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 Post subject: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread - GAME OVER
PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:33 am 
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Welcome, mortals, to Middle-Earth. Your hostesses for WereWolf 36: Battle for Middle-Earth are two of the Valier, the Queens of the Valar, Varda (Pickles) and Nienna (averly).

Your goal will be to survive. Whichever team is still around at the end of the game will be declared the winners. Every player will receive unique roles, both good and evil, which will influence the game.

Voting and Executions: Everyone has the chance to have a say in who is executed. Each day, you have two votes. Consider who you vote for carefully, as you do not want to kill the wrong person off! No execution votes are permitted.

We of the Valier do require a little emphasis on things you really want us to see (namely your votes and your locations), so please post them in bold, like so:

Vote: Pickles and averly

If you do not post in bold, we will consider it not important enough to spend our time on, and thus ignore it.

You may change your mind about who to vote for, which is OK. To confirm that you wish to remove your vote for them, please unvote (also in bold) as so:

Unvote: averly

Once you have unvoted, you may vote for a different person. If you do not unvote, and vote for a new person, your original vote will be the only one to count.

Executions will be decided by majority. If 51% or more of the live player vote for one person, that person will be executed. Double executions are possible. In order to obtain a double execution, one person must have 76% of the vote on them, and the second, 51%. Double executions and double votes will be removed once the game gets smaller.

Death: Many people will die throughout this game, in a various assortment of ways. Once you have died, you may not post in the active game thread. A separate thread for the dead and those not playing the game to post in will exist. Additional rules will be posted in this thread.
Please keep in mind that it is possible to be resurrected after you have died, and be brought back into the game. If this happens, you will receive a PM to let you know.

Roles: Everyone will receive unique roles that will allow them to change bits and pieces of how the game flows. You may not quote your role to anyone, but you may discuss it openly if you so choose. You may not reveal any teammates you might have.

Special Powers (SP): You might receive or stumble across a special power during the game. You may not discuss what this power is until after you have used it, but you may mention that you have a special power.

Shields: Everyone starts with a shield. Your shield is your protection against death. If you are executed and survive, your shield will go down 30%. If you survive a night or day attack, your shield will go down 15%. It is possible for your shield to be raised by various powers.

Day: Days will be from approximately 10PM CST (8PM NST, 4AM GMT) (after night is posted) until 9:30PM CST (7:30PM NST, 3:30AM GMT). During this time, you may discuss as much as you want, vote, uses role abilities or special powers, and submit your lists (including locations).

Execution: Executions will be promptly at 9:30PM CST (7:30PM NST, 3:30AM GMT). Just as a reminder, executions will be based on only the bolded votes.

Night: Night will be posted at approximately 10PM CST (8PM NST, 4AM GMT) Once night is posted, the next day begins.

There will be no break for weekends (the day/night cycle will continue as normal).

Lists: Many roles require nightly action. All lists must be submitted by Execution time 9:30PM CST (7:30PM NST, 3:30AM GMT). Any lists received after this time will not be counted. The sooner you can turn in your lists, the better.
Lists should be submitted to BOTH Pickles and averly.
Because Lists are important to the game, they are taken seriously. You will be granted a pardon for the first missed list, but if you miss a second one, your shield will go down 5% and you will be warned. If you miss a third one, you will be modkilled.

Locations: Everyone will be required to select a location every night to stay, whether or not they are required to submit a nightlist. Locations can have an effect on the game, so are mandatory. Locations should be posted on the game thread. Please bold your locations so that we know this is where you wish to stay and not simply part of the conversation, like so:

Move to: Bree

If you decide that you would prefer to be in a different location from the one you originally chose for the day, simply post like below:

Move From: Bree

Even though the geography of the land does not limit you to what location you chose, here is a handy reference map for your reading pleasure.

Available locations are:
-the Shire
-Fangorn Forest
-Minas Tirith
-Helm's Deep

Inactivity: While not posting or voting will not get you modkilled, it will likely not make the other players very happy with you. However, your nightlists are imperative. Once again, 3 missed lists, and you will be modkilled. If you will be inactive for a short period of time, please PM both of us and let us know ahead of time if possible.

Miscellaneous rules:
-Obey all forum rules. This includes the WW rules, posted here. Please take time to review them. Players who are modkilled are subject to consequences, per these rules.
-You may not quote anything we have PMed you.
-You may not quote private conversations with other players unless all involved PM both averly and Pickles their consent as well as the conversation in question.
-All posts from avelry and Pickles will be in dark green to distinguish from regular posts. Please do not post in this color.

Set by Zilary.

Last edited by averly on Tue Nov 18, 2008 4:10 am, edited 6 times in total.

 Post subject: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth - Game Over, congrats Innocent
PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:34 am 
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Location: Dodging Giant Ice-Cream Scoops
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1: 3lla->Replaced by Nikita - Celeborn - Pushed off a Cliff Day 15
2: Alex - Galadriel - Trampled Night 7

3: Ammer - Saruman - Executed Day 13 - Rezzed Day 14 - Executed Day 18
4: Ange - Shagrat - Slashed Day 18
5: Anvil - Sauron - Killed by Lava Night 1 - cannot be rezzed.
6: Bruces galore - Rosie - Killed by Lava Night 4

7: Byakuya San - Gollum - Executed Day 11

8: Chipper - Shadowfax - Trampled Night 17
9: Christopher - Frodo - Blasted Day 3 - Rezzed Day 5 - Trampled Night 9
10: ckillor - Aragorn - Executed Day 6

11: DM was on fire! - Gothmog - Executed Day 13
12: Dyl - Pippin - Killed by Lava Night 3
w13: Hansy - Haldir - Fire-balled Night 6

14: Jas - Grima Wormtongue - Executed Day 9
15: Katherine - Boromir - Killed by Lava Night 11
16: loser1921
17: machinedreams

18: Malibu - Denethor - Executed Day 8
19: May - Legolas - Killed by a Whip, Night 11
20: Miyu - Balrog - Executed Day 16
21: Mongrel - ???? - Shot by an Elven Arrow Day 6 - cannot be rezzed.
22: Pardona - Treebeard - Fire-balled Night 2 - cannot be rezzed
23: Pink - Killed by Lava Night 15 but Autorezzed

24: Pixa - Gimli - Trampled Night 14
25: Rachel - Uglúk - Killed by a Whip, Night 15
26: Regan - Arwen - Beheaded Day 13
27: Rox - Shelob - modkilled Night 10
28: Rubywinged - Sam - Trampled Night 10
29: Siniri - Merry - Crushed Night 8
30: thetrueoogabooga - Strider - Beheaded Day 4 - Rezzed Day 4 - Killed by Lava Night 10

31: Twinkle->replaced by Pardona - Gandalf - Trampled Night 8 - cannot be rezzed
32: Twiz - Eomer - Killed by Lava Night 17

33: Wind

The Steward has been defeated!
Gollum has been defeated!
Boromir has been defeated!
The Dark Beings have been defeated!
The Soldiers have been defeated!
Sauron's Command has been deated!
The Innocents Win!

Important events:

Execution, Day 1
Night 1
Execution, Day 2
Night 2
Execution, Day 3
Night 3
Event, Day 4
Event 2, Day 4
Event 3, Day 4
Execution, Day 4
Night 4
Event, Day 5
Event 2, Day 5
Event 3, Day 5
Event 4, Day 5
Execution, Day 5
Night 5
Event, Day 6
Execution, Day 6
Night 6
Execution, Day 7
Night 7
Execution, Day 8
Night 8
Event, Day 9
Execution, Day 9
Night 9
Execution, Day 10
Night 10
Event, Day 11
Execution, Day 11
Night 11
Execution, Day 12
Night 12
Event, Day 13
Execution, Day 13
Night 13
Event, Day 14
Execution, Day 14
Night 14
Event, Day 15
Execution, Day 15
Night 15
Execution, Day 16
Night 16
Event, Day 17
Execution, Day 17
Night 17
Event, Day 18
Execution, Day 18

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
Find me at WGF, where werewolf rocks!

Last edited by Pickles on Tue Nov 18, 2008 4:07 am, edited 32 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread
PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:47 am 
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Varda and Nienna stood solemnly at the center of Weathertop. The sky darkened ominously at about the same time a cry for help came to their ears from somewhere in Middle-Earth. They looked at each other silently, having expected it. Closing their eyes, they called upon the powers of the Valar and others like them. Within moments, a crowd of confused people stood in front of them. Amongst them was a body, and a figure huddled over it in distress.
Varda stepped forward as the crowd parted to let her approach the body.
"What's going on?" Ange asked as Varda passed. A look to her direction silenced her temporarily.
Varda knelt by the body, a soft glow coming from her body. "It is as we feared," she stated, her voice seeming to echo around the stones. "There has been a murder. Our friend, Butterbur, is dead. I cannot ascertain how he died, or who killed him."
Nienna began violently weeping. Varda looked to her, reprovingly. "Now, my dear, there will be time for that later. First, these people must find out who among them committed this crime." She touched the body of Butterbur, and a bright light surrounded her hand, temporarily blinding everyone.
"He's gone!" Mongrel cried, rubbing her eyes.
"Yes, he has gone to Valinor," Nienna wept, tears trickling down her cheeks.
"And now it is up to you to find those who would bring terror and darkness to this land. Each day, we will gather here to see if you have discovered someone to execute. with you!"

Roles have been distributed. If you have not received your role, please contact Pickles and averly immediately.

Day 1 begins.

Again, please note: Execution of Day 1 will be on October 31st at 9:30PM CST (7:30PM NST, 2:30AM GMT).

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
Find me at WGF, where werewolf rocks!

 Post subject: Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread
PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:51 am 
Way Beyond Godly
Way Beyond Godly
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I've gotten my role. This will be fun. Just as long as I don't run into any ringwraiths -- those things gave me nightmares (and no, the ones in the movie were not even 1/10 as scary as the ones in my imagination from reading the books).

Blue graffitied on my signature... But it made me laugh, so it's all good!

 Post subject: Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread
PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:03 am 
Way Beyond Godly
Way Beyond Godly
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Oh, hi. Come here often?

* Note of warning: Yes, I will be playing, but I am slammed at work right now. Case in point: I did 79 hours in 7 days, which includes 23 hours (almost 3 extra DAYS) of over time. I love my job, that's all I can say. So yes, I will try and reply to PMs etc, but if I'm not as active as normal games, I'm getting my explanation out there now :)

Gone, forever.

 Post subject: Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread
PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:12 am 
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Alex wrote:
Case in point: I did 79 hours in 7 days, which includes 23 hours (almost 3 extra DAYS) of over time.

Oh, wow. I think the idea of that much overtime would give my company apoplectic fits!

 Post subject: Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread
PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:19 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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machinedreams wrote:
Alex wrote:
Case in point: I did 79 hours in 7 days, which includes 23 hours (almost 3 extra DAYS) of over time.

Oh, wow. I think the idea of that much overtime would give my company apoplectic fits!

Mmm. Pity I'm on full-time salary and likely won't see a cent of it.

Gone, forever.

 Post subject: Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread
PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:29 am 
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I've received my role and am ready to go :) . Thank you for satisfying the nerd in me, Averly and Pickles.

[Manufactured by Byakuya San]

 Post subject: Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread
PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:29 am 
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Aaw, Butterbur. :( Wasn't he the innkeeper at the Prancing Pony in Bree?, I think I shall be listening to the Lord of the Rings soundtrack a lot in the next while. I listen to it a lot anyways (it is on my mp3 player), but I'll specifically search them out now. :P The music on there is so pretty. <3

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

 Post subject: Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread
PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:34 am 
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Candy Corn Twiz wrote:
Aaw, Butterbur. :( Wasn't he the innkeeper at the Prancing Pony in Bree?
He was indeed. He was also one of our casualty roles - IE, he was a role, but is no longer. The intro is a tribute to him. :)

Set by KiTeNcHeTu!
Find me at WGF, where werewolf rocks!

 Post subject: Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread
PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:36 am 
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Gots my role!

I think I should read the other two LOTR books now, haha. I only read the first one and parts of the second and third before all the movies came out. Maybe I'll go buy them tomorrow, actually. At the rate I read I'll be done with them well before this game is over, lol.

And aww poor Butterbur, I bet that would've been a neat role!

Please help my dragons grow and give a click!

 Post subject: Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread
PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:47 am 
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Yes, it started!

I definitely think Alex is evil ;)

Set by Medli

 Post subject: Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread
PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:34 am 

Posts: 37
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Helloo, I am here with my role in tow.

I'm not a LOTR person but hopefully I can scrape by.

 Post subject: Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread
PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 6:29 am 
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Vote: No Execution



Location: Bree


Last edited by Anvil on Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: WW36: Battle for Middle-Earth Game Thread
PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 6:55 am 
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Vote: Anvil
For being weird.

"Oh, better far to live and die/Under the brave black flag I fly/Than play a sanctimonious part/With a pirate head and a pirate heart."

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