Commander Garoo

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Garoo's Gallery of Evil portrait

Commander Garoo is the Blumaroo chief commander of Dr. Frank Sloth invading army during the enslavement of the Grundo species. Nobody knows how Garoo ascended through the ranks of Sloth's evil army so quickly, but within a matter of three years Garoo had been appointed chief commander of Sloth's invasion and capture of the Grundos. It is believed it was his mean temper, foul attitude, and utter contempt for other Neopets that caught his Sloth's eye.

Commander Garoo has not been seen since Sloth was defeated and the Virtupets empire crumbled. It is for certain though he will come out of hiding when his master returns.

Plot summary

Defenders of Neopia Series 1

Main article: Defenders of Neopia

Commander Garoo was the one responsible for setting up the trap to capture Captain K.

The Return of Dr. Sloth

Main article: The Return of Dr. Sloth

Commander Garoo led a group of Garoo elite soldiers in an invasion of the Space Station, rounding up civilians, including Cylara's parents and the Scout disguised as Cylara. It came to light that Garoo sent military encoded messages to a person he addressed as 'My Lord' informing him of the mission's success and that he was loading the civilians onto transport shuttles.


Portrait 63.png
Commander Garoo
Difficulty: 120Easy · 156Medium · 192Hard Starting HP: 120Easy · 156Medium · 192Hard
Arena: Neocola Centre Released: May 24, 2002
Status: Active Challenger ID: 63
Found by: Random Event while refreshing at the Virtupets Space Station.


Attack Fork
The meanest of all tridents... the Attack Fork has been donated by the Brain Tree, who of course keeps a massive stash of magical items!
Tornado Ring
This powerful ring will never break! It is filled with the power of a tornado, which can protect you, cause damage to your opponent and may even do something else. You will have to try it and see!
Supersize Gargantuplex
Power up and grow 40 times your size!
Brown Clockwork Grundo
Tick tock tick tock tick tock BOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!! One Use.

Commander Garoos Battle Axe
Made from a rare metal that never dulls, this Battle Axe was a gift from Dr Sloth himself.
Commander Garoos Shield
A super strong shield worn only by Commander Garoo
Commander Garoos Blade
If you see this stealthy blade heading you way, run as fast as you can!
Commander Garoos War Mask
A devilishly strong mask worn only by the mighty Commander Garoo.


Hit your opponent with a blast of light damage. Aethia's Ability Academy is not responsible for any resulting electrical charge.
Static Cling
Hit your opponent with a blast of light damage. Aethia's Ability Academy is not responsible for any resulting electrical charge.
Heal yourself for a few hit points. Every little bit helps, wouldn't you say?
Heal yourself for a few hit points. Every little bit helps, wouldn't you say?
You wield your weapons with a bit more force while perturbed.
You wield your weapons with a bit more force while perturbed.
Blind your opponent with this lens flare and they won't be able to see their weapons.
Lens Flare
Blind your opponent with this lens flare and they won't be able to see their weapons.

Increase your resistance to dark, fire, and earth.
Increase your resistance to dark, fire, and earth.

Better Than You

Garoo has been a contestant on Better Than You once:

Date: September 18, 2008 Sloth wants to know what's behind this door, so you're going to help me open it. Understood? Alright then, what are you standing around for? Open it!
Game: Time Tunnel
Score: 1,700
Prize: Spooky Rock


External links

Preceded by:

Defenders of Neopia Mission 6:

Followed by:

The Brain Tree

Commander Garoo

Tekkitu the Witch Doctor