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Re: Remember When?

Thu Dec 25, 2008 9:27 am

StuMan wrote:I dunno about anyone else but the only thing I seem to miss/remember from neopets is the grral toothbrush game. I really want to play it again. It was soooooo underrated.

I remember that games too, it was a sponsor game for oral-b i think and you had to brush away the cavities and plaque. It paid well too (^_^)

Re: Remember When?

Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:20 am

I remember getting a Meowclops for 1000NP. If only I had bought a bunch...

Re: Remember When?

Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:24 pm

lol- I remember when everyone's username was neo#### and thinking it was such a big thing to get real usernames (ok yes i'm that old) The grral toothbrush game was fun. I remember being really bummed when I played with a magical meerca plushie and it turned my pet into one. I think you only had to score 100 in Meerca chase to get one.

Re: Remember When?

Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:21 pm

I remember Hot Scrambled Neggs! That was my favourite game EVER.

I remember the Maraquan War, and when I first joined Neo, selling dung in my shop for 1np, and then laughing about how I was selling them for too cheap because they were selling so fast and I changed the price to the one in the discription.

Re: Remember When?

Tue Dec 30, 2008 12:10 am

I think it was called "Hot Grilled Neggs" :P I also remember struggling to score points in the Hannah and the Ice Caves War or whatever it was called :lol:

Re: Remember When?

Tue Dec 30, 2008 12:33 am

Oh man. So when I first started playing Neo almost 9 years ago, I didn't really understand the concept of logging into my account each time. So instead of logging in, I'd make a new account. I was 11 and dumb. And I could never remember what my accounts names/passwords were anyway. So each time I'd start over and make an account and I'd ALWAYS make a Badeek with a name variation of BlueIbis. Blue____Ibis, Blibbis, BluIbis_...Even though much cooler names were available. Through all of that, I did get some cool pets and account names (I was smart enough to write some user names/passwords down in my ~internet journal~) but I really did not grasp the concept of neopets til I was at least 12/13.

My favorite thing about The good Ol' Days was when Guilds were actually a big part of Neopets that made an impact. I was a really active member of TAP, and I remember when we would organize events/give aways and if they were big enough they could get announced in the news.

Re: Remember When?

Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:47 am

I remember when I got my first ice bori for downloading th toolbar and the Mystery Island plot where Jhudia the Island Faerie got shrunken. O.O Also I remember the grarrl toothbrushing game. Gosh I miss that game

Re: Remember When?

Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:56 pm

I still HAVE my first Snowbunny, actually.
I took it off of Danelle though so it lost it's age. :(

I participated in the Meridell/Darigan war.
GOOO Darigan. Fo' sho. 8D

I also remember...duhhh...
I remember when you didn't have to be thirteen or older to play the gambling games or put in a pet description. 8D

Re: Remember When?

Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:03 am

I still have my tomb map:
I'd love another plot like that. Im really glad I spend all my points on the Ring of the Lost instead of a combination of other items like I nearly did.

I remember selling my Kadoatie for 60k and thinking it was a fortune. And buying a Striped Paintbrush for about the same price for my Shoyru. My first lab map cost 85k, and I was embarrassed to tell people, because I'd overpayed. I also used to collect orange fuzzles back when they were the newbie pack toy. They were only 1 or 2 neopoints. So I joined a guild where the whole point was to send hundreds of orange fuzzles to the guild leader. She kept track of how many fuzzles everyone sent, and gave prizes to the top fuzzle-senders.

Re: Remember When?

Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:07 am

I found my tomb map recently. It was hand-drawn. Maybe if I find it again (I don't remember if I threw it out), I'll scan it in.

Reading this thread makes me feel old :(

Re: Remember When?

Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:34 pm

Zilary wrote:I was present for all Altadorian stuff. I remember one April Fool's prank TNT did where you had to PAY to go from page to page (or to places such as Faerieland)...this was before NeoCash.

Ohmigoshyes!!! That thing was really obnoxious cause there was that Scorchio who would always keep at the right part of the site (back when sidebars were actually on the left side) and tell you how much money you owed. Ah, good memories.

I remember joining Neopets when the LDP was still going on *feels like a child compared to ya all* I actually found a plot-PP and completed the first task (playing Pyramids), but then dropped it cause I thought that thing would be there forever. How ignorant I was. Oh, and back then, the petpetlab parts would cost as much as the lab parts.

I remember the Altadorian stuff as well. When TPOSG would put up "hints" on his lookup. One of them being a fountain from his hometown (or was that during ToW? Argh). And the TPOSG-statue-bobblehead he had. We had some very funny theories on the German boards, most of them related to the Faerie Queen being controlled by Meepits.

I also remember the first release of Lutaris. *pets Sheraide* And who could forget the giant Meepit in the news before they released the new site layout? Yes, I have seen it's evil face.

Oh, and I was there for all three Altador cups, always playing for Darigan (or at least, trying to). Heck, I even remember the release of DoN 2. And Neoquest 3D.

Ah, now I feel old again :D

Re: Remember When?

Mon Jan 05, 2009 3:33 am

Himmelsdemon wrote:Heck, I even remember the release of DoN 2. And Neoquest 3D.

Neoquest 3D has to be the most ridiculous thing Neopets ever did.

Re: Remember When?

Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:10 am

haha, you guys fawning over the LDP. Brucey B & the Lucky Coin, Usurper, and Hunt for the Crown's where it's at

I remember Neopetv2 too, though I didn't manage to beat it

edit: oh yeah, and the destruction of Old Maraqua. I remembered that I gasped when I read the word "hell" back in the flash movie

Re: Remember When?

Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:26 pm

Talking about Old Maraqua... I recall about deciding whether to buy the utility fishes sold in Old Maraqua (which I didn't in the end)

And something which I will never forget: Gigantic battle between Chiazilla and Mechazilla :lol:

Re: Remember When?

Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:23 am

Many events are permanently etched into my brain. xD
I think neocharge and the first altador cup were the most epic TNT-created events for me, though XD Neocharge was hilariously annoying, and the first altador cup was new and everyone was participating. Plus, arguing over which staffers were going to win was entertaining.

However, most of the events that I'll never forget were less of site events, and more of hilarious conversations based on site events.

I miss having the neocam working. XD Once we saw someone vacuuming the Neopets office, but it was such bad quality that at first we thought someone had thrown blue paint everywhere. And another time we saw staffers throwing stuff at each other. XD

And an example of coversations... my friend was recovering in a hospital, and this old nurse lady kept coming in and bugging her. So when the lady came in.... XD
[screenie -]
[the link she used -]

I just wish I would have been around during the first plots. I came around hannah and the pirate caves.

Does anyone know where I can see the first sloth plot? D; I've been looking for a link in forever, but they removed all traces of it from the site.
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