Kitten Medli wrote:
Um..I need help again.I woke up and the sprites called me to where my cow was...she was laying died..Of course I cryed...I feel horrible. They said thats what happens when you dont take care of them or something..but,she had food..I groomed her a few days before she died..I usually cuddle her.I dont get it..what did I do wrong? I noticed she stopped giving milk a few days before,and she would not eat..

I'd say she got sick... My cows have never gotten sick, but if she stoped eating and didnt give milk, then she probably got sick. You can by potions for sick animals on the ledgar. How'd she get sick? It was probably you forgot to feed it a few days, left it out in the rain, didnt talk to/hug it every day, or a combination of the three...
I decided to start my game over in the first summer of chapter two because I forgot to buy a goat (and I kinda wanted to see the cutscenes I passed up with celia)... I know the goats only give milk for 40 days then they're useless, but I want one of every animal! And has anyone gotten the chihuahua yet? I plan on getting it but when does he give it to you?
And Medli, it sucks your cow died... It's like the number one source of income at the start of the game... And it takes 40 Days for a cow to mature (or you can buy one at the end of chapter one and it'll be mature at the start of chapter 2... I bought a girl and boy star cow and did that.) and you have to get the cow pregnant and let the baby be born and wait till the baby cow stops drinking the moms milk to get it any milk from it... So it probably won't be any time soon when you'll be getting cow milk again =(