Pickles wrote:
theonlysaneone wrote:
We're not sure, but we think we were hit by a very minor tornado this morning. The conditions were certainly favorable, there was hail, and it completely destroyed my yard. We've spent the entire day raking up leaves.
You know what's really weird? That freak storm only hit half of our area. We didn't have much more than a breeze. On the other hand, I know of a neighborhood that was entirely without power for half the day, and there were tree branches, etc, down everywhere.
Shame it didn't take out the power for the high school, huh?

That was
my neighborhood

Right down the street from my house, a MASSIVE tree fell over and crushed a metal swingset. There's caution tape everywhere. We also lost power for a few hours (although I think my calling Centerpoint soon after it happened helped with that). At any rate, I was back to sleep by the time they turned the power back on.
I have friends in other areas of the neighborhood who took no damage at all. Weird, huh? The scariest part was my mom banging on my door (I lock my room) and yelling for me to go into our cellar under the stairs. Apparently, the hail woke my mom up, but then she heard the characteristic "train whistle" sound of a tornado. It was too dark to see anything, but several members of my family and some of my friends heard it.
If you ever think you're in a tornado, basements and areas under the stairs are the safest parts of the house. If you're watching TV, you'll normally have a lot of advance warning, but it's tough to get to a safe place when you're half-asleep.