OMG managed a 282 from everyone's help! Thank you! I hoped I would not have to spend all night becoming frustrated from this game. Yay!
Basically I just created priorities. (Yes as an autist I am bad at it, lol.) Forget time (we are usually this way anyhow, heh) and focus on the color being created. Forget the Grundo unless he annoyingly pops into your vision and you're so mad you want to hit him. But, avoid the angry blobs. (And, yes, soap helps.)
Then timing and aim become easy. Just forget time; you're in Teh Zone.
I still feel like I had many bad games in a row, and really don't know what I did different. Perhaps practice and simple odds allowed me to get > 200. (I have a severe lack of patience, so any game I hate/am not good at, if I have to play more than like 2-3 times to 'learn' it's frustrating to me.) :\
Either way I am glad that is over with! Now my only fears are Ugga Smash and Volcano Run. Or whatever sponsor game TNT throws at US.
*Hugs* Toy Speaker. *Listens to Kreludorian trance all night.*
EDIT: It's times like these that I admire the psychology put into all of this. With Neopets' roots in scientology, don't bet they aren't still 'measuring' us. With hundreds of games, why does one choose one game over another? What is it about making and playing games that is so challenging to us? Some genius must make one then we must find it interesting and 'palatable' and if it is not to our taste, we reject this flavor. But it is simply brain learning pathways. What makes me competant at Space Fungus and Petpet Cannonball and mildly competant at Escape to Kreludor and Ultimate Bullseye and suck at basically any other action game? Puzzles are a really fine line, as some can be very abstract. Whenever I am 'stuck' I find it best to try to beat my own score rather than someone else's. Yet when I prevail, the sky is the limit. Or patience.
(I still drool at the luck/chance apparently involved in Lab Jellies or Revel Roundup.)