Siniri wrote:
On an unrelated note, I finally beat the last level of KMII -- with a score of only 409. And I had more than 20 seconds left on that last round. How can I possibly get 700?
{scratches head} Okay, here's the best tips I can recommend for anyone still trying:
1.) Use the "small" game size. Less distance to have to move your mouse = less time lost on the clock = more bonus points.
Turn OFF the animations. You will have to do this every time you restart the game.
2.) Minimize any other windows you have. You will be working in a very small window, and the LAST thing you want is to accidentally click out of the window and have to go find it again. If you click out and onto your desktop, your window will still be up and you won't lose as much time. (BTW, this is recommended for any "clicking" games)
3.) Get through the first couple levels as fast as you can. From what I can recall, I have 8 seconds left on level 1, and 16 left on level 3. (I think level two is 12, but I'm not sure ATM). If you can't do level 3 fast enough to get 15-16 seconds left, restart and keep practicing these. This will speed up your response time drastically, and gives you a good start.
4.) Once you get a few levels in, you'll start seeing backgrounds of red in addition to the blues. I will VERY QUICKLY run through the whole set until I've matched out the red backgrounds first. Remember, even if the two you just flipped haven't quite turned back over, you CAN already be clicking the next two.
What I mean by run through the whole set is this: I start at the top left, and take the top-most two and flip them, then move down to the next two, etc until I get to the bottom - then I come up using the 3rd and 4th over. Pattern ends up looking something like this:
Searching in a pattern similar to this reduces the amount of time you spend moving around on the board, and is easy to keep track of where you are/where you've been.
5.) At this point, you will start having a larger number of matches to make. Pick somewhere between 2 and 5 cards close together (I'll usually start in the top left corner) and run through the rest of the cards until you match them up. Once you've finished those, select a next set, etc, etc.
6.) When you get to the point where you start seeing yellow backgrounds, do the same thing as with the reds: get rid of them first. Out of habit, I then go through and try to get rid of the reds, but I usually find myself doing a mix of that, and step 5. Same thing when you start hitting green backgrounds.
7.) Sometimes, you'll run into a clump of guys that are the same, but with different backgrounds. (Ex: the yellow smiley kiko, with blue, red, and yellow backgrounds are sitting next to each other). Try to remember where you saw the clump of them - even if you're not primarily looking for them, it's sure easy to get back to them.
8.) If you're having trouble remembering where things are take a break. Seriously. I've discovered that if I play any matching games for too long - or any memory games for that matter - I start mixing up the current game and a previous game. Take breaks after every 3 times you get into the upper levels, or so, and either go play another game or leave the computer or something. This'll help you clear your brain of the temporary memory from the games and give you a fresh start.
I will go ahead and try (even though shapu said it wasn't necessary) to get a score over 700 again and post my round scores. Might not happen today, but I'll try to get it done as soon as possible.
Hopefully this will help! Good luck to y'all still trying!