schlough wrote:
Wait, so people who are putting in the bare minimum on each game are getting the same points as I am??? Jeeze, not fair. My team isn't on a winning track, so what's my motivation to keep scoring 12 goals a game?
They should put in some sort of points per game based system so that we get credited for actually PLAYING the games instead of just clicking through them. Gah.
I don't think YYB is affected, as sometimes it's all you can do to score one goal (dratted mutants). I'm not sure if the actual goals per game average you have will make a difference in the long run or not - I've got mine just above 10 goals/game at the moment. I'm not gonna be quitting trying, because I'm hoping it does make a bit of a difference. I know that my prize points were not directly equivalent to my number of games, etc, so I'm hoping that sticks around.
But yeah, they've got some sort of minimum set so that you can't just pop into SS, give away one cup, send the score, rinse and repeat. Same thing for MSN.
Last year, my stats were:
Goals: 17,356
YYB Wins: 2,000
SS: 150
MSN: 750
With that, I got 27,714 points at the prize shop. I'm not sure how they do it, but I think the goals must've counted somehow...
Probably the ratio of goals per game X gravitation difference between Neopia and Kreludor dependent on if the Space station is nearby or not + number of games played...