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 Post subject: Re: SSBB 4: 100 [Complete w/ online guide]
PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:37 pm 
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Rikku goes berserk on Lucario for -4 damage.


 Post subject: Re: SSBB 4: 100 [Complete w/ online guide]
PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:15 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
Way Beyond Godly
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Rikku goes berserk on Lucario for -4 damage

and hits him again for -4 damage

 Post subject: SSBB 4: 100 [Complete w/ online guide]
PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:45 am 
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Round 163-167

SSBB = Super Smash Brothers Brawl
To all of those interested in joining, there are no sign ups. You can just start playing right off the bat. If you need additional help, I am here most of the time and more than willing to try to help as much as possible.
Also, if you don’t play and just watch, feel free to comment on the action or the plot or anything else. Doing so is as highly encouraged as actually playing.


Story as of now:

Have fun!

Rules and how to play

6 Hour Rule: Regardless of when the last update occurred, you may make actions after 0500/1100/1700/2300 your time zone. There is no need to wait for an update to make an action, but it is recommended. Any actions that break this rule will not count as a legal action and will be promptly (eventually) pointed out. If you miss one of the posting periods, you will not get an extra move. I will allow posts +5 minutes in so you don’t have to rush your action.

Sample Actions

Preferred Attack format:
[u][Character A][/u] attacks [color=red][Character B][/color] for [b]-3 damage[/b]

[u][Character A][/u] attacks [color=red][NPC][/color] for [b]-(X) damage[/b] and [color=red][Character B][/color] for [b]-(3-X) damage[/b]

Simple Attack format:
[b][Character A] attacks [Character B] for -3 Damage[/b]

[b][Character A] attacks [NPC] for -(X) damage and [Character B] for -(3-X) damage[/b]

Preferred Heal format:
[color=green][Character][/color] heals for [b]+2 HP[/b]

Simple Heal format:
[b][Character] heals for +2 HP[/b]

Factions and Characters:
Castlevania: +40 points
Deep Space 9ers: +90 points
Dream Land: +60 points
Hyrule: +110 points
IPOWA: +80 points
Independent: +0 points
Defeated - Kongo Jungle: +30 points
Lycèe: +60 points
Mushroom Kingdom: +50 points
Mythology: +70 points
Pokémon: +80 points
Sonic: +70 points
Square Enix: +210 points
Versus: +90 points

Starting/Maximum HP = 50

Bracket A
Amaterasu-----------------------40 ¥
Geno-----------------------------39 ¥
Gogo-----------------------------14 (Mime)
King Dedede--------------------33 ¥
Kirby-----------------------------42 ¥
Kratos Aurion-------------------31 ¥
Lucario--------------------------15 ¥
Lucia-----------------------------22 ¥
Master Chief--------------------41 ¥
Olimar & Pikmin---------------26 ¥
Paper Mario---------------------12
Princess Zelda------------------38 ¥
Roy (FE)------------------------36 ¥
Samanosuke---------------------33 ¥
Sol Badguy----------------------31 ¥
Sora (KH)-----------------------31 ¥
Tohno Shiki---------------------41 ¥
Viewtiful Joe--------------------34 ¥
Yoshi (Mario)-------------------21
Yuki Akira----------------------37 ¥
Zero (MMX)--------------------41 ¥
Bracket B
Balthier--------------------------21 ¥
Chun-li (SF)---------------------44 ¥
Edge (FF IV)-------------------39
Dr Gordon Freeman------------41
Hayabusa Ryu-------------------40 ¥
Ice Climber----------------------24 ¥
Ike (FE)-------------------------41 ¥
Jeran and Lisha-----------------12 ¥
Joanna Dark---------------------39 ¥
Kasumi (DoA)------------------39 ¥
Lucas (M3)----------------------31 ¥
Mario----------------------------33 ¥
Marth (FE)----------------------41 ¥
Pichu-----------------------------20 ¥ (RFG x2)
Pit (KI)--------------------------39 ¥
Princess Peach------------------39 ¥
Purin-----------------------------30 ¥
Ryu (SF)-------------------------19 ¥
Soma Cruz----------------------23 ¥
Shadow the Hedgehog---------42 ¥
Silver the Hedgehog-----------46 ¥
Squall Leonhart-----------------43
Tom Nook----------------------36 ¥
Yggdra & Milanor--------------20 ¥
Zack & Wiki--------------------40 (Cannot use weapons)
Bracket C
Aerith Gainsborough-----------47 ¥
Alucard--------------------------25 ¥
Arcueid--------------------------43 ¥
Black Mage (FF I)--------------42 ¥
Dante (DMC)-------------------38 ¥
Eruru-----------------------------45 ¥
Isaac (GS)-----------------------38 ¥
Jonathan & Charlotte----------40 ¥
Link------------------------------44 ¥
Mr Game & Watch-------------37 ¥
NiGHTS-------------------------21 ¥ (RFG x2)
Prince of Persia-----------------40 ¥
(Rocket’s) Nyasu---------------32 ¥
Saber (Fs/n)---------------------47 ¥
Sheik-----------------------------39 ¥
Siegfried Schtauffen------------41 ¥
Solid Snake----------------------25
X (MMX)-----------------------35 ¥
Bracket D
Beatrix---------------------------20 ¥
Fei Fong Wong-----------------35 ¥
Liu Kang------------------------33 ¥
Luneth---------------------------38 ¥
Kite------------------------------28 ¥
Kyle Katarn----------------------37 ¥
Meta Knight---------------------26 ¥
Paine-----------------------------29 ¥
Plusle & Minun-----------------34 ¥
(Queen) Blaze the Cat---------38 ¥
Ramza Beoulve-----------------27 ¥
Rikku----------------------------20 ¥ (Widow to Satoshi)
Ryu (BoF)-----------------------32 ¥
Samus Aran---------------------35 ¥
Takamachi Nanoha-------------37
Terry Bogard-------------------32 ¥
Tina Branford-------------------14 ¥
Wolf O’Donnell----------------38 ¥
NPC Stats: (B-C or B*-C = Character-type Bosses (do not die immediately))

Chief of Arena Security - Commander Takuto Meyers of Angel Troupe.
Your beloved referees - Reno of the Turks and Lieutenant Alexander Munro of Starfleet!

Recnet Eliminations (Victim, Character, Player, Round):
Chrono - Link - Byakuya - Rounds 150-153
Roxas - Nanoha-chan - GM - Rounds 153

Points: Max = 500 Points (A, J, M, V) T
Christopher - 365 (A - 2, J - 0, M - 1, V - 2) T = 20 (Beam Saber, Free attack, Free Guest Summon, Free Lycee FS)
Roxas - 500 (max) (A - 3, J - 0, M - 0, V - 0) T = 10 (Free DS9er guest)
Okamoto - 5 (A - 0, J - 0, M - 0, V - 0) T = 1 (Free attack x2)
Typhoon - 374 (A - 2, J - 2, M - 0, V - 1) T = 11 (SSBB weapon)
Puppy Lover - 32 (A - 0, J - 0, M - 0, V - 0) T = 0
Light - 332 (A - 0, J - 0, M - 0, V - 0) T = 0
Byakuya - 500 (max) (A - 0, J - 2, M - 0, V - 0) T = 15 (Cloaking Device, Beam Saber, Free Medic Summon)
Miyu - 1 (A - 0, J - 0, M - 0, V - 0) T = 0
Ryguy - 458 (A - 3, J - 2, M - 1, V - 1) T = 9 (Beam Saber)
Raz - 25 (A - 0, J - 0, M - 0, V - 0) T = 0
GM Choice - 125

Number of FS-es Left to Use: 77

Pokémon List:
1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 45

Game Notes:
SSBB Dojo - Official Site.
Point Redemption
Djinni System Information
Special Rules: HRB Rules, How to Gogo, and Summon Materia Effects
Zack & Wiki Effect! - At the bottom of the page
Request Info! - At the bottom of the page

Round 155-160 Announcements:
1: Bracket B is Active! All Other Brackets are Active!
2: Djinni Guide: Name - ??; Location - Plot; Found by - ??
3: Don’t forget second actions!
4: Contests cancelled until further notice.
5: I’ll announce when NiGHTS and Pichu are back in play.
6: Weird how, when she could use any DS in the game, that Rikku used the same one that was issued. Could have had two berserkers...
7: Try to kill some people. Please. If one of you don’t. I will.
8: US Thanksgiving holiday is this week so I won't mind a drop in gameplay.
9: As proof of #7, Tina goes Super Saiyan Esper and kicks Jeran for -3 damage

Bracket B is Active! All Other Brackets are Active!

This Round's Weapons:
1 Red Shell: -1 damage to one character and all Active members of the character’s Faction. (Targeted Independent Faction members do not spread the damage)
1 Cracker Launcher: -2 damage to four characters and -3 damage to user

This Round's Dresspheres (Square Enix only!):
1 Gambler - Lucky Shot: -3 damage to one character and +5 points to player
1 Thief - Mug: -4 damage to one character. If the target is using a weapon, credit for the weapon’s use changes to this character and their user.

This Round's Specials:
1) John-117: Sniper Rifle: -7 damage to one character and -2 damage to Master Chief
2) Ice Climber: Squall Hammer: -3 damage to two characters
3) Shah of Iran: Eye of the Storm: Choose one: -8 damage to one character and -3 to Prince or -3 damage to three characters and Prince
4) Fei: Yamikei: -8 damage to one character and -3 damage to Fei
5) None
FS: None

This Round's Faction Ability:

This Round's Stage:

This Round's Mini-game:
Cancelled until further notice

This Round's NPCs:

Quick but important poll!
If you want to be polled (no need to enter but it is highly recommended), please post what time zone you are in, based on GMT. I am in PST which is GMT -8. This way I can keep track of double posts better. Thank you!

Set by Cukupan
Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at LW
I *heart* R
I'm on a boat like a boss

 Post subject: Re: SSBB 4: 100 [Complete w/ online guide]
PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:54 am 
Way Beyond Godly
Way Beyond Godly
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Location: New Zealand Weapon: HaaH Sword Species: Human Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Master Chief shoots Lucario for -7 damage, -2 to self

 Post subject: Re: SSBB 4: 100 [Complete w/ online guide]
PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:47 pm 
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Pit wakes up nice and early, remembers that it is the last day of school before break, showers, brushes his teeth, combs his hair, gathers his book, and steps out to great the day with joy and optimism. Then, his Methods of Proofs teacher assigns way too much homework like she always does and crushes Pit's spirit for -3 damage.

The same thing happens to me almost every day, except it is not -3 damage it is more like -10^9 damage...

Set by Cukupan
Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at LW
I *heart* R
I'm on a boat like a boss

 Post subject: Re: SSBB 4: 100 [Complete w/ online guide]
PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:20 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
Way Beyond Godly
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Fei hits Lucario for -8 damage, -3 to self

Last edited by Christopher on Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: SSBB 4: 100 [Complete w/ online guide]
PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:00 pm 
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Yae tosses a red shell at Squall for -1 faction damage.


 Post subject: Re: SSBB 4: 100 [Complete w/ online guide]
PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:31 am 
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Since I am a Chrono Trigger junkie and I just picked up the DS version about 30 min ago:

The GM rezes Chrono for one round to hit Link for -3 revenge damage before the team from Left 4 Dead rekill Chrono.

PS: Nice play Byakuya. I was hoping something like that would happen, and yay! One down. J&L are at 9 HP if we want to finish off two this week.

Set by Cukupan
Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at LW
I *heart* R
I'm on a boat like a boss

 Post subject: Re: SSBB 4: 100 [Complete w/ online guide]
PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 11:39 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
Way Beyond Godly
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Location: New Zealand Weapon: HaaH Sword Species: Human Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
The Ice climbers hit J&L and Yae for -3 damage

 Post subject: Re: SSBB 4: 100 [Complete w/ online guide]
PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 3:02 am 
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Meta Knight sends fireworks to Terry, Tina, Shiki, and Sol for -2 damage each, -3 self.


 Post subject: Re: SSBB 4: 100 [Complete w/ online guide]
PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:51 am 
Way Beyond Godly
Way Beyond Godly
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Location: New Zealand Weapon: HaaH Sword Species: Human Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Thief Yuna mugs an Ice Climber for -4 damage

 Post subject: Re: SSBB 4: 100 [Complete w/ online guide]
PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:22 am 
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High on tryptophan, Purin falls asleep on Marth for -3 damage.

Set by Cukupan
Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at LW
I *heart* R
I'm on a boat like a boss

 Post subject: Re: SSBB 4: 100 [Complete w/ online guide]
PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 7:51 am 
PPT Student
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Meta Knight whirlwinds Ice Climbers for -5 damage

Bring KISS to my Hometown

 Post subject: SSBB 4: 100 [Complete w/ online guide]
PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:32 am 
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Round 168-169

SSBB = Super Smash Brothers Brawl
To all of those interested in joining, there are no sign ups. You can just start playing right off the bat. If you need additional help, I am here most of the time and more than willing to try to help as much as possible.
Also, if you don’t play and just watch, feel free to comment on the action or the plot or anything else. Doing so is as highly encouraged as actually playing.


Story as of now:

Have fun!

Rules and how to play

6 Hour Rule: Regardless of when the last update occurred, you may make actions after 0500/1100/1700/2300 your time zone. There is no need to wait for an update to make an action, but it is recommended. Any actions that break this rule will not count as a legal action and will be promptly (eventually) pointed out. If you miss one of the posting periods, you will not get an extra move. I will allow posts +5 minutes in so you don’t have to rush your action.

Sample Actions

Preferred Attack format:
[u][Character A][/u] attacks [color=red][Character B][/color] for [b]-3 damage[/b]

[u][Character A][/u] attacks [color=red][NPC][/color] for [b]-(X) damage[/b] and [color=red][Character B][/color] for [b]-(3-X) damage[/b]

Simple Attack format:
[b][Character A] attacks [Character B] for -3 Damage[/b]

[b][Character A] attacks [NPC] for -(X) damage and [Character B] for -(3-X) damage[/b]

Preferred Heal format:
[color=green][Character][/color] heals for [b]+2 HP[/b]

Simple Heal format:
[b][Character] heals for +2 HP[/b]

Factions and Characters:
Castlevania: +40 points
Deep Space 9ers: +90 points
Dream Land: +60 points
Hyrule: +110 points
IPOWA: +80 points
Independent: +0 points
Defeated - Kongo Jungle: +30 points
Lycèe: +60 points
Mushroom Kingdom: +50 points
Mythology: +70 points
Pokémon: +80 points
Sonic: +70 points
Square Enix: +210 points
Versus: +90 points

Starting/Maximum HP = 50

Bracket A
Amaterasu-----------------------40 ¥
Geno-----------------------------38 ¥
Gogo-----------------------------13 (Mime)
King Dedede--------------------33 ¥
Kirby-----------------------------42 ¥
Kratos Aurion-------------------31 ¥
Lucia-----------------------------22 ¥
Master Chief--------------------39 ¥
Olimar & Pikmin---------------26 ¥
Paper Mario---------------------12
Princess Zelda------------------38 ¥
Roy (FE)------------------------36 ¥ (Unlimited attacks x2)
Samanosuke---------------------33 ¥
Sol Badguy----------------------29 ¥
Sora (KH)-----------------------30 ¥
Tohno Shiki---------------------39 ¥
Viewtiful Joe--------------------34 ¥
Yoshi (Mario)-------------------21
Yuki Akira----------------------37 ¥
Zero (MMX)--------------------41 ¥
Bracket B
Balthier--------------------------20 ¥
Chun-li (SF)---------------------44 ¥
Edge (FF IV)-------------------38
Dr Gordon Freeman------------41
Hayabusa Ryu-------------------40 ¥
Ice Climber----------------------17 ¥
Ike (FE)-------------------------41 ¥
Jeran and Lisha-----------------6 ¥
Joanna Dark---------------------39 ¥
Kasumi (DoA)------------------39 ¥
Lucas (M3)----------------------31 ¥
Mario----------------------------33 ¥
Marth (FE)----------------------38 ¥
Pichu-----------------------------20 ¥ (No target or heal x2)
Pit (KI)--------------------------36 ¥
Princess Peach------------------39 ¥
Purin-----------------------------30 ¥
Ryu (SF)-------------------------19 ¥
Soma Cruz----------------------23 ¥
Shadow the Hedgehog---------42 ¥
Silver the Hedgehog-----------46 ¥
Squall Leonhart-----------------42
Tom Nook----------------------36 ¥
Yggdra & Milanor--------------20 ¥
Zack & Wiki--------------------40 (Cannot use weapons)
Bracket C
Aerith Gainsborough-----------46 ¥
Alucard--------------------------25 ¥
Arcueid--------------------------43 ¥
Black Mage (FF I)--------------41 ¥
Dante (DMC)-------------------38 ¥
Eruru-----------------------------45 ¥
Isaac (GS)-----------------------38 ¥
Jonathan & Charlotte----------40 ¥
Link------------------------------41 ¥
Mr Game & Watch-------------37 ¥
NiGHTS-------------------------21 ¥
Prince of Persia-----------------40 ¥
(Rocket’s) Nyasu---------------32 ¥
Saber (Fs/n)---------------------47 ¥
Sheik-----------------------------39 ¥
Siegfried Schtauffen------------41 ¥
Solid Snake----------------------25
X (MMX)-----------------------35 ¥
Bracket D
Beatrix---------------------------19 ¥
Fei Fong Wong-----------------31 ¥
Liu Kang------------------------33 ¥
Luneth---------------------------38 ¥
Kite------------------------------28 ¥
Kyle Katarn----------------------37 ¥
Meta Knight---------------------23 ¥
Paine-----------------------------28 ¥
Plusle & Minun-----------------34 ¥
(Queen) Blaze the Cat---------38 ¥
Ramza Beoulve-----------------26 ¥
Rikku----------------------------19 ¥ (Widow to Satoshi)
Ryu (BoF)-----------------------32 ¥
Samus Aran---------------------35 ¥
Takamachi Nanoha-------------37
Terry Bogard-------------------30 ¥
Tina Branford-------------------11 ¥
Wolf O’Donnell----------------38 ¥
NPC Stats: (B-C or B*-C = Character-type Bosses (do not die immediately))

Chief of Arena Security - Commander Takuto Meyers of Angel Troupe.
Your beloved referees - Reno of the Turks and Lieutenant Alexander Munro of Starfleet!

Recnet Eliminations (Victim, Character, Player, Round):
Lucario - Fei - Christopher - Rounds 163-167

Points: Max = 500 Points (A, J, M, V) T
Christopher - 390 (A - 2, J - 0, M - 1, V - 2) T = 20 (Beam Saber, Free attack, Free Guest Summon, Free Lycee FS)
Roxas - 500 (max) (A - 3, J - 0, M - 0, V - 0) T = 10 (Free DS9er guest)
Okamoto - 5 (A - 0, J - 0, M - 0, V - 0) T = 1 (Free attack x2)
Typhoon - 374 (A - 2, J - 2, M - 0, V - 1) T = 11 (SSBB weapon)
Puppy Lover - 32 (A - 0, J - 0, M - 0, V - 0) T = 0
Light - 332 (A - 0, J - 0, M - 0, V - 0) T = 0
Byakuya - 500 (max) (A - 0, J - 2, M - 0, V - 0) T = 15 (Cloaking Device, Beam Saber, Free Medic Summon)
Miyu - 1 (A - 0, J - 0, M - 0, V - 0) T = 0
Ryguy - 458 (A - 3, J - 2, M - 1, V - 1) T = 9 (Beam Saber)
Raz - 25 (A - 0, J - 0, M - 0, V - 0) T = 0
GM Choice - 125

Number of FS-es Left to Use: 77

Pokémon List:
1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 45

Game Notes:
SSBB Dojo - Official Site.
Point Redemption
Djinni System Information
Special Rules: HRB Rules, How to Gogo, and Summon Materia Effects
Zack & Wiki Effect! - At the bottom of the page
Request Info! - At the bottom of the page

Round 168-169 Announcements:
1: Bracket B is Active! All Other Brackets are Active!
2: Djinni Guide: Name - ??; Location - Plot; Found by - ??
3: Don’t forget second actions!
4: Contests cancelled until further notice.
5: No Pokeball this week. Smash Ball is better.
6: Bye-bye J&L. Well, Paper Mario is weak too. Oh! So is Tina. All three would be good targets these next couple rounds.
7: This link is for Christopher. Stop me if you have seen this before.

Bracket B is Active! All Other Brackets are Active!

This Round's Weapons:
1 Smash Ball: -2 damage to user. User cannot take anymore actions this round. User’s FS is activated next round.

This Round's Dresspheres (Square Enix only!):
1 Samurai - Zantetsu: -7 damage to one character and -2 damage to sphere user

This Round's Specials:
1) Roy: Double-Edge Blade: Automatic. Roy can make unlimited attacks this round. Also counts as a regular attack.
2) Pichu: Double Team: Automatic. Pichu cannot attack, heal, or be attacked for the rest of the round
3) Saber: Excalibur: -10 damage to one character. Target cannot attack or heal for the rest of the round. Can target special users. Saber cannot attack or heal for the next two next rounds
4) Paine: Dressphere Change: Choose one: Mascot - Party Time: -5 damage to one character. Paine is automatically immune to regular attacks; Dark Knight - Darkness: -3 damage to three characters and Paine; Lady Luck - Lucky Shot: -3 damage to one character and +5 points to player
5) None
FS: None

This Round's Faction Ability:

This Round's Stage:
Norfair: -1 damage to all characters that were attacked or took no action at end of round

This Round's Mini-game:
Cancelled until further notice

This Round's NPCs:

Quick but important poll!
If you want to be polled (no need to enter but it is highly recommended), please post what time zone you are in, based on GMT. I am in PST which is GMT -8. This way I can keep track of double posts better. Thank you!

Set by Cukupan
Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at LW
I *heart* R
I'm on a boat like a boss

 Post subject: Re: SSBB 4: 100 [Complete w/ online guide]
PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:08 am 
Way Beyond Godly
Way Beyond Godly
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Posts: 8491
Joined: Mon May 31, 2004 6:44 am
Location: New Zealand Weapon: HaaH Sword Species: Human Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

(yes I know of her but haven't seen the full extent of it)

Saber hits Beatrix for -10 damage

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