rbpnmn wrote:
I have looked at every PSP game and not a single one interests me. Believe, I don't just go off and say something without looking into it. Videogames are my life and I look at a lot of stuff online about them. Believe me, I am not uneducated on videogames. Now, the Xbox, I have looked at many games for it and almost all of them either stink or are available(sp?) on other systems. Now, that it just my opinion. But I still would never pay a single cent to get an Xbox.
I didn't say you were uneducated as a gamer (I haven't walked in your shoes, therefore I can't judge your experience), I said (or perhaps meant) that the way you expressed your opinion was one with a great amount of biase (or so it seems) and exclamation points. Also, its not good to gain an impression just from pictures, game boxes, and information on gaming sites. I dislike XBox as well, but I've played a lot of the games to get such an opinion. The best thing you can do is play games with the least biase you possibly can. Hand on experience is key to preventing the overlooking of great games. Don't worry, I was fuming at the time of that message, and decided to type a little something.
Getting back on topic (well at least closer), I know that the DS has some great titles coming up in many genres, but looking in detail of the RPG genre (for those that actually play them) I was wondering, what does everyone think of the RPGs that the DS has in stock, or which are you really interested in? I'm eager to try a few of them, seeing as some great series will still, or in other cases, most likely be showing up on the DS. I'm also wanting to see what new series will brew from it. I'm hoping to get a job soon so I can start saving up for it, though I have PS2 and GC games in queue before it. It seems the next two years are going to be great years of gaming.