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Wed Aug 11, 2004 1:30 am

- When I see my little brother watching all the old cartoons and TV shows that I used to watch when I was his age. [Things like Darkwing Duck, The Little Mermaid Cartoons, Pete and Pete, Clarissa Explains It All, Are You Afraid of the Dark, etc. etc.]

- Highschool.

- When you and your friends start having to deal with "real life" problems - like drinking, drugs, love, failing classes, death in the family, significant others, etc. etc... You know you have to go through all these learning experiences at one time or another: but it doesn't seem to make them any easier. =/

- ...I remember when I thought the Spice Girls were the best thing since sliced bread. ;)

Thu Aug 12, 2004 3:16 pm

I feel "old" when I realise that I'll be 13 in December and then there'll be no going back. :evil:

But reading these posts, I feel really young.

Thu Aug 12, 2004 5:37 pm

My sister.

Oh, and my right ankle, blasted thing.

Oh and Ducky, I agree with you, picking my sister up from nursery and seeing the little chairs and then walking by the infants school and seeing the desks and chairs, I haven't sat on a small toilet for ages, I guess it feels like you're butt is nearly touching the group.

Thu Aug 12, 2004 8:01 pm

When I talk about Fraggle Rock and receive blank stares. :lol:
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