I was just washing my hair and it occured to me that there is rather a dearth of activity at
The Tragic Muse. It would probably be more active if some lazy maintaner-ess bothered to update more than once every 6 months. (who are you looking at? *cough cough* <_< >_>)
So, to give me something to do, I am opening a request board. No, no graphics, per say. I am allowing you the opportunity to let me teach you how to make graphics. From now until I get tired (which will depend upon how many people request something), I will attempt to write any graphics tutorial you request.
No restrictions, but keep these in mind:
- I am not fond of the ordinary. If a quick search brings up more than 10 tutorials on how to make a common effect (say scanlines), I'm not interested in spending the time doing it.*
- I am not much of an artist. If you ask me how to use a program to achieve an artistic effect that can be done with real media, I probably won't know how enough to even do it myself, let alone teach it (perspective, shading, etc.). *
- I am best at picture manipulation/enhancement.
- Photoshop only.
* If I can't or won't write a tutorial that you've requested, I will do my best to find you a similar one.
I hope to come back to some requests! ^_^