Princess Sankara

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Princess Sankara's NeoDeck and Neopedia image.

Princess Sankara is the heiress to the throne of the Fourth Khonsu Dynasty. Princess Sankara was sent to Sakhmet by her father before an attack by rival King Heksas. King Coltzan III took the Princess in and made her a member of his court. Though she has been advised against it many times Princess Sankara hopes to one day lead an army to reclaim her homeland, Khamtef.

Plot summary[edit]


Main article: Usurper!

Princess Sankara was 1 of 5 suspects believed to have poisoned King Coltzan III's food at a feast. Ultimately, it was revealed that Princess Sankara did poison King Coltzan, because he would not give her the army she wanted to reconquer her homeland.


  • In Princess Sankara's Neopedia article, it states she is 19 years old, but as this was written years ago, her current age is unknown.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]