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Death Note - the dub discussion thread!

Mon Nov 05, 2007 6:29 pm

Spoiler tags are in effect past the place the dub has covered. As of this writing, it's Episode Three, which is IIRC up to the end of Volume One of the manga. Ryuk just proposed the deal.

Anyway, this is one dub I can fully get behind. In a blink-and-you'll-miss-an-important-plot-point series like Death Note, residual aural memory can really help. And it's got to be the most accurate Japanese-to-English dub I have ever witnessed.

Light is completely different, but still great for the part. L is freaking spectacular. Ryuk is a bit weird, but I'll live. Matsuda and Sayu have obviously lost the Japanese ditz accent that drives me up a wall - this is a massive relief - but Matsuda should sound a bit younger. Again, I'll live.

The only one that really concerns me is Light's father. He doesn't sound nearly as intense as he should - but I guess I'll withhold judgment until the dinner table scene.

So. Let the discussion begin!

Re: Death Note - the dub discussion thread!

Mon Nov 05, 2007 8:05 pm

All I know is that it replaced dub Bleach.

And that does not make me happy.
...'k, sorry for being completely off topic. I've never seen or read Death Note, so I should probably just leave.

Re: Death Note - the dub discussion thread!

Mon Nov 05, 2007 8:46 pm

Not on YTV :D, but I think we're behind on Bleach too.

I haven't seen the original, so I can't compare it, but I really like the dub so far. The first episode was okay - just setting up. The second episode it really took off, I think. This is going to be quite interesting to watch.
(YTV airs it on Fridays, the third episode being on this coming Friday, so it looks like we're a week behind.)

Re: Death Note - the dub discussion thread!

Sun Dec 02, 2007 2:09 pm

Cheat-bumping this, because Episode Seven has come to the States. (Canadians can watch it at - you'll be better off in the long run for it, no pesky "if-you-don't-want-to-be-spoiled-what-are-you-doing-on-the-Internet" moments.)

Casual perusal of Death Note forums indicates that this is the episode that made more L supporters than any other. It was Episode Five that made an L supporter of me - the subway scene, that is - but this one is just... Go ahead and watch it, if you haven't already. I'll wait.

Clarification for old-timers, also known as a big, fat spoiler:
Episode Twenty-Five may have turned a lot of people against Light, but it doesn't make them an L supporter. It just means they weren't supporting Kira for keeps.

Re: Death Note - the dub discussion thread!

Tue Jan 01, 2008 6:32 pm

The theme song fails.
I mean, what the heck are they standing on?
wow, episode 1 makes you think about the world.
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