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King Coltzan and his guests

King Coltzan III collapsed after a great feast with five royal guests, and foul play is suspected. Began July 9, 2001 and finished July 16, 2001.

The Puzzle

Users were asked to find out...

  • What meal each of the five guests ate
  • How many courses of that meal did they eat (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5)
  • What particular bad habit did each guest display during the meal
  • Who the murderer was

Guesses could be turned in as soon as July 13, 2001.

The Guests

There were five different guests at the meal (not including King Coltzan).

Princess Vyssa (Female)

Princess Vyssa is the daughter of the King, and is loved by the inhabitants of Sakhmet as much as she is beautiful. She is next in line to her fathers throne.

Senator Palpus (Male)

Palpus is an old retired general in the Sakhmet Defence Force. He has kept on good terms with the King since he quit the army, which may be why he has such a great pension plan!

Advisor Wessle (Male)

Wessle is the King's right hand man, a sneaky, wily Kyrii who helps him with every decision. If anything underhand or illegal is happening in the Lost Desert, Wessle is sure to know about it.

Senator Barca (Female)

Barca has been deeply involved in Sakhmetian politics for the last thirty years. Although not a member of the Royal Family, her power and influence stretch far outside the walls of the city.

Princess Sankara (Female)

Princess Sankara is not the daughter of the King, her family ruled a land many dunes away. When their city was attacked by a neighbouring force, Sankara ran away to seek refuge in Sakhmet.

The Meals

Five different meals were eaten at the feast. No two guests ate the same dish.

  • Tut Trout
  • Cheops Omelette
  • Fried Ummagine
  • Grakle Stew
  • Sphinx Links

The Courses

One of the guests ate one course of food, one of the guests ate two, one had three, one had four, and one particulary hungry guest had five courses of food.

The Bad Habits

The king was noticeably appalled during the meal, as his guests were far from pleasant dining companions. One guest spoke very very loudly, one guest had a cold and could not stop sniffing, another one was a very messy eater, getting food all over their face and clothes, one guest kept burping, and the last guest kept giving everybody else shifty looks.

In fact the King was very annoyed by all five of his guests!


  • Senator Barca, Spoke Loudly, 2 courses, Fried Ummagine
  • Princess Sankara, Sniffing, 4 courses, Cheops Omelette
  • Senator Palpus, Looked Shifty, 5 courses (pig!), Tut Trout
  • Princess Vyssa, Burping, 1 course, Grakle Stew
  • Advisor Wessle, Ate Messily, 3 courses, Sphinx Links
  • The murderer was Princess Sankara.


Rewarded on ?, the first 10 users to correctly guess everything were each given 2 million Neopoints. Also, the first 100 users to correctly guess everything (including the first 10) were given a random magical item.

External Links