Post subject: SSBB 3: Melancholy of SSBB [How to play on each update]
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:01 am
Honorary Member
Posts: 5276 Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:45 pm Location: Los Osos, CA, USA, Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy Gender:
Round 74 - War
SSBB = Super Smash Brothers Brawl To all of those interested in joining, there are no sign ups. You can just start playing right off the bat. If you need additional help, I am here most of the time and more than willing to try to help as much as possible. Also, if you don’t play and just watch, feel free to comment on the action or the plot or anything else. Doing so is as highly encouraged as actually playing.
Story as of now: [No plot today. Didn’t feel like writing last night and had no time today.]
Rules in the spoiler:
0500/1700 Rule: Regardless of when the last update occurred, you may make actions after 5AM/PM your time zone. There is no need to wait for an update to make an action, but it is recommended. Any actions that break this rule will not count as a legal action and will be promptly (eventually) pointed out. If you miss one of the posting periods, you will not get an extra move. I will allow posts +5 minutes in so you don’t have to rush your action.
Preferred Attack format: ‘[Character A] attacks [Character B] for -X damage’ [Do not forget the underline, red, and bold.] Example attack: ‘ Sonic attacks Link for -3 damage’ Example split attack: ‘ Chrono attacks a goomba for -1 damage and Ryu for -2 damage Example weapon use: ‘ Zelda uses a Warp Star to deal -3 damage to Mr Game & Watch and Mewtwo.’
[u][Character A][/u] attacks [color=red][Character B][/color] for [b]-3 damage[/b]
[u][Character A][/u] attacks [color=red][NPC][/color] for [b]-(X) damage[/b] and [color=red][Character B][/color] for [b]-(3-X) damage[/b]
Simple Attack format: ‘[Character A] attacks [Character B] for -X damage’ [Do not forget the bold.] Example attack: ‘ Sonic attacks Link for-3 damage’ Example split attack: ‘ Chrono attacks a goomba for -1 and Ryu for -2 Example weapon use: ‘ Zelda uses a Warp Star to deal -3 damage to Mr Game & Watch and Mewtwo’
[b][Character A] attacks [Character B] for -3 Damage[/b]
[b][Character A] attacks [NPC] for -(X) damage and [Character B] for -(3-X) damage[/b]
Preferred Heal format: ‘[Character] heals for +2 HP [Do not forget the green and bold.] Example heal: ‘ Kirby heals for +2 HP’
[color=green][Character][/color] heals for [b]+2 HP[/b]
Simple Heal format: ‘[Character] heals for +2 HP [Do not forget the bold.] Example heal: ‘ Kirby heals for +2 HP’
[b][Character] heals for +2 HP[/b]
Specials follow the same format where appropriate.
Specials and weapons should be used before regular attacks can be used.
Special users can defeat one 1 or 2 HP NPC of their choice in addition to their special use (meaning without targeting the NPC with the special).
Final Smashes (FS): FS actions are powerful, character-specific moves with special effects. They can only be activated two ways and usually involve the character being removed from the game (see below) for a short time. The FS use counter does not reset until all characters have used their FS. To activate: either use a Smash Emblem or buy it with some points. Characters that still have an available FS are marked with the Yen symbol (¥)
Removed from the Game (RFG): Unlike in Magic: The Gathering, this is not a permanent effect. Characters removed from the game cannot attack or heal but cannot be targeted. They return to play after a set amount of rounds. At least three characters will remain in play at all times.
Titles: Titles basically serve no purpose except for bragging rights. You do get a minor point boost or some other bonus effect for earning them though. Some titles will be earned via the war, but most are available during regular gameplay. Some titles are even multiple use so they can be had by many players. A list of all earned titles will be kept throughout the game. At no time will it be revealed how you earned a title so it will be a better challenge to get them. Some will carry over to the next game(s), but most are once per game.
Special Character - Gogo: Due to Gogo’s unique nature, I will post his information every round. If there are any questions, PM me, and I will willingly help. Gogo cannot attack or heal. He is active every round. He has only one special which he uses every round. Special: Mime: *Gogo copies the last action done (the post above this use). *Gogo’s user may choose new targets. *If a special was used, Gogo receives -3 damage in addition to the special’s effects. *Cannot mime FS-es or actions in the GM’s posts. *Cannot be the first action of the round. *If Gogo is not used, he automatically heals for +1 HP each round, but he starts with 30 HP at the beginning of the game. *He counts as male for gender related contests.
Starting/Maximum HP = 50
Factions: (** = Active Ability) Castlevania: +40 - Vampire Slayer - Characters can automatically defeat two NPCs with 1, 2, or 3 HP or defeat one 4 or 5 HP NPC in addition any other actions this round Deep Space 9ers: +60 - Reflective Shields - All attacks directed at the members are reflected back to the attackers. Members can still attack Dream Land: +20 - Skill Copy - Members may use any special belonging to any [Faction] member. (Check character guide or with the GM for specials) Hyrule: +80 points - Magic Sack - Members may use any weapon unlimited times (weapon changes user after each use unless user can do unlimited attacks) (Check item guide or with the GM for items) Independent: +0 - None (duh, they have no team) Kongo Jungle: +20 - Monkey Friends - When a member is attacked, the attacker receives a -1 damage counterattack for every -2 damage dealt to member (counterattack is rounded down) Mushroom Kingdom: +40 - Mega Mushroom - All members deal double damage for the rest of the round, but cannot use weapons. Negative side effects are doubled for members Mythology: +50 Power of Myth - Each member can make two regular attacks as well as one of the following: a weapon action; a +3 HP heal; or a third regular attack. Pokémon: +60 - Pokeball - A random, unused Pokeball is activated. Members are immune to the effects Sephiroth: +70 - Summon Sephiroth - Either: a Guard Armor or Dark Trooper appear; or Sephiroth appears for the round and deals up to -20 damage distributed among the remaining characters. Sonic: +60 - Hyper Sonic Speed - Members cannot be attacked for the rest of the round. Members may still attack. Square Enix: +190 points - Job Change - Members may use any Dressphere that is currently not being used (Check Dressphere guide or with the GM for Dresspheres). Counts as a weapon action Versus: +90 - Versus: Adrenaline Rush - Members may make unlimited actions. Special users may use their special twice (any given player may only use the special once)
NPC Stats: (B-C or B*-C = Character-type Bosses (do not die immediately)) See below
Your beloved referees - Reno of the Turks and Lieutenant Alexander Munro of Starfleet!
Eliminations (Victim, Character, Player, Round): Yoshi - Roy - Christopher - Round 008 Roxas - Shadow - Light - Round 022 Plusle and Minun - Shadow - Light - Round 023 King Koopa - Fox - Light - Round 024 Mario - Sonic - Light - Round 027 Roy - Mewtwo - Light - Round 028 Black Mage - Shadow - Light - Round 32 Mewtwo - Auron via Haures - Christopher - Round 033 Luigi - Auron via Haures - Christopher - Round 033 Giga Koopa - Auron via Haures - Christopher - Round 033 Guard Armor - Samus - Christopher - Round 035 Mr Game & Watch - Ice Climber - Christopher - Round 039 Sonic - Shadow - Light - Round 040 Shadow - Shadow - Roxas - Round 047 Fox - Nanoha - Byakuya - Round 050 Wario - Kirby - Byakuya - Round 051 Ramza - Cloud miming Falcon - Typhoon - Round 054 Donkey Kong - Kratos - Christopher - Round 055 Tina - Ganondorf - Byakuya - Round 056 Iggy, Larry, Wendy, Ludwig, Lemmy - Pikachu, Yuna, Young Link, Gogo miming Young Link, Kratos A. - Byakuya x4, Light - Round 060, 063, 065 x2, 071 Zant - Pichu - Byakuya - Round 064 Yoshi - Geno - Typhoon - Round 064 Tails - Typhoon - Round 068 Gorea - Gorea - None - Round 072
Points: Max = (USS Enterprise + Hugo’s Flight #) - (This year + Σ Lost’s #s) + (# of Ronin + (Manaphy - Leafia)) + Ge ± First Child’s Eva (A, J, M, V) T Christopher - 416 (A - 1, J - 2, M - 2, V - 2) T = 16 (Beam Saber x2, Free Pokeball) Roxas_x - 500 (max) (A - 2, J - 2, M - 1, V - 1) T = 3 Okamoto - 500 (max) (A - 0, J - 0, M - 0, V - 0) T = 1 (Free attack x2) Typhoon - 427 (A - 3, J - 3, M - 4 (max), V - 3) T = 7 Puppy Lover - 32 (A - 0, J - 0, M - 0, V - 0) T = 0 Light - 277 (A - 0, J - 3, M - 3, V - 1) T = 6 Byakuya - 137 (A - 0, J - 0, M - 0, V - 1) T = 2 Miyu - 1 (A - 0, J - 0, M - 0, V - 0) T = 0 GM Choice - 162
Past Winners: SSBM 1 - Samus of DS9ers SSBM 2: Revenge of the Melee - Mewtwo of Team Pokémon SSBM 3: All-Stars Unite - Roy of Team Hyrule SSBB 1: The Brawl Begins - Rikku of Square Enix SSBB 2: Shadows of the Brawl - Aerith of Square Enix SSBB 3: Melancholy of SSBB - ???? SSBB 4: 100 - ????
Round 74 Announcements: 1: All characters are Active! 2: Djinni Guide: Name - None; Location - Plot; Found by - 3: Read me! Or at least the ones written by your beloved GM 4: Work in progress 5: Since I am the brigade leader at this forum, it would be against the basic tenets of Haruhism to not encourage you to join this very moe forum. Ugh... I do feel dirty selling it like this. 6: War Announcement: Send your suggested specials for your teams if you want. Doesn’t matter muchly to me. 7: Believe 8: Some of you know the drill. Kirby and Joanna with a Blue Mage can make a killer chain of actions for just one person. Last game, a mime added one to that chain. Used properly and with legal actions, there should be a chain of up to nine actions done by just one person. The problem for you is figuring out the chain. Hint: Two other players have to properly set up the chain. 9: All characters are Active!
This Round's Weapons: 1 Freezie: -4 damage to one character. Target cannot be attacked or take actions for the rest of the round. Cannot target special users.
This Round's Dresspheres (Square Enix only!): 1 Blue Mage - Blue Magic: -1 damage to one character that is using a special. Sphere user can use that special on a different character or gains the automatic effect. Cannot target FS users
This Round's Specials: 1) Balthier: LP Spend: Balthier copies any special or weapon action made before this action. Balthier take -2 damage in addition to the weapon’s or special’s effects. (Similar to Gogo’s Mime) 2) Joanna: Psychosis Gun: -1 damage to one character not using a special or a weapon. Player can make an additional action with target character, with the credit going to Joanna. Target character takes damage for Joanna 3) Kirby: Swallow: -1 damage to one character that is using a special. Kirby can use that special on a different character or gains the automatic effect. Cannot target FS users 4) Shiki: Hattenshoh: -3 damage to two characters FS: None
This Round's Faction Ability: None
This Round's Stage: Peach’s Castle: Bullet Bill attack! -1 damage to all characters that were attacked or took no action at the end of the round.
This Round's Mini-game: SSBB War:
Sign ups: Most teams are supported but if you want to play, there is one team left. It will be first come, first serve. The team is Metroid War starts: Wed Sept 19, ~6PM PST (NST) War ends: I haven’t planned that far in advance.
Overview: You do not have to participate if you do not want to join. The war will run even if there is no one participating in it. The minimal participation is required for the army you are supporting. All you have to worry about is completing your objectives. To reiterate: Participation is optional and the war will barely affect the rest of the game.
Rewards: (To be handed out at event’s end) Complete Primary Objective: Pick the Pokeball. (If more than one player qualifies, the first to PM before the week’s end gets the pick for that week). Complete All Secondary Objectives: Free move for any time and a free Djinni Complete All Tertiary Objectives: +100 points If none of the above are completed: Complete an objective (both Secondary and Tertiary): +15 points per objective complete
This Round's NPCs: NPC Stats - Clan Centurio Montblanc-----------------------36 (B-C) Famfrit---------------------------14 (B) (x0.5 damage) Reno (FF VII)------------------15 (B-C) Katt (BoF II)--------------------20 (B-C) Meta Knight---------------------20 (B-C) Pit--------------------------------17 (B-C) Soild Snake---------------------21 (B-C) Sam Fischer---------------------20 (B-C) Leon Kennedy------------------21 (B-C) Phoenix Wright-----------------24 (Immune to specials) (B-C) Shirona (DP)--------------------20 (B-C) Ike (FE)-------------------------8 (B-C) Isaac-----------------------------21 (B-C) Lucia-----------------------------25 (B-C) Viewtiful Joe--------------------24 (B-C)
NPC Stats - Imperial Protectorate of the One-Winged Angel Sephiroth------------------------50 (B-C) Colonel Johnson----------------19 (B-C) (Immune to specials) Carmen Sandiego---------------18 (B-C) (Immune to weapons) Ridley----------------------------10 (B-C) Kraid-----------------------------16 (B) (x0.5 damage) Doc/O’Malley-------------------19 (B-C) Cut Man-------------------------14 (B-C) Omega---------------------------15 (B-C) Prometheus and Pandora------16 (B-C) Heartless *X ------------------ 1 HP Space Pirate *X -------------- 2 HP Tonberry *X ------------------- 5 HP (Immune to specials) Dark Trooper A----------------19 (B) (Immune to specials) Dark Trooper B----------------25 (B) (Immune to specials) Guard Armor A-----------------1 (B) Guard Armor B-----------------10 (B) Dark Armor A------------------34 (B) (Immune to specials) Dark Armor B------------------22 (B) (Immune to specials)
NPC Stats - Gerudo Confederacy Vaati-----------------------------37 (B-C) Agahnim-------------------------7 (Immune to weapons) (B) Twinrova------------------------15 (Immune to specials) (B) Helmaroc King------------------13 (Immune to regular) (B) Majora---------------------------15 (B) (Immune to regular) King Bulblin and Lord Bullbo-13 (B-C) Giant Chuchu-------------------3 (B) (x0.5 damage) Chu-Chu *X ------------------- 1 HP (x0.5 damage) Octorok *X ------------------- 1 HP Keese *X ---------------------- 1 HP Peahat *X --------------------- 1 HP (Immune to regular) Stalfos *X --------------------- 4 HP Moblin *X -------------------- 4 HP Lizalfos *X ------------------- 4 HP Wizzrobe *X ----------------- 2 HP Darknut *X ------------------- 5 HP (Immune to weapons) Iron Knuckle *X ------------- 5 HP (Immune to weapons) Twilit Messenger x5 ---------- 3 HP (Immune to regular and weapons) Armos Knight 1-----------------9 (B*) (Immune to Specials) Armos Knight 2-----------------5 (B*) (Immune to Specials) Armos Knight 3-----------------9 (B*) (Immune to Specials)
NPC Stats - Democratic Republic of Koopa Koopa Jr-------------------------34 (B-C) Roy-------------------------------8 (B*) (Immune to specials) Morton--------------------------5 (B*) (Immune to specials) Iggy------------------------------6 (B*) (Immune to specials) Wendy---------------------------6 (B*) (Immune to specials) Smithy---------------------------15 (B-C) Petey Piranha -------------------15 (B) Birdo-----------------------------14 (B-C) Mamu----------------------------16 (B) Kamek---------------------------23 (B) Goomba *X ------------------- 1 HP Spiny *X ----------------------- 1 HP (Immune to regular) Koopa Troopa *X ----------- 2 HP Paratroopa *X ---------------- 1 HP Hammer Bros *X ------------ 2 HP Magikoopa *X --------------- 1 HP (Immune to weapons) Boo *X ------------------------ 3 HP
NPC Stats - Metroid Dark Samus---------------------52 (B-C) Emperor Ing--------------------19 (B-C) Quadraxis-----------------------15 (B) (x0.5 damage) Inglet *X ----------------------- 1 HP Warrior Ing *X ---------------- 3 HP Hunter Ing *X ----------------- 5 HP (Immune to regular) Chozo Ghost *X -------------- 5 HP (Immune to regular) Metroid *X ------------------ 5 HP (Immune to regular) Alpha Metroid *17 ----------- 5 HP (Immune to regular) Gamma Metroid *14 --------- 2 HP (Immune to regular) Zeta Metroid *4 --------------- 20 HP (Immune to regular) Omega Metroid*3--------------5 (Immune to regular) (B)
X = a very large number B-C or B*-C = Character-type Bosses (do not die immediately)
Refugee Camp Mai (KoF), Suzu (Tales), Amaterasu (Okami), Balmung (.hack//), Laharl (Disgaea), Etna (Disgaea), Flonne (Disgaea), Dizzy (GG), May (GG), Bridget (GG), Amy (Sonic), Cream (Sonic), Dart (L Dragoon), Rose (L Dragoon), Meru (L Dragoon), Felix (GS), Capt Olimar (Pikman), Milfeulle (GA), Team Chaotix (Sonic), Midna (LoZ: TP), Riku (KH)
This Round's NPC Specials: Team Special: None 1) None 2) None 3) None 4) None 5) None FS: None
Quick but important poll! If you want to be polled (no need to enter), please post what time zone you are in, based on GMT. I am in PST which is GMT -8. This way I can keep track of double posts better. Thank you!
Post subject: Re: SSBB 3: Melancholy of SSBB [How to play on each update]
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:40 am
Way Beyond Godly
Posts: 8491 Joined: Mon May 31, 2004 6:44 am Location: New Zealand Weapon: HaaH Sword Species: Human Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Sky, I think you've you've set up an infinite swallowing loop between Balthier and Kirby. Moreso if gogo is added in, but he's inactive.
Yuna uses Blue Magic on Kirby for -1 damage who swallows Balthier for -1 damage and uses his LP spend to copy Kirby and thus swallow Kirby for -1 damage and -2 to self, thereby gaining 'Kirby's' ability, which is used on Baltheir to swallow him for -1 damage, gaining his ability to copy Kirby swallowing which is used to swallow Kirby for -1 damage and -2 to self thereby gaining Kirbys swallow ability which is used to swallow Balthier for -1 damage and gain his ability to copy Kirby's swallow and swallow Kirby for -1 damage and -2 to self...ETC
You figure out how much health Kirby has left or Balthier has left when either one (or both?) dies. The damages change if Kirby is supposed to get Balthiers -2 for getting his LP spend in swallowing.
In the end: Either Kirby swallows or Balthier copying Kirby swallows Joanna for -1 damage who uses Psychosis on Geno for -1 damage who attacks Peach for -3 damage
Post subject: Re: SSBB 3: Melancholy of SSBB [How to play on each update]
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:15 am
Honorary Member
Posts: 5276 Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:45 pm Location: Los Osos, CA, USA, Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy Gender:
Typhoon wrote:
Edit: Seriously, Sky. o.o When did I lose a Venus Djinni?
Between when I did the update from school yesterday and when I did the update from home today.
Edit: Peach changed to Ike since she cannot be attacked thanks to the Freezie.
Christopher wrote:
Skynetmain wrote:
Christopher wrote:
Sky, I think you've you've set up an infinite swallowing loop between Balthier and Kirby. Moreso if gogo is added in, but he's inactive.
Actually... I did see the possibility, but I was hoping for some civility. ... Plus Gogo could mime the whole mess over again...
And uh... which action do you want: the one where Kirby infinitely swallows Balthier before dying or just the short one?
Well, the two pieces in my post are both part of the same action. The survivor swallows Joanna etc
I'll go with Kirby starting the chain and die just so Balthier can start another one and die then Gogo can mime him and die.
Why am I encouraging a lot of good characters to die?
Edit: After rereading all of that, It is Yuna that dies since she started the initial Swallow attack. Peach also changed to Ike in the end as per the reason above.
Edit 2: Also, I have to point out that it would require the Psychosis Gun at the start of the chain to make the user transfer the damage. Since that is the last affect, it goes at the bottom of the stack and doesn't save: Yuna, Balthier, Kirby, or Gogo if the chain it implemented again.
An Omega Drain Lifes a Tonberry (-5/+5), but a Dark Armor hits it with an Assault Cannon (-5) to even the damage out. Kamek Magic Heals himself, Roy and Koopa Jr (+3 all). Agahnim uses a Lightning Wave on Link, Montblanc, and the Omega (-2 each). Ike Erupts against Vaati (-7/-2). [Happy not that you have plot actions!]
Set by Cukupan Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at LW I *heart* R I'm on a boat like a boss
Post subject: Re: SSBB 3: Melancholy of SSBB [How to play on each update]
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:03 am
Way Beyond Godly
Posts: 8491 Joined: Mon May 31, 2004 6:44 am Location: New Zealand Weapon: HaaH Sword Species: Human Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Skynetmain wrote:
I'll go with Kirby starting the chain and die just so Balthier can start another one and die then Gogo can mime him and die.
Why am I encouraging a lot of good characters to die?
Edit: After rereading all of that, It is Yuna that dies since she started the initial Swallow attack. Peach also changed to Ike in the end as per the reason above.
Edit 2: Also, I have to point out that it would require the Psychosis Gun at the start of the chain to make the user transfer the damage. Since that is the last affect, it goes at the bottom of the stack and doesn't save: Yuna, Balthier, Kirby, or Gogo if the chain it implemented again.
It's giving me a headache trying to think about it. Maybe just take Yuna off the top. All I want is really Balthier to get injured. Can you use a psychosis gun on Gogo as heisa special? I can't think of any way to transfer the damage off Yuna, or rather the first character to attack, as I can see how all the damage bar -1 goes to them. It's like a self-destruct.
Yuna, Gogo, Balthier, and Kirby all leave for a game of Russian Roulette
Post subject: Re: SSBB 3: Melancholy of SSBB [How to play on each update]
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:09 am
Honorary Member
Posts: 5276 Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:45 pm Location: Los Osos, CA, USA, Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy Gender:
Christopher wrote:
Skynetmain wrote:
I'll go with Kirby starting the chain and die just so Balthier can start another one and die then Gogo can mime him and die.
Why am I encouraging a lot of good characters to die?
Edit: After rereading all of that, It is Yuna that dies since she started the initial Swallow attack. Peach also changed to Ike in the end as per the reason above.
Edit 2: Also, I have to point out that it would require the Psychosis Gun at the start of the chain to make the user transfer the damage. Since that is the last affect, it goes at the bottom of the stack and doesn't save: Yuna, Balthier, Kirby, or Gogo if the chain it implemented again.
It's giving me a headache trying to think about it. Maybe just take Yuna off the top. All I want is really Balthier to get injured. Can you use a psychosis gun on Gogo as heisa special? I can't think of any way to transfer the damage off Yuna, or rather the first character to attack, as I can see how all the damage bar -1 goes to them. It's like a self-destruct.
So just start the chain with Balthier, bring him down to 1 or dead, leave Yuna and the Blue Mage untouched and still usable? Can do, but that has to be having the chain starting with Kirby since Balthier still requires a weapon or special before LP Spend.
And if you think you have a headache, I stopped paying attention for a few minutes and your action appeared. Went away for a few hours a bit ago and came back to a bigger mess.
*I am going to wake up tomorrow and this will all be worked out. Power of positive thinking!*
Set by Cukupan Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at LW I *heart* R I'm on a boat like a boss
Post subject: Re: SSBB 3: Melancholy of SSBB [How to play on each update]
Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:28 pm
PPT Student
Posts: 487 Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2006 9:46 pm
*pokes Chris*
I already used that.
If Chris isn't using Yuna anymore, then Yuna Blue Magics Kirby or Balthier, whoever's left, and does another chain thingy, yay! More quantum mechanics!
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