Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
Topic locked

Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:48 pm


Avatar Text: Liv
Signature Main Text: Liv
Signature Subtext: Vibrantly Pixelated
Avatar Image(s): Click
Signature Image(s): Click
Color: You choose
Size: You choose

Thanks WIS. :]

Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:39 pm


That is so amazing.
Saved. Off to use now. :D

Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:10 am

blueZ wrote:
hey WIS of OZ =P
i have been sigless for a long time now, and i am too lazy to make a decent one for myself.

main text: blueZ(yes, the Z has to be capitalized, good luck finding a good font)
subtext: You Oughta Know how to Head Over Feet in Eight Easy Steps
please leave av textless. thanks.

Image Image

I hope you like!

Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:00 am

thanks WIS!!
i am not suprised.
its really nice =)

Wed Jan 24, 2007 11:24 pm

Set time!

Avatar Text: Ric
Signature Main Text: The Rise and Fall
Signature Subtext: Sunki!
The guy near the middle in red and blue.
Wow! Same person!
Same guy, near the bottom, off to the right.
Color: Don't make it too dark...
Size: Good sized.

I don't know what else to say. Just, be good, be creative... don't dance too much.

Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:06 pm

Avatar Text: Caro
Signature Main Text: The little mermaid or Part of your world
Signature Subtext: Caro :P
Avatar Image:A pretty lil mermaid pic? :) Ex : ... plabw8.jpg
Signature Image(s): Id like it to fit with the avatar?
Color: As long as it fits ;)
Size: Whatever, like you feel it. loll

Thank you very much, and if for some reason you cant do it, Its not bad, thank you anyway, Good Luck :) <3

Sun Jan 28, 2007 9:40 pm

Anubis wrote:Sets:

Avatar Text: Liv
Signature Main Text: Liv
Signature Subtext: Vibrantly Pixelated
Avatar Image(s): Click
Signature Image(s): Click
Color: You choose
Size: You choose

Thanks WIS. :]

Image Image

Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:03 pm

WIS wrote:
Anubis wrote:Sets:

Avatar Text: Liv
Signature Main Text: Liv
Signature Subtext: Vibrantly Pixelated
Avatar Image(s): Click
Signature Image(s): Click
Color: You choose
Size: You choose

Thanks WIS. :]

Image Image

Thanks WIS, 'tis awesome. :D

Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:32 am

Hey WIS I just changed my screen name and I need a set
If someone could help me out that'd be great.

Avatar Text: Penguin
Signature Main Text: Penguin
Signature Subtext: Just waddking along.
AvatarImage: (feel free to make bigger)
Signature Image(s): Base off signature
Color: You choose
Size: You choose

Sun Feb 04, 2007 10:16 am

dracir512 wrote:Set time!

Avatar Text: Ric
Signature Main Text: The Rise and Fall
Signature Subtext: Sunki!
The guy near the middle in red and blue.
Wow! Same person!
Same guy, near the bottom, off to the right.
Color: Don't make it too dark...
Size: Good sized.

I don't know what else to say. Just, be good, be creative... don't dance too much.

Thanks for waiting SO patiently. :P I hope you like it!

Image Image

(if youre open! ^^)

Mon Feb 05, 2007 6:26 am

Avatar Text: xgreens
Signature Main Text:
Signature Subtext: xerashigreens
Color: whites, yellows, lime. kinda like sprite xD! and is it possible to diagonally stripe it? :) -can you make it a lighter tone? it would be nice...but it doesnt matter, anything you make turns out nice anyway xD
Size: ppt standy ^^

I'll make you my official set maker! xD I luff yours all so much...they're all MINE i say! <.<
PS not animated, i know ^^

Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:08 am

WIS wrote:
dracir512 wrote:Set time!

Meep Meep. Meepmeepmeep.

I don't know what else to say. Just, be good, be creative... don't dance too much.

Thanks for waiting SO patiently. :P I hope you like it!

Image Image

Once again, you rock my jocks. Uploaded and using!

Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:20 am

Shakira_Shoyru wrote:Avatar Text: Caro
Signature Main Text: The little mermaid or Part of your world
Signature Subtext: Caro :P
Avatar Image:A pretty lil mermaid pic? :) Ex : ... plabw8.jpg
Signature Image(s): Id like it to fit with the avatar?
Color: As long as it fits ;)
Size: Whatever, like you feel it. loll

Thank you very much, and if for some reason you cant do it, Its not bad, thank you anyway, Good Luck :) <3

Thank you for waiting SO patiently. xD

Image Image

I hope you like it. :)

Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:52 pm

Oh woow, thank you, this is very pretty. :)
And it was the worth the wait :)

Tue Feb 13, 2007 1:39 am

Penguin wrote:Hey WIS I just changed my screen name and I need a set
If someone could help me out that'd be great.

Avatar Text: Penguin
Signature Main Text: Penguin
Signature Subtext: Just waddking along.
AvatarImage: (feel free to make bigger)
Signature Image(s): Base off signature
Color: You choose
Size: You choose

Image Image
Topic locked