Votes: Mongrel (27) - loser, Ammer, Rubywinged, Rachel, ckillor, Ooga, malibu, Miyu, Twinkle, Byakuya San, Pink, Siniri, DM, Wind, Rox, Regan, Ange, Twiz, Nikita, Pixa, Katherine, Chipper, Alex, May, Jas, machinedreams, Christopher ckillor (9) - Rachel, malibu, Byakuya San, DM, Wind, Rox, Chipper, Alex, Christopher Malibu (9) - loser, Twinkle, Katherine, Miyu, Ooga, Pink, Rubywinged, Jas, Nikita
Players still in Middle-Earth: 29 Majority Single: 15 Majority Double: 22
Execution, Day 5
Somewhat amused by the constant changing of votes and the number of events during the day, Varda approached the already gathered crowd, which was quite determined to execute Mongrel. She turned to Mongrel and advanced, a bright glow coming from her body. She came closer and closer, until she was right next to Mongrel. There was a sheering brightness which blinded everyone temporarily, and a thud. As everyone blinked, they looked down at Mongrel. She was still breathing, quite to everyone's dismay, but the remnants of whatever protection surrounded her were flickering. She would likely not survive anything more. Nienna, seeing this, burst into tears from her rocky chair.
Result: Mongrel was executed, but survived.
Night 5 begins.
Locations: the Shire: Rachel, Twinkle, Siniri, Chipper Bree: Wind, May Rivendell: loser, Ammer, Ooga, machinedreams, Pink, Jas, Christopher Moria: Mongrel, Twiz Lothlórien: Miyu, Ange, Alex Isengard: Byakuya San, DM Fangorn Forest: Rubywinged Minas Tirith: Rox, Nikita Helm's Deep: Mordor: Regan, Pixa, Katherine
Missing locations: ckillor, Hansy, malibu
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Last edited by Pickles on Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.