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I LIVE!!!!

Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:57 am

The rumors of my death have been only slightly exaggerated...

I've been grounded from the computer since back in March, hence the fact that I've beem MIA for a while. Don't get your hopes up though...

My computer is being a.....pain in the butt. I usually have to reconnect every other page (bloody dialup...) so don't expect me around too terribly much for a while. Also, dad uninstalled AIM, Yahoo!, MSN, etc. and won't let me reinstall them because they, he says, are what screwed the computer up. HELLO?!?!?! It was working better when they were HERE!!!!!!

In other news, my 16th birthday is tomorow (June 1st)...and I could hardly care less. I'm not really having a party, I already got my presents, and I already got my cake. As far as presents-Phantom of the Opera on DVD, a toy Lightsaber, and a cell phone. They're cool.... I should be able to get on AIM with my cell phone, but it won't accecpt my password!! It's case sensitive and I can't get it to do all lowercase, it tries to capatalize the first letter :( The fact that it's a camera phone is cool, too ^_^ I got my dad to do a Yoda impression so when it takes a picture it goes "Take your picture I will, hmmm?" in a Yoda voice! ^_^

Well...That's all I can think of to say. I'll come by as often as I can get the *says something she can't say on PPT* computer to work right....

~~Robin, the Phantom of the Opera fanatic

PS: God must not want me on PPT. I typed this on notepad while trying to get onto PPT, and it's NOT WANTING TO WORK!!!! *growls*


(20 minutes later) *Pulls out hair* *listens to PHantom of the Opera music to calm down* WORK DARN YOU!!! *grumbles* Yes, it has really been 20 minutes since I started trying to re-access PPT :-\

Wed Jun 01, 2005 1:03 am

Happy Birthday and welcome back Robin!

I can remember when you were this big! *makes four foot four size*

Wed Jun 01, 2005 1:53 am

Oh, well happy birthday tomorrow! That's real crud that you cannot download AIM again. :( Oh well, it's nice to have you back again.
And the subject of this topic amused me in great bunches. I pictured you rising from a great volcano shouting, "I LIVE!" at the top of your lungs after an evil laughter.

Wed Jun 01, 2005 4:33 am

Honestly, grounded since March? *Lobotomises your parents*

Yay, welcome back, woooooo.

Wed Jun 01, 2005 5:40 am

I enjoyed the Paul McCartney reference.

Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:30 pm

Happy Birthday Robin! Good to see ya again, I was wondering where you went, and have you met Trinity yet? She's a PotO Addict too. :P

Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:22 pm

Happy Birthday Robin!

What did you do that got you grounded since from March until now?

Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:26 pm

Yay Robin! I was wondering what had happened to you just the other day, actually...

Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:57 pm

Combusken BG wrote:Happy Birthday Robin!

What did you do that got you grounded since from March until now?

Not doing my homework, bad grades. My parents are *censored word that I will get in trouble for on PPT*

sir_michael wrote:Happy Birthday Robin! Good to see ya again, I was wondering where you went, and have you met Trinity yet? She's a PotO Addict too. :P

*eyes light up* Ohh ooh ooh!! Phantom is the best thing EVER!!!!! D'you think ya could introduce us?

Oh yeah, I'm 16! Whopty do.....I really can't bring myself to care that much...

Wed Jun 01, 2005 8:51 pm

Robin wrote:
sir_michael wrote:Happy Birthday Robin! Good to see ya again, I was wondering where you went, and have you met Trinity yet? She's a PotO Addict too. :P

*eyes light up* Ohh ooh ooh!! Phantom is the best thing EVER!!!!! D'you think ya could introduce us?

I can introduce us! :D I was actually jumping up and down like a little fangirl when I read that you were a PotO addict! Phantom of the Opera ish the best book/musical/movie ever! *Huggles PotO DVD*

Unfortunately, I've never seen the actual musical, but I've heard it in music class. And I have random doodles of Christine, Phantom, and Raoul all over my schoolwork and in my binders. :D Christine in DJT is fun to draw, so it's mainly her in that costume; and occasionally there's a DJT Phantom in there too, with his lil Zorro mask. And there's the rare drawings of Christine and Raoul dancing during the Masquerade scene. And I incorporated the PotO actors and actresses in both the musical and the movie into my dream family tree that I had to do for Deutsch class; including Sarah Brightman and Michael Crawford as one pair of grandparents, Emmy Rossum and Gerard Butler as my parents, and Patrick Wilson as my uncle. I listen to midis of each of the songs, and hum 'em in school. I'm singing 'Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again' for the talent show in my school. And I have a translation of the original book by Gaston Leroux in my favourites, somewhere. That's how obsessed I am. :D Yay for Phantom!

Wed Jun 01, 2005 8:53 pm

Robin wrote:Oh yeah, I'm 16! Whopty do.....I really can't bring myself to care that much...

Happy Birthday, birthday twin! =D

I'm glad you were able to make it back to PPT before your birthday. :)

Wed Jun 01, 2005 8:55 pm

Hey, Robin! Great to see you again! It's been a while. :)

Wed Jun 01, 2005 9:09 pm

*hugs* Your parents are mean. No offense.

Wed Jun 01, 2005 9:32 pm

Wow, I just had a Voldemort momenth when I read that title.
I feel so bad for the dial-up connection. Good luck inconspicuously convincing you're parents to get DSL!

Thu Jun 02, 2005 2:16 am

Robin wrote:Oh yeah, I'm 16! Whopty do.....I really can't bring myself to care that much...

:hug: Oh come on, repeat after me. "It is my sweet 16, and I will make it sweet, and I will care!"

Do you get your driver's license this year? (I get mine this summer, and I'm absolutely terrified.)
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