Combusken BG wrote:
Because the jokes are lame, it has animal cruelty (The I & S cartoon in the program. :mrgreen: If I wanted to see animal blood and guts I would watch Happy Tree Friends), it has guest stars way too often and the show hasn't been funny in years.
Ha, Okay, this has some good points, but some
pathetic, bull

# 1. Animal Cruelty
...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! When I first read your post, I thought you were joking. That is complete and total bull. Epic fail; Itchy and Scratchy is a cartoon...
within a freaking cartoon! You could complain the same things about Tom and Jerry, and basically
every: Sylvester and Tweety cartoon (Sylvester ends up getting blown up, shot through the head, run over, sliced up, etc. at the end of most every cartoon, and yes, there is no blood, but there's animal cruelty for ya!), Wile E Coyote (basically the same things a S&T), And Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny (Elmer normally gets cooked or shot throught the head or something). The Blood is Red, outlined in black. That's it. Not realistic whatsoever.
And in the scene that is in a lot of Itchy and Scratchy cartoons, Scratchy would get his skin ripped off or something, and he is just made of muscles and nerves and such.
I have seen that in Loony Toons.#2. Guest Stars
In the newer seasons they have been taking it easy on the guest stars; I thing there may have been, eh, four or five for all of season eighteen so far.
#3. "The jokes haven't been funny in years"
Well, I'd have to partly agree with that, although there are some really good jokes occasionally (The 18th season actually has good jokes), But seasons 1/2 (halfway through the first season) to season seven have actually been pretty good, after that, the plots sucked, there
were too many guest stars, and the jokes
weren't funny. But after the 17th season, they've been doing
much better. The stories now have an actual plot.
Moving on:
Moongewl wrote:
I still love the Simpsons. The first six or seven seasons(excluding the first season itself) are really great, and while it hit a pretty low patch with the excessive guest stars and flat episodes, it still turns out some pretty decent episodes sometimes. It's lived long past its prime, but it's still better than anything Fox is offering us these days.
Family Guy is like its illegitimate, ugly child that tries so hard to be loved but is depraved and saddens me. NOTE TO SETH MACFARLANE ET AL: stuttering and repeating oneself ad nauseam is not funny anymore. You've killed that concept. Please get a new one. And don't go for non sequitur cutaways or complete sadism against a character that's never particularly done anything wrong; you've pretty much beaten those to death as well.
I. AGREE. COMPLETELY. I thought I was the only one who hated Family Guy! And have you
seen TV-Tropolis?! They are completly leeching off of the "success" of Family Guy. 'Tis a complete
ripoff of the Simpsons. I don't care if some of the Jokes are funnier, They've stolen everything:
Smart Baby
Smart-ish girl
Dumb boy
Dumb Father
Fat Father
Annoying Neighbor
Moongewl, I now have a slightly larger respect for you now.