Something has Happened!CWisgood was doing the twist when a horrible twist of fate occurred. A nearby column twisted to the music as well and twisted itself loose. It soon fell and crushed CWisgood, killing him.
Pink stood by laughing at CWisgood, when a pillar nearly crushed her! She speedily stepped out of the way and avoided being hurt.
CWisgood has died, his role was:
Ballroom Ballerina
Alignment: Innocent
Winning Condition: Defeat all evil teams
You are the master of the ballroom.
You have the following abilities, if the ability targets a player, and unless specified, you must submit a list with five people on it, the first person alive at the time your action takes place will be targeted by the power:
Room Status: Every night, you may change your room’s status for the next day. However, you must reside in your room to do so. You may pick from several available statuses, and you may not pick the same status two days in a row. They are as follows:
No status: Picking this will not affect the room’s inhabitants in any way.
Resistance Beneficial: Picking this will increase the resistance of all inhabitants in the room by 10%.
Resistance Detrimental: Picking this will decrease the resistance of all inhabitants in the room by 10%.
Resistance Beneficial+: You may pick this status three times during the game. Picking this will increase the resistance of all inhabitants in the room by 20%.
Resistance Detrimental+: You may pick this status three times during the game. Picking this will decrease the resistance of all inhabitants in the room by 20%.
Pure Protection: Once during the game, you may pick this status. Picking this status will protect everyone in your room from all attacks.
Note that these statuses are only temporary, and will be gone as soon as the inhabitant leaves the room. In addition, you are not affected by any of these. This ability does not count as an action.
Attract: In addition to your previous ability, every night you may attract a person into your room. This will take place at the beginning of the night. This ability counts as an action done by you.
Resistance: 30%
Execution:"Who should we execute?" kcharles inqured.
"IDK..." WIS replied.
"We want to execute an evil person."
"Well you should execute Bruces galore..." WIS paused, "Whoops."
Bruces galore just barely made it out of the house undead as the remaining guests gathered weapons and formed a mob.
Bruces galore was executed, his role was:
Zealous Zombie
Alignment: Evil
Team: Zombies
Winning Condition: Defeat all other teams
Teammates: ---
For zombies, you are quite a chipper bunch, which may explain why you’re able to fit in normally with other people. Being the undead, you have quite a special slew of abilities.
Resistance: 50%
You cannot be converted.