Should a player decide to transfer their neopet, whether to another account or to a friend, using the pound to send neopets has become a common practice. There are dangers of course, but hopefully the method shown below will make the process as quick and as efficient as possible.
This method will require two people. One person will need to be logged into the account with the neopet that they want to be transferred. The other person needs to be logged into the second account, which they want to receive the pet. If your person helping you is accessing one of your accounts, make sure this is a person you can trust and not some random person off the NeoBoards, who once in your account, will run off with anything valuable quicker than you can exclaim, “what the?!?”
Have both people visit the Neopian Pound. The person on the receiving end should visit the ‘Adopt-A-Pet’ area and in the search field, type in the neopet’s name. The other person in the other account also needs to visit the Neopian Pound. However, this person will need to go to the abandon option. As soon as one person abandons the pet into the pound, the other person needs to be notified immediately, whereby they can load up the adoption pages and adopt the pet pronto! Because there are many players in the adoption pounds, transferring rare pets should be done carefully. Therefore, it is recommended that the two people are able to keep in contact via online messaging clients.
The Safest Way to Transfer a Neopet
To start off make sure you have two different browsers installed on your computer; Internet Explorer and Firefox are what I recommend. Firefox and Internet Explorer store cookies differently and this is what is going to allow you to be logged into the account the pet is currently in and the account you want to transfer it to at the same time and on the same computer.
If you don’t have Firefox you can get it at (4.7MB download) or if don’t have Internet Explorer you can get it at
Now that you have two browsers installed make sure you don’t have any other windows open during the transfer process you don’t want to be opening an unwanted window by accident as seconds really count.
Open Internet Explorer first and log into the account that the soon to be transferred pet is currently in and then go to the pound (
Now open Firefox, log into the account you want the pet to be in and then paste the following URL into the address bar: making sure to replace “YOUR_PET_NAME” with the actual name of the pet you are transferring (do not hit submit, leave the web address there for now).
CAUTION: To be safe, make sure you have at least 1000 Neopoints on hand in the account you are transferring the pet to and that said account doesn’t have four pets already.
Again to be safe, copy the name of the pet you are transferring from the pound page and paste it to the end of the above URL (replacing YOUR_PET_NAME) making sure that there are NO spaces in the front or at the end of the name and that all the characters (letters, numbers) are there or this could potentially cause you to lose the pet.
Open the Internet Explorer window back up and abandon the pet. After the confirmation page loads immediately go back to Firefox and click the “Go” button next to the address bar.
Congratulations, you have just safely transferred a Neopet! Please remember that no method is 100% and while this is the absolute safest method to use there is still a chance, no matter how small, that someone may just happen to get the pet before you do so unless transferring the pet is completely necessary, don’t risk it.
An Alternative Method
Submitted by dime64
First you have to have access to two different browsers. I use MSN & Firefox. I will have one browser open to the abandon window and the other browser open to the adopt search engine with the name already in place (note that the second browser must be logged into the account receiving the neopet). Than all you have to do is click on the abandon button, switch windows to the other browser on the other account, to the adopt search engine, click on find my perfect pet and there it is.
Another Alternative Method – Three Window Trick
Submitted by Impl0de
A good way to transfer is the ‘three window trick’, which I always use when transferring painted pets. It’s simple and easy.
Have three windows open. The first window should be the disown page. The second window, go to the log in page and put in your username, then click submit. Type in your password, but don’t submit.
The third window is the adoption page. Go to the adoption center, and type the pets name in the search engine. Do not click submit.
Step 1: Disown the pet.
Step 2: Immediately click to the second window and hit ‘submit’ to log-in.
Step 3. Open the third window and submit the pet’s name in the search engine. It will give you the result and click the picture.
NOTE: Make sure you have enough neopoints on hand! I always get out at least 1k, but it’s wise to get out all of your money in case it’s more expensive.
I’ve only lost one pet to this, and that’s because it was extremely rare (Snow Pteri, Cepti, when the snow paint brush was newer and I got her through the lab. It was going in a friend’s account who wanted her.)
Make sure there are no distractions around (younger siblings, pop-up ads), and close the doors and windows around you just in case.
Yet Another Alternative Method!
Submitted by sugamonkey4u
If you are transferring it to yourself you can get a friend to go onto your account. Talking over the phone would probably be the easiest way to let him/her know when you have put the pet into the pound. Before the pet is pounded your friend would have a window open at name here) all they have to do is keep on refreshing. At first it will come up as “this pet already has an owner and is very happy” but when it is pounded, and there is enough neopoints on the account and it does not have 4 pets already, if you keep on refreshing you will get it without having to click or do anything 🙂
Important Note
Make sure the receiving account does not already have four neopets. If it does, it will be unable to grab the recently abandoned neopet
Oh no! Someone else adopted the neopet before I could transfer it!
In the worst-case scenario, the pet you were attempting to transfer, or receive was snatched up by another person who was visiting the pound. In this case, you can find out who adopted your neopet by running a name search in Neopets’ search directory. The new owner’s name will show up on the neopet’s owner description.
By neomailing the new owner, politely explain what happened and request that the neopet be placed back in the pound for you to receive. Be careful however as the new owner is under no obligation to place the neopet back in the pound for you and may keep it if he/she wishes. In addition, DO NOT offer neopoints in return for the neopet as the local neopian authority will freeze you in your tracks faster than you can say, “I didn’t do it.”
Before transferring a pet via the pound, be aware of the risks involved and if you do decide to go ahead with transferring, be prepared to accept the consequences that it is possible that the wrong person could snatch up the pet.
But wait a second!
natasa177 says hello and has another method of transferring pets! If you want to transfer quickly a pet to one of your other accounts, and can’t find a person fast enough, just follow these tips.
1. First, open a window and go to the abandon page with 250 NP.
2. Then, open another window, and go to the login page. Type the accounts name you want to transfer the pet. Type the password and the security code. Make sure that they are correct, and DON’T hit the ‘Submit’ button.
3. Once more, open another window, and this time to the adopt-a-pet search engine. Type the pets name that is going to be transferred, and hit the ‘Find me my perfect Pet!’ button. Of course, on the next page the pet will not show up.
4. Now for the transferring bit. Go to the first window, and abandon the pet. Then, quickly, go to the second window and hit the ‘Submit’ button to log on to your other account. Then, as fast as you can, open the next window where you previously had searched the pet you wanted, refresh (you can click F5 on the keyboard), and the pet should be there. By this time you should have logged on to your other account in the second window, so you can click on the pet to adopt it.
This is the method. Make sure before you transfer your pet that your other account has enough NP to adopt the pet.
If you are not quick enough, somebody browsing in the pound may get the pet before you have time to refresh the third window. To prevent this from happening, I suggest you practice on some targets. I’ll let you figure that out 🙂
Click here to read a further guide. – jrtman
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