Well, I doubt many people here know me that well anyway, aside from my friends. My fifteen minutes of PPT fame were up about a year ago, haha.
I exist, and have so for over fourteen years (I was born nearly fourteen years ago, but hey, being a fetus does count as existing).
I have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). No, I don't use it as an excuse.
I'm a vegetarian.
I hate eggs.
I am an obsessive, theorizing, shipping (putting two characters together. A fan of a certain couple... Gah, you know.), canon fairy-ing Harry Potter fan, and have been so since just after PoA came out.
I don't just read Harry Potter. I read (and write) Harry Potter fanfiction!
Say 'Harry and Hermione are going to be a couple' in my presence and you will die shortly after doing so.
I'm half Hispanic (my dad's from Bolivia) and half Russian (my mom's side of the family is mostly from Russia).
My toes are reaaally long.
I judge people on what their personality is like, not what their beliefs are (for example, though I know I'm going to instantly become the enemy of many PPTers by saying this, I like most of the people who attacked PPT a few years ago and who believe the site has spyware and such. I don't agree with those beliefs, but they're all quite nice, for the most part.).
I can rarely hold a grudge. And when I do, it's always over something stupid.
I almost always look at both sides of the story. No one is evil. Perhaps misguided, but not evil.
I'm rather shy in real life. I tend to express my self through written word. And my clothing. I definitely express myself through clothing, haha.
I'm the Grammar Fairy.
My family has six pets (four cats, two dogs).
In my close family, my dad's the only male. All of our pets are female, and my sister, mother and self are, as well.
My philoshy in life is currently, "Nothing is certain."
I curse. A lot.
I've been known to fill a 100-page-sketchbook within a month. My current one is almost three-quarters full, and I've only used four or five pages for drawing. It's mostly full of doodles and random thoughts/notes, with a few pages of writing thrown in.
My art mediums of choice are writing and painting with water colors.
I own five, and solely use (well, aside from pencils) fountain pens for writing.
I'm an avid reader.
I collect absolutely nothing.
My favorite colors are green and purple. My favorite color combination is blue and gold. Green/gold and purple/gold are excellent, but I love light blue and gold together.
I sound quite boring, but I'm not, really! The way I write lists is just dull, that's all. Trust me, no one who wears fluorescent green nail polish is boring.
Yes, I do have and wear neon green nail polish.
I once had a $37 fine on my library card. Yes, I suck at bringing things in on time, but that fine was due to my mistaking the due date for March 25, when it was March 6.
I'll do/try mostly anything once, and if I like it, more than once.
I'm obsessed with history. I love learning about things that happened in the past.
I know you're probably not reading this post, or at least this line.
I love apple juice, but don't really like apples.
I live in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Baltimore rules, y'all.
Many of my ancestors were either nobility or royalty, and on my dad's side, there are some Incans mixed in, and on my mom's, Gypsies.
I have the 'thick, luscious, wavy long hair most women dream about' (ugh), but I hate it. Not because I think it's ugly, but because it's such a hassle to brush and wash and such.
I'm fat and short. Tell me I'm not fat, and I'll hit you, because you haven't looked at the scale when I'm on it, and you probably haven't seen any part of my body aside from my face and hair.
I am a proud Apple/Mac freak. Pfft to Microsoft and Windows.
My entire body is unbalanced. One of my eyebrows is smaller than the other, one of my feet is larger than the other, one side of my face is fatter than the other, one of my nostrils is placed lower than the other, the skin around one of my eyes covers it more than the other... Now, I now that no one's perfect, and that no one is anatomically perfect. But my lopsided-ness is quite obvious.
I'm terrified of spiders and insects. I'm known to, upon seeing a spider in my room, not sleep in there for a week or so. And this is
after said spider is removed.
Oh, and I tend to write really long lists.
Christopher wrote:
- I am quite adept at picking open locks, and give me a credit card and I'll get through many types of windows.
Teeaaach meeee!