Uncle Tharg

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Uncle Tharg as he appears on his NeoDeck card.

Uncle Tharg is a Tyrannian Aisha who's quite generous with his money and time; he donates Neopoints to the poor, collects food to give to the hungry and watches over the village of Tyrammet with that nasty club of his.

Better Than You[edit]

Uncle Tharg has been a contestant on Better Than You once:

Date: July 1, 2010 Look out, there goes another one! I tell you, these kids and their go-carts.... In my day, we didn't tear around in fancy vehicles. We used handmade hang gliders. And we did okay, too. Why, I used to be quite the jumper back then...
Game: Ugga Smash
Score: 710
Prize: Mud Lollipop

External links[edit]