walked down a dark alleyway to get there, and knocked on the big wooden door, and was startled to see a [[Mutant]] [[Grundo]] open the door. Wondering what he got himself into, Brucey descended into the dark cellar below.
Brucey couldn't resist the offer of even more Neopoints, and with his lucky coin around his neck he couldn't lose. He recieved a telephone call from Capara , who congradulated him on winning. When he said he was going to play a private game of Cheat!, Capara immediatly forbid him from going, and he should put the money in the [[National Neopian]] instead. Nothing could convince him however, and he appeared at the game the next day. It was dusk when Brucey arrived at the mysterious house he had been given directions to. He walked down a dark alleyway to get there, and knocked on the big wooden door, and was startled to see a [[Mutant]] [[Grundo]] open the door. Wondering what he got himself into, Brucey descended into the dark cellar below.

The game of Cheat! lasted for hours, eliminating the two other players, leaving Brucey B with no Neopoints and the mysterious [[Jetsam]] with all of it. The Jetsam made a proposal: He would bet all his Neopoints if Brucey bet his lucky coin. Feeling he could still win (and being influenced by all the Neopoints being offered), he agreed. The Jetsam same played a "4", and Brucey called "Cheat!", as he laid down four 4's previously. However, it was a ''four of diamonds'', showing that even though the Jetsam wasn't cheating, he was ''cheating'' at Cheat!. The lucky coin was taken away from Brucey B, and he was throw out of the building by the Mutant Grundos.
The game of Cheat! lasted for hours, eliminating the two other players, leaving Brucey B with no Neopoints and the mysterious [[Jetsam]] with all of it. The Jetsam made a proposal: He would bet all his Neopoints if Brucey bet his lucky coin. Feeling he could still win (and being influenced by all the Neopoints being offered), he agreed. The Jetsam same played a "4", and Brucey called "Cheat!", as he laid down four 4's previously. However, it was a ''four of daimonds'', showing that even though the Jetsam wasn't cheating, he was ''cheating'' at Cheat!. The lucky coin was taken away from Brucey B, and he was throw out of the building by the Mutant Grundos.

===The Next Day===
===The Next Day===
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===The Lost Desert===
===The Lost Desert===
Walking up the sandy dune to the city in the distance, Brucey, Fernypoo and Capara were amazed to see a civilization and other Neopets living way out in the desert hidden past the Haunted Woods. Of course, they were more concerned with the fact these Neopets had food, and immediately ran to the nearest stall.
Walking up the sandy dune to the city in the distance, Brucey, Fernypoo and Capara were amazed to see a civilisation and other Neopets living way out in the desert hidden past the Haunted Woods. Of course, they were more concerned with the fact these Neopets had food, and immediately ran to the nearest stall.

A rather large [[Grarrl]] stood at the stall in front of boxes packed full of foods they had never seen before. Brucey B began to ask him about the mysterious Jetsam, when suddenly Capara screamed, spitting out the remains of the [[Mummified Pepper]] she had been chewing, claiming it to be too hot. The Grarrl got angry, claiming she needed to pay for that, but Fernypoo hadn't brought any [[Neopoint]]s with her, so they quickly ran off before the Grarrl could retaliate.
A rather large [[Grarrl]] stood at the stall in front of boxes packed full of foods they had never seen before. Brucey B began to ask him about the mysterious Jetsam, when suddenly Capara screamed, spitting out the remains of the [[Mummified Pepper]] she had been chewing, claiming it to be too hot. The Grarrl got angry, claiming she needed to pay for that, but Fernypoo hadn't brought any [[Neopoint]]s with her, so they quickly ran off before the Grarrl could retaliate.
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Running into the next tent, they found [[Peopatra]] selling many [[Petpet]]s, including [[Selket]]s, [[Wadjet]]s (Capara shrieked in fear from these as they followed her), [[Khonsu]], [[Geb]], [[Anubis]], [[Horus]], and [[Khnum]]s. Brucey shared his drawing of the Jetsam with her, and although she couldn't give him any information, she told him that he may find something in the city.
Running into the next tent, they found [[Peopatra]] selling many [[Petpet]]s, including [[Selket]]s, [[Wadjet]]s (Capara shrieked in fear from these as they followed her), [[Khonsu]], [[Geb]], [[Anubis]], [[Horus]], and [[Khnum]]s. Brucey shared his drawing of the Jetsam with her, and although she couldn't give him any information, she told him that he may find something in the city.

Later after much searching, Brucey came upon an old [[Techo]] who mentioned there were strangers at the Great Pyramid and offered his telescope for Brucey to use. Looking through it, Brucey not only sees the Jetsam with the horde of Mutant Grundos, but the Jetsam sees him too, and waves.
Later after much searching, Brucey came upon an old [[Techo]] who mentioned there were strangers at the '''Great Pyramid''' and offered his telescope for Brucey to use. Looking through it, Brucey not only sees the Jetsam with the horde of Mutant Grundos, but the Jetsam sees him too, and waves.

Over by the Great Pyramid, Sloth fumed at his army, who had fired upon the pyramid with everything they had (even the ''megablaster5000''), but still the stone walls remained untouched. Frustrated, Sloth threw the Lucky Coin at the entrance, accidentally throwing it into the coin slot next to the door. The door opened, prompting Sloth to laugh and lead his army into the pyramid.
Over by the '''Great Pyramid''', Sloth fumed at his army, who had fired upon the pyramid with everything they had (even the '''megablaster5000'''), but still the stone walls remained untouched. Frustrated, Sloth threw the Lucky Coin at the entrance, accidently throwing it into the coin slot next to the door. The door opened, prompting Sloth to laugh and lead his army into the pyramid.

Not far away, Brucey B and company were hiding behind a sand dune overlooking the hundreds of Grundos and colourful tents surrounding the base of the pyramid. Having no better idea what to do, he decided they should wait until nightfall and sneak through the camp as the heroes in adventure books did. This plan annoyed both Capara and Fernypoo, but they followed through all the same, waiting till nightfall and sneaking through the camp and into the pyramid.
Not far away, Brucey B and company were hiding behind a sand dune overlooking the hundreds of Grundos and colourful tents surrounding the base of the pyramid. Having no better idea what to do, he decided they should wait until nightfall and sneak through the camp as the heroes in adventure books did. This plan annoyed both Capara and Fernypoo, but they followed through all the same, waiting till nightfall and sneaking through the camp and into the pyramid.
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Hearing the laughter and heavy footsteps, Capara, Fernypoo and Brucey B awoke from their sleep which began not long after they had entered the Pyramid. Following the noise, they found not only the Jetsam but Dr. Sloth, and immediately began to run away in fear. Sloth chased after them, turning Capara into a wadjet and Fernypoo into a gibbering Mutant. Brucey escaped from the Pyramid untouched and collapsed against the Pyramid.
Hearing the laughter and heavy footsteps, Capara, Fernypoo and Brucey B awoke from their sleep which began not long after they had entered the Pyramid. Following the noise, they found not only the Jetsam but Dr. Sloth, and immediately began to run away in fear. Sloth chased after them, turning Capara into a wadjet and Fernypoo into a gibbering Mutant. Brucey escaped from the Pyramid untouched and collapsed against the Pyramid.

As Sloth's army emptied the entire treasury onto the ship, the Jetsam came forward to Sloth and asked what was going to be shared with him, to which Sloth laughed and threatened to give him another scar to pair the one given already. Reaching into a large pile of gold coins, Sloth gave four of them to share amongst the Jetsam and his crew. Sloth then lead his army towards Sakhmet City, leaving a path of destruction behind them.
As Sloth's army emptied the entire treasury onto the ship, the Jetsam came forward to Sloth and asked what was going to be shared with him, to which Sloth laughed and threatened to give him another scar to pair the one given already. Reaching into a large pile of gold coins, Sloth gave four of them to share amongst the Jetsam and his crew. Sloth then lead his army towards Sahkmet City, leaving a path of destruction behind them.

Hours Later, Brucey was torn when he saw what had happened to his friends. Capara hissed, and Fernypoo stumbled forwards looking sorry for herself. Brucey carefully picked up Capara and they all set off across the desert. To pass the time Brucey B tried telling jokes, although nobody seemed in the mood for laughing. When he joked about selling the one and only red-haired Wadjet to Peopatra, he was quite firmly bitten on the nose by Capara, and Fernypoo was quiet and didn't complain about how dirty her dress, nails or hair were getting at all.
Hours Later, Brucey was torn when he saw what had happened to his friends. Capara hissed, and Fernypoo stumbled forwards looking sorry for herself. Brucey carefully picked up Capara and they all set off across the desert. To pass the time Brucey B tried telling jokes, although nobody seemed in the mood for laughing. When he joked about selling the one and only '''Red Haired Wadjet''' to Peopatra, he was quite firmly bitten on the nose by Capara, and Fernypoo was quiet and didn't complain about how dirty her dress, nails or hair were getting at all.

Crossing the last dune, the view took them by surprise. The the tents containing homes and [[Shop]]s were destroyed. Peopatra was desperately trying to round up a group of young Khonsu and the once brave Grarrl shopkeeper was trembling under his counter. Brucey managed to coax him out from his hiding place, and he kept muttering about the '''great staff''' and his destroyed shop, shaking all the way.
Crossing the last dune, the view took them by surprise. The the tents containing homes and [[Shop]]s were destroyed. Peopatra was desperately trying to round up a group of young Khonsu and the once brave Grarrl shopkeeper was trembling under his counter. Brucey managed to coax him out from his hiding place, and he kept muttering about the '''great staff''' and his destroyed shop, shaking all the way.
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==The War==
==The War==
{| border=1 align=right
  {| align="center" class="wikitable" style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto;"
| '''Character''' || '''Picture''' || '''Difficulty'''
    |<center>Grundo Trooper<br /><small>Difficulty: 25</small></center>|| http://images.neopets.com/battledome/opponent_pics/grundo_troop.gif
| Grundo Trooper || http://images.neopets.com/battledome/opponent_pics/grundo_troop.gif || 25
    |<center>Grundo Commander<br /><small>Difficulty: 45</small></center>|| http://images.neopets.com/battledome/opponent_pics/grundo_comm.gif
    |<center>Mechanoid Warrior<br /><small>Difficulty: 50</small></center>|| http://images.neopets.com/battledome/opponent_pics/evil_robot.gif
| Grundo Commander || http://images.neopets.com/battledome/opponent_pics/grundo_comm.gif || 45
  {| align="center" class="wikitable" style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto;"
| Mechanoid Warrior || http://images.neopets.com/battledome/opponent_pics/evil_robot.gif || 50
    | <center>Evil Sloth Clone<br /><small>Difficulty: 85</small></center>|| [[Image:Sloth clone.gif]]
    | <center>[[Rock Beast]]<br /><small>Difficulty: 500</small></center>|| http://images.neopets.com/battledome/opponent_pics/rockbeast.gif
| Evil Sloth Clone || http://images.neopets.com/battledome/opponent_pics/sloth_clone.gif || 85
| Rock Beast || http://images.neopets.com/battledome/opponent_pics/rockbeast.gif || 500
Users participated in the plot by fighting against Sloth's army in the [[Battledome]], collecting points for each opponent defeated. Fighting lasted from July 3, 2001 to July 9, 2001, and users could face off against the challengers as many times as they wanted to. It is said on the archived news page a [[Quiggle]], [[Shoyru]] and a [[Lupe]] delivered the final blows to the Rock Beast, final opponent, though it's unknown who they are.
Users participated in the plot by fighting against Sloth's army in the [[Battledome]], collecting points for each opponent defeated. Fighting lasted from July 3, 2001 to July 9, 2001, and users could face off against the challengers as many times as they wanted to. It is said on the archived news page a [[Quiggle]], [[Shoyru]] and a [[Lupe]] delivered the final blows to the Rock Beast, final opponent, though it's unknown who they are.
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{| class="wikitable" style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto;"
Participates in the war were also awarded [[Trophies]] on July 17, 2001, displaying the number of successful battles they fought in the [[Battledome]]. Three days later 5,000 - 30,000 NP were given to each user as well, depending on how many battles they won.
!colspan="5"| Lost Desert Ranks
{| border="1"
| http://images.neopets.com/desert/trophy1.gif<br>'''Helper''' 1 - 4<br>'''Skirmisher''' 5 - 8 || http://images.neopets.com/desert/trophy2.gif<br>'''Battler''' 12/13 || http://images.neopets.com/desert/trophy3.gif<br>'''Commander''' 34 || http://images.neopets.com/desert/trophy4.gif<br>'''Lord''' 66 - 68 || http://images.neopets.com/desert/trophy5.gif<br>'''Conqueror''' 224
|style="text-align:center;"| http://images.neopets.com/desert/trophy1.gif<br>'''Helper''' 1 - 4<br>'''Skirmisher''' 5 - 9 - ?
|style="text-align:center;"| http://images.neopets.com/desert/trophy2.gif<br>'''Battler''' ? - 10 - 13 - ?
|style="text-align:center;"| http://images.neopets.com/desert/trophy3.gif<br>'''Commander''' ? - 34 - ?
|style="text-align:center;"| http://images.neopets.com/desert/trophy4.gif<br>'''Lord''' ? - 57 - 68 - ?
|style="text-align:center;"| http://images.neopets.com/desert/trophy5.gif<br>'''Conqueror''' ? - 224 - ?
Participants in the war were awarded [[Trophies]] on July 17, 2001, displaying the number of successful battles they fought in the [[Battledome]]. Three days later 5,000 - 30,000 NP were given to each user as well, depending on how many battles they won.
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*While [[The Neopets Team]] at this time referred to the [[Wikipedia:Egyptian pyramids|pyramids]] as "pyramids", they are now thought to be called 'Gebmids', in reference to the [[Geb]].
*While [[The Neopets Team]] at this time refered to the pyaramids as "pyramids", they are now thought to be called '''Gebmids''', in reference to the [[Geb]].
*It's still unknown who the mysterious Jetsam is, but he still manages to play [[Tug-O-War]]. However, the ??? Jetsam is now played by Cheat! champion, [[Spectre]].
*It's still unknown who the mysterious Jetsam is, but he still manages to play [[Tug-O-War]].
*One of Sloth's mutant Grundo minions may be [[Gargarox]], a mutant Grundo featured in [[Tug-O-War]].
*The Evil Sloth Clone ended up as a regular 1 Player opponent.

==External Links==
==External Links==
*'''Plot Info''': <span class="plainlinks">[http://www.neopets.com/desert/plot.phtml Brucey B and the Lucky Coin], [http://www.neopets.com/desert/wartent.phtml Lost Desert War Tent]
*Plot Info: [http://www.neopets.com/desert/plot.phtml Brucey B and the Lucky Coin], [http://www.neopets.com/desert/wartent.phtml Lost Desert War Tent]
*'''Neopedia''': [http://www.neopets.com/neopedia.phtml?neopedia_id=37 Darkness Scarab]
*Neopedia: [http://www.neopets.com/neopedia.phtml?neopedia_id=37 Darkness Scarab]
*'''NeoDeck''': [http://www.neopets.com/games/neodeck/colcardlookup.phtml?colcard_id=27 Dr. Frank Sloth], [http://www.neopets.com/games/neodeck/colcardlookup.phtml?colcard_id=204 Ghartun The Grundo Commander], [http://www.neopets.com/games/neodeck/colcardlookup.phtml?colcard_id=205 Garrox5 The Grundo Trooper], [http://www.neopets.com/games/neodeck/colcardlookup.phtml?colcard_id=208 Evil Sloth Clone #32], [http://www.neopets.com/games/neodeck/colcardlookup.phtml?colcard_id=210 Mechanoid Warrior], [http://www.neopets.com/games/neodeck/colcardlookup.phtml?colcard_id=212 Rock Beast], [http://www.neopets.com/games/neodeck/colcardlookup.phtml?colcard_id=279 Bazri The Grundo]
*NeoDeck: [http://www.neopets.com/games/neodeck/colcardlookup.phtml?colcard_id=27 Dr. Frank Sloth], [http://www.neopets.com/games/neodeck/colcardlookup.phtml?colcard_id=204 Ghartun The Grundo Commander], [http://www.neopets.com/games/neodeck/colcardlookup.phtml?colcard_id=205 Garrox5 The Grundo Trooper], [http://www.neopets.com/games/neodeck/colcardlookup.phtml?colcard_id=208 Evil Sloth Clone #32], [http://www.neopets.com/games/neodeck/colcardlookup.phtml?colcard_id=210 Mechanoid Warrior], [http://www.neopets.com/games/neodeck/colcardlookup.phtml?colcard_id=212 Rock Beast], [http://www.neopets.com/games/neodeck/colcardlookup.phtml?colcard_id=279 Bazri The Grundo]
*'''Neopets TCG''': [http://www.neopets.com/tcg/displayCard.phtml?edid=1&id=64 Lucky Coin], [http://www.neopets.com/tcg/displayCard.phtml?edid=10&id=70 Lucky Coin (2nd Print)]</span>
*Neopets TCG: [http://www.neopets.com/tcg/displayCard.phtml?edid=1&id=64 Lucky Coin], [http://www.neopets.com/tcg/displayCard.phtml?edid=10&id=70 Lucky Coin (2nd Print)]

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[[category: Battledome]]
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