Round 47 - WarSSBB = Super Smash Brothers Brawl
To all of those interested in joining, there are no sign ups. You can just start playing right off the bat. If you need additional help, I am here most of the time and more than willing to try to help as much as possible.
Also, if you don’t play and just watch, feel free to comment on the action or the plot or anything else. Doing so is as highly encouraged as actually playing.
We’re going to forgo a pic unless I see one that tickles my fancy or one is requested or one is needed for a joke or something.
Story as of now:Isaac unleashes Freezer on the field. The Legendary Bird calls up a great squall and blitzes the field in hail and sleet. NiGHTS, Fran, Sheik, and Sephiroth are frozen in the Blizzard. Johnson is still hunting for Snake.Johnson: Here, Snaky, Snaky. Come out and play.
Sephiroth: Johnson! Forget him! Get Wily instead!
Johnson: Fine.
Doc redirects the Warthog at Wily. They take a large ramp and come down hard. Due to Snake’s extra mass, they land early and crush him instead. Snake lets go and rolls out from under the Warthog.Snake: I’m done.
The Warthog skids to a stop, crushing a pair of Octorok. Birdo shoots some eggs at the Gamma Metroids to cover a Magikoopa who chars Emperor Ing and Gorea. Vile enters Hyper Mode and smashes X. A Mechaniloid throws Doc from the Warthog before advancing on Johnson. It stops as a Crow Blade passes through it.Suzu: Baka.
Johnson: I couldn’t agree more.
Johnson swings the LAAG over to Suzu. Suzu tries backing away. Johnson starts squeezing the trigger. A smoke bomb is thrown as Sheena leaps to the rescue. She kicks Johnson in the gut and carries Suzu away. Suzu sticks her tongue out at Johnson. Zant appears and morns the fallen Twilit Messenger. He sparks Storm with an Energy Ball before disappearing back into the mist. An Iron Knuckle slashes Sam with its massive sword. Rules and how to play0500/1700 Rule: Regardless of when the last update occurred, you may make actions
after 5AM/PM your time zone. There is no need to wait for an update to make an action, but it is recommended. Any actions that break this rule will not count as a legal action and will be promptly (eventually) pointed out. If you miss one of the posting periods, you will not get an extra move. I will allow posts +5 minutes in so you don’t have to rush your action.
Sample Actions Preferred Attack format:Code:
[u][Character A][/u] attacks [color=red][Character B][/color] for [b]-3 damage[/b]
[u][Character A][/u] attacks [color=red][NPC][/color] for [b]-(X) damage[/b] and [color=red][Character B][/color] for [b]-(3-X) damage[/b]
Simple Attack format:Code:
[b][Character A] attacks [Character B] for -3 Damage[/b]
[b][Character A] attacks [NPC] for -(X) damage and [Character B] for -(3-X) damage[/b]
Preferred Heal format:Code:
[color=green][Character][/color] heals for [b]+2 HP[/b]
Simple Heal format:Code:
[b][Character] heals for +2 HP[/b]
Factions and Characters: Castlevania: +40 points Deep Space 9ers: +90 points Dream Land: +60 points Hyrule: +110 points IPOWA: +80 points Independent: +0 points Defeated - Kongo Jungle: +30 points Lycèe: +60 points Mushroom Kingdom: +50 points Mythology: +70 points Pokémon: +80 points Sonic: +70 points Square Enix: +210 points Versus: +90 points Starting/Maximum HP = 50CharactersBracket A
Amaterasu-----------------------50 ¥
Captain Falcon------------------48 ¥
Cloud Strife---------------------50 ¥
Geno-----------------------------50 ¥
Gogo-----------------------------35 (Mime)
King Dedede--------------------50 ¥
Kirby-----------------------------49 ¥
Kratos Aurion-------------------50 ¥
Lucario--------------------------49 ¥
Lucia-----------------------------30 ¥
Master Chief--------------------50 ¥
Olimar & Pikmin---------------50 ¥
Paper Mario---------------------46 ¥
Princess Zelda------------------40 ¥
Rayman--------------------------14 ¥
Roxas (KH)---------------------47 ¥
Roy (FE)------------------------35 ¥
Samanosuke---------------------49 ¥
Sol Badguy----------------------50 ¥
Sora (KH)-----------------------50 ¥ (No attack or heal x1)
Tohno Shiki---------------------50 ¥
Viewtiful Joe--------------------50 ¥
Yoshi (Mario)-------------------47
Yuki Akira----------------------50 ¥
Yuna-----------------------------48 ¥
Zero (MMX)--------------------49 ¥
Bracket B
Balthier--------------------------50 ¥
Chun-li (SF)---------------------39 ¥ (RFG x1)
Edge (FF IV)-------------------50 ¥
Fox McCloud-------------------50 ¥
Dr Gordon Freeman------------50 ¥
Hayabusa Ryu-------------------50 ¥
Ice Climber----------------------50 ¥
Ike (FE)-------------------------50 ¥
Jeran and Lisha-----------------21 ¥
Joanna Dark---------------------50 ¥
Kasumi (DoA)------------------50 ¥
Lucas (M3)----------------------49 ¥
Mario----------------------------50 ¥
Marth (FE)----------------------50 ¥
Pichu-----------------------------50 ¥
Pit (KI)--------------------------50 ¥
Princess Peach------------------50 ¥
Purin-----------------------------46 ¥
Soma Cruz----------------------49 ¥
Shadow the Hedgehog---------49 ¥
Silver the Hedgehog-----------47 ¥
Squall Leonhart-----------------47
Tom Nook----------------------50 ¥
Yggdra & Milanor--------------50 ¥
Zack & Wiki--------------------47 (Cannot use weapons)
Bracket C
Aerith Gainsborough-----------50 ¥
Alucard--------------------------45 ¥
Arcueid--------------------------50 ¥
Black Mage (FF I)--------------50 ¥
Chrono (CT)--------------------50 ¥
Dante (DMC)-------------------46 ¥
Earthworm Jim-----------------35 ¥
Eruru-----------------------------50 ¥
Fran------------------------------46 ¥
Isaac (GS)-----------------------50 ¥
Jonathan & Charlotte----------50 ¥
Kazama Jin----------------------40 ¥
Kratos (GoW)------------------29 ¥
Link------------------------------39 ¥
Mr Game & Watch-------------49 ¥
Ness------------------------------45 ¥
NiGHTS-------------------------45 ¥
Prince of Persia-----------------48 ¥
(Rocket’s) Nyasu---------------48 ¥
Saber (Fs/n)---------------------50 ¥
Sheik-----------------------------46 ¥
Siegfried Schtauffen------------50 ¥
Solid Snake---------------------44 ¥
Toon Link-----------------------39 ¥
X (MMX)-----------------------43 ¥
Bracket D
Beatrix---------------------------44 ¥
Deoxys---------------------------50 ¥
Falco-----------------------------50 ¥
Fei Fong Wong-----------------49 ¥
Liu Kang------------------------50 ¥
Luneth---------------------------49 ¥
Kite------------------------------50 ¥
Knuckles the Echidna----------45 ¥
Kyle Katarn---------------------50 ¥
Meta Knight---------------------50 ¥
Paine-----------------------------50 ¥
Pikachu--------------------------35 ¥
Plusle & Minun-----------------50 ¥
(Queen) Blaze the Cat---------50 ¥
Ramza Beoulve-----------------50 ¥
Rikku----------------------------50 ¥ (Widow to Satoshi)
ROB-----------------------------46 ¥
Ryu (BoF)-----------------------40 ¥
Ryu (SF)-------------------------50 ¥
Simon Belmont-----------------50 ¥
Sonic the Hedgehog------------35 ¥
Takamachi Nanoha-------------50 ¥
Terry Bogard-------------------50 ¥
Tina Branford-------------------50 ¥
Samus Aran---------------------50 ¥
Wario----------------------------50 ¥
Wolf O’Donnell----------------50 ¥
NPC Stats: (B-C or B*-C = Character-type Bosses (do not die immediately))
See Below
Chief of Arena Security - Commander Takuto Meyers of Angel Troupe.
Your beloved referees - Reno of the Turks and Lieutenant Alexander Munro of Starfleet!Recnet Eliminations (Victim, Character, Player, Round):
Points: Max = 500 Points (A, J, M, V) T
Christopher - 366 (A - 3, J - 2, M - 2, V - 3) T = 14 (Beam Saber)
Roxas - 70 (A - 0, J - 0, M - 0, V - 1) T = 4 (Beam Saber)
Okamoto - 500 (max) (A - 0, J - 0, M - 0, V - 0) T = 0 (Free attack x2)
Typhoon - 133 (A - 2, J - 2, M - 1, V - 1) T = 7
Puppy Lover - 32 (A - 0, J - 0, M - 0, V - 0) T = 0
Light - 312 (A - 0, J - 0, M - 0, V - 0) T = 0
Byakuya - 500 (max) (A - 0, J - 0, M - 1, V - 2) T = 5 (Cloaking Device, Free attack x2)
Miyu - 1 (A - 0, J - 0, M - 0, V - 0) T = 0
Blake - 0 (A - 0, J - 0, M - 0, V - 0) T = 0
GM Choice - 62Number of FS-es Left to Use: 103
Pokémon List:
1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46Game Notes:SSBB Dojo - Official Site.Point Redemption Djinni System Information Special Rules: HRB Rules, How to Gogo, and Summon Materia Effects
Zack & Wiki Effect! - At the bottom of the page
Request Info! - At the bottom of the page
Round 47 Announcements:1:
Bracket C is Active! All Other Brackets are Inactive!2:
Djinni Guide: Name - Echo, Iron; Location - Plot; Found by - Christopher, Typhoon
3: Don’t forget second actions!
4: Time Remaining: 31 Round(s)
5: DPRK/Babylon Rouges and Characters teams still available. PM for more details.
6: To prove I am not a total ***, I’m giving out a lot of Djnni for last round. We have had a massive Drought of Venus so all who claimed one got a Venus.
7: Coincidently, Ty finally got his Master of Elements. Christopher coincidently is a Poke-Mast... Never mind. Is there a correlation between one earning a Title and the other not?
Rule Clarification: Since Roxas asked, I looked into what the heck kind of attack Z&W’s special is. It is a weapon/special attack sort of like Rikku’s Mix. There are other combinations like Gordon’s Portal Gun (regular/special) too. More to the direct point is the GlaDOS is immune to all of that. There really is a way to beat her. It should not too hard to figure out. For the record, Z&W could possibly do it.
Bracket C is Active! All Other Brackets are Inactive!This Round's Weapons:1 Super Scope: -1 damage to distributed any way to up to four characters
This Round's Dresspheres (Square Enix only!):1 Thief 2 - Steal Points: -3 damage to one character. If target was used, target’s player loses 5 points and sphere user’s player gains 5 points. (They lose 5 points, you gain 5 points)
This Round's Specials:1) Kratos: Zeus' Fury: -4 damage to one character regardless of defenses (Hits through reflection, immunity, and absorption)
2) Jim: Laser Blaster: -4 damage to one character
3) Nyasu: Payday: -3 damage to one character and +5 points to player
4) None
5) None
FS: None
This Round's Faction Ability:None
This Round's Stage:None
This Round's Mini-game:None
War Stats:NPC Stats - Clan Centurio
Montblanc-----------------------55 (B-C)
Famfrit---------------------------20 (x0.5 damage) (B)
Mai Shiranui--------------------25 (B-C)
Reno (FF VII)------------------25 (B-C)
Katt (BoF II)--------------------25 (B-C)
Sam Fischer---------------------20 (B-C)
Phoenix Wright-----------------25 (Immune to specials) (B-C)
Leon Kennedy------------------25 (B-C)
Shirona (DP)--------------------25 (B-C)
Felix------------------------------25 (B-C)
Lethe-----------------------------25 (B-C)
Suzu Fujibayashi----------------25 (B-C)
Sheena Fujibayashi-------------25 (B-C)
Meru-----------------------------25 (B-C)
NPC Stats - Sephiroth & Metroid
Sephiroth------------------------60 (B-C) (No attack or heal x2)
Dark Samus---------------------55 (B-C)
Colonel Johnson----------------20 (B-C)
Carmen Sandiego---------------20 (B-C) (Immune to weapons)
Ridley----------------------------20 (B-C)
Doc/O’Malley-------------------20 (B-C)
Prometheus and Pandora------19 (B-C)
Emperor Ing--------------------18 (B-C)
Gorea----------------------------18 (B-C)
Heartless *20 ------------------ 1 HP
Space Pirate *15 -------------- 2 HP
Dark Trooper-------------------30 (Immune to specials) (B)
Guard Armor--------------------30 (B)
Dark Armor---------------------31 (Immune to specials) (B)
Inglet *20 ---------------------- 1 HP
Metroid *8 -------------------- 5 HP (Immune to regular)
Alpha Metroid *4 ------------- 10 HP (Immune to regular)
Alpha Metroid 2----------------2 HP
Gamma Metroid *3 ----------- 13 HP (Immune to regular)
Zeta Metroid ------------------ 20 HP (Immune to regular)
Omega Metroid-----------------30 (Immune to regular) (B)
NPC Stats - Vaati & Subspace
Vaati-----------------------------55 (B-C)
Tabuu----------------------------60 (B-C)
Agahnim-------------------------20 (Immune to weapons) (B)
Twinrova------------------------20 (Immune to specials) (B)
Helmaroc King------------------20 (Immune to regular) (B)
Majora---------------------------20 (Immune to regular) (B)
King Bulblin and Lord Bullbo-20 (B-C)
Duon-----------------------------16 (B)
Galleom--------------------------20 (B)
Chu-Chu *20 ------------------ 1 HP (x0.5 damage)
Octorok *18 ------------------ 1 HP
Primid *20 -------------------- 1 HP
Peahat *15 -------------------- 1 HP (Immune to regular)
Stalfos *7 --------------------- 4 HP
Moblin *7 --------------------- 4 HP
Lizalfos *7 -------------------- 4 HP
Wizzrobe *8 ------------------ 2 HP
Darknut *5 -------------------- 5 HP (Immune to weapons)
Iron Knuckle *5 -------------- 5 HP (Immune to weapons)
Twilit Messenger *3 ---------- 3 HP (Immune to regular and weapons)
NPC Stats - Koopa & Rouges
Koopa Jr-------------------------60 (B-C)
Jet the Hawk--------------------50 (B-C)
Clown Car Koopa--------------17 (B-C)
Wendy---------------------------2 (B*) (Immune to specials)
Ludwig--------------------------5 (B*) (Immune to specials)
Morton--------------------------5 (B*) (Immune to specials)
Roy Jr----------------------------5 (B*) (Immune to specials)
Lemmy---------------------------5 (B*) (Immune to specials)
Iggy------------------------------5 (B*) (Immune to specials)
Larry-----------------------------5 (B*) (Immune to specials)
Smithy---------------------------20 (B-C)
Petey Piranha -------------------20 (B)
Birdo-----------------------------20 (B-C)
Mamu----------------------------20 (B)
Kamek---------------------------20 (B)
Wave the Swallow-------------20 (B-C)
Storm the Albatross------------10 (B-C)
Rouge the Bat------------------20 (B-C)
Goomba *27 ------------------ 1 HP
Koopa Troopa *15 ----------- 2 HP
Paratroopa *15 --------------- 1 HP
Hammer Bros *10 ------------ 2 HP
Magikoopa *10 --------------- 1 HP (Immune to weapons)
Boo *10 ------------------------ 3 HP
NPC Stats - Robot Masters
Metal Sonic---------------------60 (B-C)
Sigma----------------------------20 (B-C)
Dr Wily--------------------------6 (B-C)
Cutman--------------------------20 (B-C)
Omega---------------------------20 (B-C)
Vile-------------------------------17 (B-C) (Hyper Mode)
Gospel---------------------------20 (B)
Dr Robotnik---------------------20 (B-C)
E-102γ--------------------------20 (B-C)
E-123Ω--------------------------20 (B-C)
Andross--------------------------20 (B-C)
GLaDOS------------------------20 (B-C) (Immune to regular, weapons, specials)
Moto Bug *27 ----------------- 1 HP
Met *15 ------------------------ 2 HP (Immune to regular and weapons)
E-1000 *7 -------------------- 4 HP
Mechaniloid *4 ---------------- 5 HP (Immune to regular)
E-10000G *5 ------------------ 5 HP (Immune to special)
Reaverbot *5 ------------------ 5 HP (Immune to regular and weapons)
War Specials:1) Zant: Energy Ball: -6 damage to one character and -1 damage to Zant - Targeted: Storm
2) Birdo: Egg Shot: -2 damage to three characters - Targeted: Gamma Metroid x3
3) Col John: Chupa-thingy Fierceness: -5 damage to one character - Targeted:
Wily Snake
4) Suzu: Crow Blade: -5 damage to one character - Targeted: Mechaniloid
5) Vile: Hyper Mode: Automatic. -5 damage to one character and Vile is immune to specials for the rest of the round - Targeted: X
FS: None
Quick but important poll!If you want to be polled (no need to enter but it is highly recommended), please post what time zone you are in, based on GMT. I am in PST which is GMT -8. This way I can keep track of double posts better.
Thank you!
Set by Cukupan
Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at
LWI *heart* R
I'm on a boat like a boss